Part 17 (1/2)

Immortal Rich! how calm he sits at ease, 'Mid snows of paper and fierce hail of pease; And proud his mistress' orders to perform, Rides in the whirlwind and directs the storm.

A note to the early editions of ”The Dunciad” explains that the old ways of making thunder and mustard were the same, but that of late the thunder had been advantageously simulated by means of ”troughs of wood with stops in them.” ”Whether Mr. Dennis was the inventor of that improvement, I know not,” writes the annotator; ”but it is certain that being once at a tragedy of a new author he fell into a great pa.s.sion at hearing some, and cried: ''Sdeath! that is my thunder.'”

Dennis's thunder was first heard on the production at Drury Lane Theatre, in 1709, of his ”Appius and Virginia,” a hopelessly dull tragedy, which not even the united exertions of Booth, Wilkes, and Betterton could keep upon the stage for more than four nights. ”The Dunciad” was written in 1726, when Pope either did not really know that the old mustard-bowl style of storm was out of date, or purposely refrained from mentioning the recent invention of ”troughs of wood with stops in them.”

In July, 1709, Drury-lane Theatre was closed by order of the Lord Chamberlain, whereon Addison published in ”The Tatler” a facetious inventory of the goods and movables of Christopher Rich, the manager, to be disposed of in consequence of his ”breaking up housekeeping.”

Among the effects for sale are mentioned:

A mustard-bowl to make thunder with.

Another of a bigger sort, by Mr. D----'s directions, little used.

The catalogue is not of course to be viewed seriously, or it might be inferred that Dennis's new thunder was still something of the mustard-bowl sort. Other items relative to the storms of the stage and their accessories are:

Spirits of right Nantz brandy for lambent flames and apparitions.

Three bottles and a half of lightning.

A sea consisting of a dozen large waves, the tenth bigger than ordinary, and a little damaged.

(According to poetic authority, it may be noted, the tenth wave is always the largest and most dangerous.)

A dozen and a half of clouds trimmed with black, and well conditioned.

A set of clouds after the French mode, streaked with lightning and furbelowed.

One shower of snow in the whitest French paper.

Two showers of a browner sort.

It is probably to this mention of snow-storms we owe the familiar theatrical story of the manager who, when white paper failed him, met the difficulty of the situation by snowing brown.

The humours of the theatre afforded great diversion to the writers in ”The Spectator,” and the storms of the stage are repeatedly referred to in their essays. In 1771, Steele, discoursing about inanimate performers, published a fict.i.tious letter from ”the Salmoneus of Covent Garden,” demanding pity and favour on account of the unexpected vicissitudes of his fortune. ”I have for many years past,” he writes, ”been thunderer to the playhouse; and have not only made as much noise out of the clouds as any predecessor of mine in the theatre that ever bore that character, but have also descended, and spoke on the stage as the Bold Thunderer in 'The Rehearsal.' When they got me down thus low, they thought fit to degrade me further, and make me a ghost. I was contented with this for these last two winters; but they carry their tyranny still further, and not satisfied that I am banished from above ground, they have given me to understand that I am wholly to depart from their dominions, and taken from me even my subterraneous employment.” He concludes with a pet.i.tion that his services may be engaged for the performance of a new opera to be called ”The Expedition of Alexander,” the scheme of which had been set forth in an earlier ”Spectator,” and that if the author of that work ”thinks fit to use firearms, as other authors have done, in the time of Alexander, I may be a cannon against Porus; or else provide for me in the burning of Persepolis, or what other method you shall think fit.”

In 1714, Addison wrote: ”I look upon the playhouse as a world within itself. They have lately furnished the middle region of it with a new set of meteors in order to give the sublime to many modern tragedies.

I was there last winter at the first rehearsal of the new thunder, which is much more deep and sonorous than any hitherto made use of.

They have a Salmoneus behind the scenes, who plays it off with great success. Their lightnings are made to flash more briskly than heretofore; their clouds are also better furbelowed and more voluminous; not to mention a violent storm locked up in a great chest that is designed for 'The Tempest.' They are also provided with a dozen showers of snow, which, as I am informed, are the plays of many unsuccessful poets, artificially cut and shredded for that vise.” In an earlier ”Spectator” he had written: ”I have often known a bell introduced into several tragedies with good effect, and have seen the whole a.s.sembly in a very great alarm all the while it has been ringing.” Pope has his mention in ”The Dunciad” of the same artifice:

With horns and trumpets now to madness swell.

Now sink in sorrow with a tolling bell; Such happy arts attention can command, When fancy flags and sense is at a stand.

The notion of storing lightning in a bottle for use when required seems to have been frequently reverted to by the authors of the last century as a means of entertaining the public. Thus a writer in ”The World,” in 1754, makes no doubt ”of being able to bring thunder and lightning to market at a much cheaper price than common gunpowder,”

and describes a friend who has applied himself wholly to electrical experiments, and discovered that ”the most effectual and easy method of making this commodity is by grinding a certain quant.i.ty of air between a gla.s.s ball and a bag of sand, and when you have ground it into fire your lightning is made, and then you may either bottle it up, or put it into casks properly seasoned for that purpose, and send it to market.” The inventor, however, confesses that what he has. .h.i.therto made is not of a sufficient degree of strength to answer all the purposes of natural lightning; but he is confident that he will soon be able to effect this, and has, indeed, already so far perfected his experiments that, in the presence of several of his neighbours, he has succeeded in producing a clap of thunder which blew out a candle, accompanied by a flash of lightning which made an impression upon a pat of b.u.t.ter standing upon the table. He is also confident that in warm weather he can shake all the pewters upon his shelf, and fully expects, when his thermometer is at sixty-two degrees and a half, to be able to sour all the small beer in his cellar, and to break his largest pier-gla.s.s. This paper in ”The World,” apart from its humorous intention, is curious as a record of early dabblings in electrical experiments. It may be mentioned that in one of Franklin's letters, written apparently before the year 1750, the points of resemblance between lightning and the spark obtained by friction from an electrical apparatus are distinctly stated. It is but some thirty-five years ago that Andrew Crosse, the famous amateur electrician, was asked by an elderly gentleman, who came to witness his experiments with two enormous Leyden jars charged by means of wires stretched for miles among the forest trees near Taunton: ”Mr. Crosse, don't you think it is rather impious to bottle the lightning?”

”Let me answer your question by asking another,” said Crosse, laughing. ”Don't you think it might be considered rather impious to bottle the rain-water?”

Further, it may be remembered that curious reference to this part of our subject is made by ”the gentleman in the small clothes” who lived next door to Mrs. Nickleby, and presumed to descend the chimney of her house. ”Very good,” he is reported to have said on that occasion, ”then bring in the bottled lightning, a clean tumbler, and a corkscrew.”

The early days of George Frederick Cooke were pa.s.sed at Berwick-upon-Tweed. Left an orphan at a very tender age, he had been cared for and reared by two aunts, his mother's sisters, who provided him with such education as he ever obtained. There were no play-books in the library of these ladies, yet somehow the youth contrived to become acquainted with the British drama. Strolling companies occasionally visited the town, and a certain pa.s.sion for the theatre possessed the boys of Berwick, with Cooke, of course, among them. They formed themselves into an amateur company, and represented, after a fas.h.i.+on, various plays, rather for their own entertainment, however, than the edification of their friends. And they patronised, so far as they could, every dramatic troupe that appeared in the neighbourhood of Berwick. But they had more goodwill than money to bestow upon the strollers, and were often driven to strange subterfuges in their anxiety to see the play, and in their inability to pay the price of admission to the theatre. On one occasion Cooke and two or three friends secreted themselves beneath the stage, in the hope of stealing out during the performance and joining the audience by means of an opening in a dark pa.s.sage leading to the pit. Discovery and ignominious ejection followed upon this experiment. Another essay led to a curious adventure. Always on the alert to elude the vigilance of the doorkeeper, the boys again effected an entrance into the theatre.

The next consideration was how to bestow themselves in a place of concealment until the time for raising the curtain should arrive, when they might hope, in the confusion and bustle behind the scenes, to escape notice, and enjoy the marvels of the show. ”Cooke,” records his biographer, ”espied a barrel, and congratulating himself on this safe and snug retreat, he crept in, like the hero of that immortal modern drama, 'Tekeli.'” Unfortunately this hiding-place was one of considerable peril. Cooke perceived that for companion tenants of his barrel he had two large cannon-b.a.l.l.s--twenty-four pounders; but being as yet but incompletely initiated into the mysteries of the scene, he did not suspect the theatrical use to which these implements of war were constantly applied. He was in the thunder-barrel of the theatre!

The play was ”Macbeth,” and the thunder was required in the first scene, to give due effect to the entrance of the witches. ”The Jupiter Tonans of the theatre, _alias_ the property-man, approached and seized the barrel. Judge the breathless fear of my hero--it was too great for words, and he only shrunk closer to the bottom of his hiding-place.

His tormentor proceeded to cover the open end of the barrel with a piece of old carpet, and to tie it carefully, to prevent the thunder from being spilt. Still George Frederick was most heroically silent; the machine was lifted by the Herculean property-man, and carried carefully to the side scene, lest in rolling the thunder should rumble before its cue. It would be a hopeless task to paint the agitation of the contents of the barrel. The property-man, swearing the barrel was unusually heavy, placed the complicated machine in readiness, the witches entered amid flames of rosin; the thunder-bell rang, the barrel renewed its impetus, and away rolled George Frederick and his ponderous companions. Silence would now have been no virtue, and he roared most manfully, to the surprise of the thunderer, who, neglecting to stop the rolling machine, it entered on the stage, and George Frederick, bursting off the carpet head of the barrel, appeared before the audience just as the witches had agreed to meet when 'the hurly-burly's done.'” Cooke's biographer, Mr. William Dunlap, thought that this story bore ”sufficient marks of probability.” It must be said, however, that as to anecdotes touching their heroes, biographers are greatly to be credulous.