Accel World Vol 6 Chapter 3 (1/2)
Chapter 3
“Hey, return to your seats already. Long homeroom is starting.”
After their homeroom teacher clapped his hands, a group of students raised sounds of complaint.
“What, the chime hasn't rung yet. There’s still time.”
“Then, I will increase homework for people who haven’t sat by time it rings! Hey it’s going to ring, going to ring, three, two, one...”
In his hearing, the ringing echo of the sixth period chime, and sounds of students’ clatter as they hurried to sit, Haruyuki listened while his face was supported by a hand.
Outside the window, the usual drizzle painted the streets grey. It was predicted that the rainy season will clear up in two weeks, but since the end of term exams will soon arrive after that, he did not even feel like looking forward to it.
Of course, if he slip through the tests, then s.h.i.+ning summer vacation will arrive, but he did not have the discipline to look forward to that long span of fun. The attacks that will come in the coming week’s cla.s.s (especially physical education) and homework (especially essay), made him sigh just thinking about them.
Well, even if he dally and postpone homework, he has the strong-arm tactic of spending one Burst Point right before it is due to complete it. Haruyuki’s ability for homework processing capacity during the last 30 minutes of «Acceleration», even made the excellent grade amazed with ‘Why isn’t that concentration displayed normally?’.
However, the set every day from morning till evening, were something that he could not use acceleration to concentrate and process. On the other hand, when he was running out of breath on the track during physical ed time, he felt as if deceleration function was used. No, it might actually be that in fact. The base for the principle operation of Brain Burst, was to increase heartbeat to accelerate thinking clock, therefore extending perceived time. That meant if he could train his heart not to beat so fast even while running, would phys ed cla.s.s feel shorter than it was now? Alright, next time get a Chinese martial arts application, and try training chakra power.
While he was staring out the window without seeing anything, and repeatedly thinking such absurd thoughts, the homeroom teacher’s sound pa.s.sed through Haruyuki’s ears.
“...Two months have pa.s.sed since the cla.s.s became like this. This is about the time, that your mind start slacking. Look here, this graph, the tardiness and lost property...”
Usually, the ending of homeroom was important time for polis.h.i.+ng after school «Duel» plans. Which area to go to, what tactic to try, who to fight, or whose battle gallery to become. For Haruyuki who love simulations, even though it was not at the level of actual duels, it could be said to be very fun still. Normally homeroom would have ended by the time he realized it, but today’s time was moving forward slowly.
The reason for that was clear.
Right now, Haruyuki was forced into a situation where he did not have the luxury to plan duels. In a certain sense, it could be said to be greater pressure than the time when his «Flight Ability» was stolen two months ago.
That was ——- the edge whether he could still be a Burst Linker or not.
Yesterday, Sunday, after the end of the «Seven Kings Conference», Haruyuki was driven home in Fuuko’s car to nearby his home.
He somehow managed to smile to Kuroyukihime and Fuuko’s encouragement, but as he stumbled on the Seven Ring road heading home, he still faced down and counted the pavement tiles.
He entered the elevator with head still lowered, and rose to the 23rd floor. He walked in the silent hallway, and when the door to his home appeared in his view, he went to touch the unlock b.u.t.ton ——
Right before that, Haruyuki noticed a small human shadow crouched the door’s edge, and stopped still.
Flashy logo T-s.h.i.+rt, and tight cut jeans. Faded sneakers on feet. Even with that rough appearance, he could immediately tell that was not a guy. Red hair that was tied on either side and seem to burn, and freshly shone even under the dim lighting.
“...Ni, Niko?”
After Haruyuki called that name while dumbfounded, the small built girl slowly looked up, and showed a fearless, but somehow tired smile.
“...So late. We should have both left Chiyoda area, and you made me wait 10 minutes.”
“So, sorry.”
After he apologized involuntarily, the sharp shoulders lightly shrugged.
“Well, I was sent here by Pard’s bike, so of course that’s fast.”
“Th.. that is not possible to beat. Ah, anyway...”
While blinking fiercely, Haruyuki asked.
“Why... here?”
Hearing that, Niko momentarily looked around, then said with a small snort.
“That story will be long, are you going to listen to the end in this hallway?”
“O, oh, sorry.”
Haruyuki hurriedly touched the still displayed unlock b.u.t.ton. He opened the usual empty home door, said welcome to her, then Niko breathed out a small long breath, and stood up with hands on knees.
After leading the sudden visitor to the living room, he returned after getting two of orange juice from the kitchen, then Haruyuki belatedly t.i.tled his head.
Sitting on the sofa, the younger girl looking at cloudy weather outside the window, no matter how many times he looked, was Niko that is Kouduki Yuniko —— that is the Red King controlling legion «Prominence», «Scarlet Rain» herself.
However, why? Not only did they exchange anonymous email address, they also exchanged call numbers, so there were many ways to contact each other. And then more than anything, holding her knees and waiting beside the door of someone she wanted to meet with to come home, was an act opposite to Niko’s image. While he was putting juice on the gla.s.s table, Haruyuki stole another look at the small profile.
In the lightly freckled face, the normal s.h.i.+ning vigor could not be seen. On the other hand, it even had a somewhat worried look. It was very hard to think that this was the same person as the Red King who released flaming words on the conference seat. Inside Haruyuki’s brain, the sharp sound awoke.
—— An unfit guy who spread the threat of mind power, slip in here.
The accusation similar to roaring flames, at the moment he remembered that fierce heat, as if reading Haruyuki’s mind, Niko in front of him whispered.
“...Sorry about that, the way it was said.”
“What... n, no, not really.”
He raised his waist that was sank into the sofa, and hurriedly shook his head.
“A, at first I was surprised, but later senpai and Raker-san told me why... Niko went after me there... no, brought out the topic of «Disaster Armor» that is parasitic on me, was so that other Kings, especially the Yellow King don’t take the lead on that topic, that.”
After he quickly said that, Niko blinked two or three times, then her large hazel eyes that looked green in the low light leaked out a wry smile.
“d.a.m.n, I was seen through huh. Geesh, what a bunch of un-cute guys...”
While she cursed, she sank her back hard into the sofa, crossed her surprisingly slender legs, and swung her slippered feet.
Relaxing a little after seeing that appearance, Haruyuki tilted his head slightly and asked.
“Huh, did Niko meet Raker-san before?”
“No, earlier was the first time we b.u.mped heads against each other. I heard a lot of stories about her from Pard though.”
“St, stories... you said, what kind...?”
Hearing that, Niko made a for sure deep meaning smile, then asked in return.
“Do you know the origin of that guy’s «ICBM» nickname?”
“Err... simply, that person’s booster is compared to a missile right...?”
“That’s right, but it’s not all. Actually, it originated from a battle tactic that old Nega Nebulas once in awhile used in large scale territory battles. They let enemy team push the front line forward on purpose, and after their force is split, then either Raker by herself, or carry a support type (buffer) to boost jump to enemy rear base. Normally the rear only has paper thin armored long range attack types, then that would equal to a strategic missile in large damage.”
“...I, I see.”
Even though it was a story about his ally, it gave him a cold sweat as Haruyuki nodded. Niko’s expression soften, and continued speaking as if remembering her own things.
“...As you already know, Pard is a speed demon. She was usually the first to return to the rear after eating that missile tactic, so she fought hard against Raker many times. Geesh, even though we are in ceasefire, that’s still the enemy legion’s main attacker, with her being so happy that Raker returned to the front line... Crow, do you know, why Pard being a very senior Linker and is still level 6...”
Niko closed her mouth there, so Haruyuki moved forward at that. That question, was something that he had thought about many times before.
“Le, level 6 because...?”
“...Not telling after all. Ask her yourself later.”
She grin, then said ‘thanks for the drink’, and took the gla.s.s from the table.
She seemed to be very thirsty, and the girl that was drinking juice in big gulps, no longer appeared to have that strange tiredness. Was it his imagination, while thinking that, Haruyuki said in return.
“Even if I ask, I feel like she won’t tell me... Well, that, let’s set that aside... Then, Niko, you came here just to apologize for that thing at the conference?”
“Say what, that troubled way that you seem to put it.”
After being glared at over the gla.s.s’ edge, he hurried shook his head.
“N, no, I am not troubled at all! It was a bit unexpected of your character, ah, no, that’s not what I mean, on the other hand, I always thought that I should be the one who need to apologize...”
Unable to stop his mouth once started, and as he try to properly convey what he felt, his sound became more awkward.
“Si, since, that «Armor» that should have been destroyed after so much hard work in Ikebukuro, remained alive due to my careless mistake, furthermore, the previous owner «Cherry Rook» suffered Niko’s «Judgement», but I am still a Burst Linker like this...”
Niko listened with unexpected seriousness to Haruyuki’s mostly pointless speech.
However, eventually she lightly shook her head to interrupt his words. Putting down the gla.s.s, then again crossing her legs and sinking deep into the sofa, the young King quietly whispered.
“No... I am not really, holding a grudge on you for that matter. The reason that I used Judgement on Cherry, was not because he was the owner of that «Armor». That guy was swallowed by the Armor’s control, and attack many Burst Linkers, no, ate them, was the reason. On the other hand, if Cherry had conquered and controlled that Armor with his own power, then I would have protected him. No matter what the other Kings had said... see...”
Niko’s sound, unnaturally decelerated there. Haruyuki blinked, and looked at that the lowered white face.
Her large eyes that looked deep green right now, again had that dark shadow that she showed in the outside hallway. This time, Haruyuki realized what that expression contained.
It was fear. And then, anger at herself for the fear. Furthermore, just a little of giving up. For Haruyuki himself, this should be the expression he had when he was holding his knees while he could not do anything with his power.
“Ni..., Niko...”
After her name was called in a strangled sound, the little girl momentarily looked up, then soon showed a weak smile and lowered her head again.
“...Even if I had chosen to protect Cherry, I would have the power to make that happen. In the past half year, I always believed that. But...”
Her two hands that were outside T-s.h.i.+rt sleeves, suddenly held herself. In June heat and humidity, she seemed to be attacked by fierce cold.
“...Crow. In the earlier conference, didn’t you feel it?”
“Wh, what...?”
After Haruyuki fearfully asked in return, Niko —— second generation Red King, «Immobile Fortress», Scarlet Rain, moaned in a cracked sound.
“In that group of «Kings» at that place... there were real monsters mixed in. That information pressure... is not possible... —— I, truthfully, wanted to protect at least you. Since you... I owe you for helping me to save Cherry... In today conference, somehow we managed to reach a compromise. But... if, those guys were serious about enforcing punishment... then I...”
There she closed her mouth, and Niko pulled her knees close to her on the sofa, meanwhile Haruyuki could not say any words.
It was very hard to believe, or more like he could not understand. That Niko would call other Burst Linkers monsters, and would show fearful expression.
For Haruyuki, the Red King, Scarlet Rain had an absolutely higher rank existence. If they duel in same conditions, then he truly believe that he would lose 100 times in 100 fights. When her full armament was fully extended, her super dreadnaught like long range firepower, was without doubt one of the highest attack power in the accelerated world. Since, one blast of her main gun, blew away half of the s.h.i.+njuku government building.
No, even the small built avatar equipped with just one gun, Niko contained unfathomable hidden strength. Actually, on the Seven Kings conference seat, Haruyuki should have felt huge pressure from her that was no difference from other Kings.
After shaking his head lightly many times, Haruyuki finally retorted with raspy sound.
“No, no way... —— Sure, for me, everyone at that place was above the clouds, but I don’t think they were such opponents that can make Niko say it like that far. Si, since, Niko is same level 9er as those people right. «Same level same potential» is, one of accelerated world’s major principles, right...?”
Hearing that, the red haired little girl glanced at Haruyuki from above her small knees, then while showing a wry smile, slowly shook her head left and right.
“...There are exceptions to any principle. Listen, level 9 is actually, Brain Burst’s upper limit (cap). Since no matter how many points you earn from there, your level will not go up to the next one. The path to level 10, is to hunt 5 other level 9 Linkers... equaling 5 people losing all their points. Put it another way...”
Lowering her eyes again, Niko secretly whispered.
“...After becoming level 9, no matter how much time someone spent in the accelerated world to gain experience, other people won’t know about it. For me, I don’t think I lost that point to any other Kings. Thinking of obtaining enough power to prevent something lost in the real world, from being taken again in the accelerated world. But... I was too naive. Those guys... «Originators», had long ago overcame the scars I am clinging to. That... if they are not called monsters, what else can you call them...”
“...O, Origi...?”
Haruyuki was dumbfounded, and could only repeat the unfamiliar word in monologue. However Niko did not reply with anything to that, and had buried her face on the knees she was holding.
In the living room where quiet returned, only the air conditioning’s light whining sound echoed. Outside the window, the cloudy sky was slowly thickening to lead color, and on the ground, EV cars running on Seven Ring also slowly started to turn on and cross head lights.
For Niko who went to a boarding elementary school, it should be about time for her curfew, but the curved up body did not seem to want to move. Even the tied up hair on either side of her head, were hanging down tirely without their usual vigor.
‘—— Right now, I should be saying something.’ Haruyuki felt that, and desperately searched for words.
Thinking about that, it did not seem likely that Niko would come to Suginami physically just to apologize for what she said at the conference. Maybe right now, under that front hair, members in the Red legion... maybe the closest to her, Pard-san, had seen the face she was making.
He could not think of any appropriate words, but he should still say something, so Haruyuki took a deep breath.
However faster than that, Niko quickly lifted her head. There, was unbelievably s.h.i.+ny full face smile. The lips moved, and sound with sharply changed tone till then brightly flowed.
“Sorry for suddenly saying strange things, Onii-chan.”