Part 10 (2/2)

”You're so tense,” she half whispered.

He jumped when she put her hands on him. It's just your back, d.i.c.khead! This doesn't mean anything. Down boy. She's not coming onto you, so take it easy and calm the f.u.c.k down.

”Wow!” she exhaled. ”Really tense.” Tammy began to ma.s.sage his tight muscles. She started at his shoulders. ”Your wounds are looking so much better. They're properly closed.” Her voice sounded strange. She ran her hands down his back and back up.


His d.i.c.k throbbed beneath the weight of his body. It wanted freedom. It wanted her.

”How does that feel?” Her voice was soft and tentative.

He grunted a sound of affirmation. It did feel good. Far too f.u.c.king good. As far as his body was concerned, it was game on.

”I'm glad, but you're still so tense.” Her hands stopped moving for a second. Part of him screamed out for more while another part the logical, rational part screamed for her to stop.

”Um ... it would be easier if ...” She swung a leg over him and straddled his a.s.s. Mother f.u.c.ker! As in, she put her p.u.s.s.y on him. Granted, said p.u.s.s.y was covered in jeans but still. His mind went into overdrive. His eyes widened and his d.i.c.k gave a lurch. Her hands were back on him, ma.s.saging, kneading. Working some kind of magic. He growled. It couldn't be helped. His chest vibrated something fierce.

By Claw and by Scale. By all that was green and winged.

All he could think of was turning around. Of putting her onto her back and ... not a good train of thought. Not good at all. She moved to his lower back. Her touch firm and rhythmic.

What the f.u.c.k!

He growled again. Softer and lower this time. What was she doing? This felt like ... this felt ... ”Maybe you should stop,” his voice was thick with desire.

”Doesn't it feel good?” Her voice had a nervous edge.

”It feels too d.a.m.ned good. It feels like ...” he let the sentence die, like she was coming onto him.

Her hands kept moving.

”What's going on?” he had to ask. This wasn't like her. Her MO was to flirt a little and then to run. To f.u.c.k the h.e.l.l out of him with her eyes and then blush just as hard. This was different. This was a definite come on. It had to be.

She gave a deep sigh. ”I just ...” She stopped ma.s.saging him, pulled her hands away. After a few more seconds she got off of him and sat next to him instead. ”It was a stupid idea.”

He looked up at her. Her cheeks were heated. Thunder turned, scrunching the blanket over his d.i.c.k so that she wouldn't see how seriously turned on he was. Not that she was looking at him. She was looking everywhere but at him. ”Were you coming on to me?”

A tiny nod, almost undiscernible. ”Um ... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have. I ... you ... me ... we ...” She made a groaning noise and put a hand over her eyes. ”You said it, we're two adults, I just thought that ...” She shrugged. ”I guess I a.s.sumed that you were just as attracted to me as I am to you and ... it was stupid,” she rolled her eyes. ”I thought maybe we ...” she gave a laugh. ”Never mind. Forget this happened.”

”It's not stupid.”

”It was.” She pulled a face. ”I'm really embarra.s.sed now. I just ... please forget it.” She looked everywhere but at him. Her cheeks blazed. So d.a.m.ned adorable. ”I'm such an idiot.”

He had to fight his instincts, the ones that screamed for him to take her up on her offer and to do so immediately. He could think of nothing better than to strip her naked and to sink into her glorious heat. Of making her come a mult.i.tude of times and in a mult.i.tude of ways.

He wanted it so badly, he gripped the blanket to stop himself from reaching for her. Tammy scooted to the edge of the bed, a look of embarra.s.sment etched on her face.

”I am attracted to you,” he growled. ”But it's more than just an attraction. I have feelings for you, Tammy.”

She sucked in a breath and those stunning eyes met his. ”I don't understand why we can't ...” She narrowed her eyes like she didn't believe his admission. ”Let's just forget it okay?”

”I broke a couple of rules when I came after you. The main one being that I s.h.i.+fted. I changed into my dragon form after claiming you. It is grounds for an immediate disqualification.”

”I don't know what that means.” Her eyes looked so big. Her skin so pale.

”It means that there's a good chance we can't be together. You will most likely be sent home once we return to my lair.”

”But that's crazy. You had to s.h.i.+ft otherwise you would never have made it in time. You came after me, rescued me.” Her gaze was raised to the ceiling in thought. ”You had to change.” She gave a shake of the head.

”I'm hoping that Blaze will understand and that he will give me permission to pursue this... us.”

She frowned but nodded. ”Okay, well, I'm not sure how I feel about a relations.h.i.+p. You didn't seem interested in me at all, earlier when we were by the fire. Never mind that, I just thought that maybe we would relieve some of the ... tension ... you know...” She looked down at her hands which were folded in her lap.

”Still jaded?” He gave a smile.

Her frown deepened. ”Something like that. I guess I struggle with trust.”

”That d.i.c.khead really pulled one over on you.” He touched the side of her arm, not trusting himself to do any more. ”Look,” he paused, considering his words carefully. ”Let's get back and first ensure that this can actually go somewhere and then we can look at taking the next step.”

She gave a nod. ”I need to be honest with you. You're not really my type. I'm not sure I want more than just a physical relations.h.i.+p but we can talk about it in a couple of days.” She seemed to notice how her admission affected him because she touched his arm, looking worried. ”It's not you, it's me ... I just don't know that I want to take that step with you ... or with anyone for that matter,” she quickly added.

Disappointment was a big, bitter pill to swallow. That a.s.shole had really hurt her. ”Well, that's something you need to figure out then because I like you.” He grabbed her hand. ”I really f.u.c.king like you. Don't freak out but it wouldn't take much for me to fall for you. Just in case you misunderstood me earlier, you're exactly my type.” He didn't believe her when she said that he wasn't her type. It wasn't him being arrogant. There was definitely something there. It had to come from both sides. She was just afraid. Thunder was sure of it.

She chewed on her lower lip.

Thunder squeezed her hand. ”If we get the go-ahead, we can take it slow. One thing is for sure, we are not having a purely physical relations.h.i.+p.”

”We're not?” Her cheeks reddened up all over again. Then she shrugged like it was no big deal. ”It's probably for the best anyway.”

He disregarded the comment. Thunder shook his head. ”Don't misunderstand me, I want to be with you in that way. You need to let me know if it's what you want too because I don't want to fall for you and end up hurt. Be sure, Tammy. You need to be very sure.”

She nodded. ”Okay. I'm really scared though.”

”Life isn't always easy. It sometimes takes courage. You need to be willing to take a chance and to be brave. We can do it together.”

She wanted to say something else but he put a finger over her lips. ”Think on it.” Thunder couldn't help it, he leaned forward and kissed her. Her lips were so soft. It took everything in him to pull back, especially when her eyes drifted shut and her breathing kicked up a notch.

A musky scent hit his nostrils. It was a scent he recognized. Adrenaline surged through his veins. His scales scratched beneath his skin and his nailbeds tingled but he was still too weak to s.h.i.+ft.

He heard the flap of wings. One pair of wings to be exact.

There was also heavy beating of a beast's heart. A dragon.
