Part 24 (1/2)

Wild Heather L. T. Meade 38450K 2022-07-22

”Oh, father, if it's money, I don't care a bit about it!”

”There she is,” said my father, rising suddenly; ”she is calling me.

Wipe away your tears and run upstairs. To-night you must show a cheerful face--whatever happens in the future, you must be cheerful to-night. Off with you now, out of my sight. Believe me, I'd cut off my right hand to help you. Bye-bye for a bit, little sweetheart.”

My father left me. After a time I heard the ”toot” of the motor-car as it puffed out of sight. Then I started to my feet, clasped my hands, and stood considering. There was something about me which could never stand inaction. If I were to be saved now from deadly peril, I must act. I was terribly upset; I was awfully miserable. All of a sudden I came to a resolve. I rang the bell; one of the footmen answered my summons.

”I want you to bring me the cards of the different people who have called here during the last fortnight,” I said.

”Yes, miss,” replied the man.

He returned in a few minutes with a number of visiting cards on a salver. I sorted them out carefully, and presently came to Lord Hawtrey's. It bore the address of his club, one of the most exclusive and distinguished clubs in London, also the address of his big country seat--Leigh Castle--and in addition his town address, 24c, Green Street.

”Lord Hawtrey is kind; he is the only one who can save me,” I said to myself. I made up my mind then and there to go and visit him.


At that moment I had no thought of either right or wrong. I was determined to go straight forward and appeal to a very generous and chivalrous man to help me; I thought he could do it, and I believed that no one else in all the world would. I ran quickly upstairs--what a comfort it was to know that Morris was nowhere in sight, how delightful was the sensation of putting on my own hat and jacket, of tying a scarf round my neck and slipping my hands into my gloves. It was also perfectly delicious not to be obliged to look even once into the gla.s.s--little did I care at that moment how I looked!

I had a small sealskin purse; I slipped the purse inside my m.u.f.f and went downstairs. Soon it would be too warm to wear m.u.f.fs, for the fine summer weather was fast approaching, but I was glad of mine to-day.

Perhaps my sorrow had chilled me, for I felt rather cold. A taxi-cab came slowly by; I motioned to the man to stop. I got in, telling the driver to take me to 24c, Green Street, ”And go as quickly as you can,”

I said. I was all impatience, and the possibility of Lord Hawtrey being out did not once occur to me.

We got to Green Street in a very few minutes and drew up at the right number. There was ”24c,” painted in most distinct lettering on the highly-enamelled door. The door was enamelled a very soft shade of green, and I thought it looked remarkably well. I also remarked the flower boxes in each of the windows and how fresh and smart the flowers looked, but somehow they did not please me. I supposed that Lord Hawtrey had a pa.s.sion for flowers, otherwise he would never have given me those roses. I hated the memory of those roses now; this time yesterday how pa.s.sionately I had loved them, but now I hated them. I had supposed that they had come from my own true love, and they had in reality been the gift of an old man who might have been my father, for so I considered Lord Hawtrey.

I stepped out of the cab, paid the driver his fare, saw him move away, and then ran up the low flight of steps and rang the bell.

”Is Lord Hawtrey in?” I asked of the man in livery who attended to my summons.

A reply in the negative was instantly given to me.

”His lords.h.i.+p is out, miss.” The man gave me a cold stare. But I was far too excited to think about his manner.

”Will he be in soon?” I asked. ”I have come to see Lord Hawtrey on very important business.”

”If you will step inside, miss, I will make inquiries. May I ask if his lords.h.i.+p is expecting you?”

”No,” I answered. ”This is Lady Helen Dalrymple's card; I have come from her house.”

The man took the card and gave me a second glance, which now showed absolute respect. How magical was the effect of my stepmother's name! I wondered at it. I was glad that I had put a few of her cards in my purse.

In a very few minutes the servant returned to say that his lords.h.i.+p would be in almost immediately, and asking me if I would wish to wait in the white boudoir.

I said yes. Little did I care where I waited at that instant. The servant conducted me upstairs to a pretty room, which must have been arranged for a lady's comfort. It was furnished in white. The walls were white, so was the furniture. The only bit of colour anywhere was a very soft, very bright crimson carpet, into which one's feet sank. The effect of the crimson carpet on the white room was extremely effective. There were no pictures round the walls, but there were a great many mirrors, so that as I entered I caught the reflection of myself from many points of view. I sat down on a low chair and was glad to find that I could no longer look at my small, tired face.

The minutes pa.s.sed; a little clock over the mantelpiece told me the time. Five minutes went by, ten, fifteen, then there was a sound downstairs, men's voices talking together, men laughing and chatting volubly, some ladies joining in their talk. Then there was a sudden kind of hush. All the visitors entered a room a considerable way off, and a minute later there was a hurried ascending of the stairs, the door was opened with a sort of impetuosity, and Lord Hawtrey, looking slightly flushed, surprised, and not altogether pleased, entered the room.