Part 3 (2/2)

Cloud narrowed his eyes, icy blue bore into her. ”We can talk and I can ma.s.sage you. I'm a good mult.i.tasker. Take them off, I insist,” his voice deepened.

”No, thanks.” She stood her ground.

”Do it,” a vicious snarl. It reminded her that she wasn't safe. Not one little bit. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply. ”Please, just do it.” His voice was even and calm but he looked like he was barely keeping it together.

s.h.i.+t! What choice did she have?

Her hands shook as she undid a shoelace. ”I'll do as you say, just take it easy.” Her voice shook a little as well.

Chapter 5.

Thunder forced himself to fly faster. He'd checked six of the eleven caves in his territory. What if the male had gone to a cave in one of the other three territories? He knew the location of one or two. Maybe Cloud did too. It was forbidden but Cloud didn't seem to have any regard for the rules at the moment. He prayed that wasn't the case.

The male was one of his best warriors. He knew that Cloud was struggling to come to terms with things but this was ridiculous. Never in a million years had he expected this. Not from a male like Cloud. Upstanding, kind, brave, gracious ... he could go on. Grief did strange things to people though.

Did the male take the female in order to send a message? Was there more to it? Thunder tried hard to figure out what was going on in his mind but all the answers he came up with were not to his liking. Hopefully Cloud could be reasoned with. Thunder bristled at the thought of anything happening to the female. He had better not have harmed her in any way.

As he got closer to the next cave, Thunder had to slow down to keep the noise levels to a minimum. It would be best if he surprised Cloud. The last thing he wanted was to kill him, unless of course he had harmed the human, then all bets were off. If he could help it though, he would move in, incapacitate Cloud and take the human back to his lair. She was his top priority.

It used up more energy to flap slowly. His dragon form was strong, yet c.u.mbersome. His beast was enormous, his wing span a good eighteen feet. He could hear voices coming from inside the cave. His heart leapt in his chest. She was here and she was still alive.

”We're sharing here, aren't we? You can tell me,” the female said.

”Take off your shoes and socks,” Cloud responded, he could hear that the male was rubbing his hands together.

They sounded calm. Two heartbeats, one slightly elevated. Had Cloud heard him approach? It was possible.

Despite his bulk, he landed without making a sound, his years of practice kicking in. He took a step towards the cave opening, careful not to allow his shadow to fall across the s.p.a.ce.

”I said I'm good.” The female's voice held a hint of panic, her heart-rate picked up a bit more.

”Take them off, I insist.” Cloud sounded irritated. Thunder was sure that the male had no idea he was there.

”No, thanks.” The female sounded more confident this time.

”Do it,” a snarl. Thunder had to work to keep from rus.h.i.+ng in. ”Please, just do it.” Softer this time, sounding more like the Cloud he knew.

He could hear the female moving, obviously complying. ”I'll do as you say, just take it easy,” her voice shook. Her heart-rate was all over the place. The female was scared.

Thunder forced himself to stand down even though everything in him told him to rush in and rescue her.

Once Cloud's attention was on the female and the task at hand, he would enter and stop this madness. He really didn't want to harm the male. Cloud had been through enough.

”How is that?” the male asked.

The human didn't respond.

”Don't be angry. Please lie back and try and enjoy it.”

”I don't know you,” the human sighed. ”You abduct me and then expect me to enjoy a foot ma.s.sage.” She muttered something under her breath that Thunder didn't catch.

”I'm not crazy,” Cloud growled. ”Stop saying that.”

The female whimpered. ”You're hurting me.”

”Say it,” Cloud ground out. ”Tell me I'm not crazy.”

The human moaned, the sound laced with pain. ”Please ...”


Thunder crashed into the cave. Thankfully Cloud sprang backwards and onto his feet, moving away from the human. It was something that Thunder had banked on. All of the partic.i.p.ating males within the four kingdoms had received intensive training running up to the human hunts. One of the things they practiced tirelessly was moving away from females prior to battle.

Even when instincts, adrenaline and emotions ran high, they moved away before commencing with any combat activities. They had used dragon s.h.i.+fter females during training.

Cloud reacted exactly as Thunder had hoped. The human shrieked and moved away from the both of them, sensing that her life was in danger. Her eyes were wide and the scent of her fear permeated the s.p.a.ce.

Thunder snarled a warning at Cloud. He needed the male to stay the f.u.c.k away from her.

Cloud looked at the human, his whole demeanor changed. Now that he was thinking things over again, now that the element of surprise was over, the idiot planned on going after her. Thunder could see it. He growled low, another warning and the last one that Cloud would get.

Cloud's whole stance tensed. f.u.c.k. The male wasn't listening to him.

It worried Thunder that the male showed no sign of fear. He also didn't show any sign of changing into his dragon form. Why not? The male would be on the back foot unless he changed. It would be impossible for Cloud to win in his human form. It made no sense. What was going on?

Chapter 6.

The dragon was huge. Bigger than the others she had seen. His chest glinted bright gold, almost too bright to look at.

His deep growl filled the cave, his lip pulled away revealing a row of sharp, glistening teeth. Tammy had to squeeze her legs together to keep from peeing herself. She'd never been more afraid in her life.

Cloud kept his eyes on her. It was like he didn't care about the dragon. She moved backwards, one step at a time until she finally hit the cave wall. Shards of rock bit into her back but she didn't care. She was surrounded by dark shadows and even though she knew her vision was impaired, she knew that the s.h.i.+fters could see her perfectly. The beast had narrowed eyes, its tail swished from side to side in agitation. It looked beyond p.i.s.sed. It looked like it wanted a piece of Cloud. One positive in all of this, at least.

Although the guy was clearly deranged, she found herself hoping he didn't get hurt, or worse, killed. For whatever reason, she didn't think he was a bad guy. Not really. Having said that, she wanted out of here and nothing to do with him ever again.

It all happened so quickly. One second, they all stood still, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of her rasping breathing, overly loud in the small s.p.a.ce, and the next moment, all h.e.l.l broke loose.

Cloud came at her, moving quicker than she thought possible and then in the blink of an eye, he was hurtling backwards into the dark recesses of the cave. She heard a loud, sickening thud.
