Part 13 (2/2)
”What did the f.u.c.ker do?”
”He staged a break-in at our offices. Made it look like I was the one who had broken in ... or let myself in as was the case. You see, he and I were the only ones with a key. Whoever had trashed our offices let themselves in. Moreover, the security guy on duty swore that he saw me arriving and leaving three quarters of an hour later. Chris must have paid him off. The footage from our CCTV cameras had been mysteriously deleted. The police were suspicious because of the open and shut nature of the case but there was nothing they could do about the overwhelming evidence against me.”
”What happened? You said that you were arrested for theft, what was supposedly stolen?”
She clenched her teeth. If she saw Christopher in the street, she would probably end up being arrested for a.s.sault. She knew without a doubt that she wouldn't be able to stop herself from punching him in the face. ”Five thousand dollars was missing from the safe. He and I were the only two people who knew the code for that safe and I sure as h.e.l.l didn't steal a cent.”
Thunder growled low, his eyes were glowing slightly.
”I was lucky enough to have the charges dropped,” she made her voice sound overly light. ”But first, I had to agree to pay the money back and pay for the damages.”
”I hope you told him to go and f.u.c.k himself.”
She shook her head. ”I wish, but I didn't have a leg to stand on. My lawyer advised me to take the deal. She said I would end up in jail if I didn't.”
She nodded. ”I've never met a bigger d.i.c.k in all my life.” She choked out a laugh. ”Although in his case it's about this big.” She put up her pinky finger. ”In that regard, you guys have nothing in common.”
Thunder didn't so much as crack a smile. ”Yet, I remind you of him.”
She widened her eyes for a second. ”Weren't you listening to a thing I said? Chris had a couple of really good qualities. Not many, but a couple. You have those qualities and it's what made me nervous of any kind of relations.h.i.+p with you.” She squeezed her eyes shut. ”It sounds really stupid saying it but I was afraid. I still am, although not nearly as much. You are nothing like Chris in ways that count. You're too sweet, too kind. You have a fantastic sense of humor. I enjoy being with you ...” She paused for a second. Be brave, Tammy. Be brave dammit. ”I would like nothing more than to see where this goes. To take a chance and risk my heart on us ... on you ... but we need to take it slow. I rushed head-on once and it was a mistake.”
”You are in safe hands ... I would never let anything happen to you. We can take this very slow. Slower than slow. Now,” his eyes narrowed onto hers before dropping to her lips, ”come here.” He touched his lap. His very naked lap. ”I want to touch you,” His voice was thick.
”Um ...” She moved closer, kneeling next to him so that they were facing one another. ”I thought we were going to wait. You wanted to be sure ...”
”f.u.c.k being sure.” He pulled her onto his lap. ”I won't let Cloud or Blaze or anyone else take you away from me. Just let them try. I'll fight for you.” He pressed his lips to hers. Soft, warm and insistent. She pushed herself against him, thread her fingers through his hair.
He felt wonderful, glorious, amazing. ”Are you sure about this?” She could hear the hesitancy in her voice.
”Yes.” He kissed her again. ”Do you want me, Tammy? I sure as h.e.l.l want you.”
She pulled back so that she could look into his eyes. They'd almost died today. There was no way she wasn't doing this.
She nodded, looking down at his lips. Such kissable lips. ”Yes.” A sigh.
”Good.” His hands cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and she moaned. So did he. Oh s.h.i.+t! She remembered something important, something she would sooner forget. He didn't need to know. He would never find out. She had to tell him. Tammy pulled back.
”What's wrong?” His eyes were glazed over. They were so filled with desire that she was tempted to ignore the voice inside her head but she couldn't.
”There's something I have to tell you.”
”You can't wait to scream my name?” He smiled and tried to kiss her.
”No, that's not it.” She moved back so that he couldn't reach her. ”It's really important.”
”You,” he gripped her hips, ”enjoy multiple”
”I've never had a multiple ... no, that's not it. It's really serious, Thunder.”
”Serious,” he frowned. ”Mmmm ...” Then he grinned. ”You have a really small, really tight p.u.s.s.y and you're afraid I'm going to hurt you?”
”You need to be serious.”
”I am being serious. You are small and tight but I will fit ... I promise. I'll hit both your G-spots and you'll love every minute. I'll make sure of it.”
She frowned. ”Women only have one G-spot.”
He shook his head and made a sound of disgust. ”Human males have no idea what the h.e.l.l they are doing. Then again, most of them don't have the tools to reach that second one.” His gaze dropped back to her lips.
She was speechless for a moment. Her mouth opened and closed. She really wanted him to prove that she had a second G-spot. h.e.l.l, she'd be happy if he proved she had just one of the things. She sighed. ”I need to tell you something really important. I'm a really bad person and I'm so sorry. I feel terrible.” She felt sick to her stomach.
”What are you talking about?” He cupped her cheek with his big hand. ”You're not a bad person. Not even close.”
”I am. Once you hear what I have to say you won't want anything to do with me.”
”I seriously doubt that.” He put his hand back on her hip and gave a squeeze.
”I'm just as bad as the woman from the last hunt. The one you sent packing.”
She saw his lip twitch but he thankfully didn't laugh. ”Not a chance. I don't believe it.”
”I am.” She felt her eyes sting but blinked away the tears. Tammy looked down and spotted his very long, very thick erection. Oh G.o.d! She quickly looked up at the sky. Wow! The stars were amazing. Time to man up and confess. She looked at him dead-on. ”I'm also a money grabber. The only reason I agreed to be in the program was for the money. I'm so sorry.” She covered her face with one hand. ”I haven't been able to find work in my industry. Not after what Chris did. Everyone believes him. They think I'm an office wrecker and a thief. I can barely make ends meet. I cleaned out my savings paying the b.a.s.t.a.r.d back for money I never stole,” she sobbed. ”I joined the program hoping to make a quick buck. I never once thought I'd meet a great guy, that I would meet you. I was ...”
Thunder shook beneath her. His body jerked and vibrated. She was too scared to look at him. He was so angry he was shaking.
”Tammy,” his voice sounded strained.
She had to face him. She looked up. His eyes were twinkling and he was smiling ... scratch that, he was laughing. He was laughing hard.
”What's wrong with you? I just told you how I used you for money ... cash. I wasn't here to fall in love or to find a mate. I was here for the daily allowance I was promised. I'm just like that other girl.”
”You are nothing like her.” In a quick move that had her breath catching, he turned her so that she was on her back and so that he was between her legs. Every delicious inch of him. This was no time for noticing things like the fact that his hard-on was pus.h.i.+ng against her c.l.i.t.
”I am exactly like her. I'm a horrible person.”
”Are you here for the jewelry?”
”What jewelry?” His eyes were beautiful. His mouth, oh that mouth.
”That's my point exactly.” She wanted to say something but he put his finger over her mouth. ”I have lots of jewelry.”
”Dragon s.h.i.+fter men wear jewelry? That's really strange but I guess I can deal.”
He frowned deeply. ”No. They are family heirlooms pa.s.sed down from my mother and grandmother. They will belong to my mate one day.”