Accel World Vol 1 Chapter 4 (1/2)
Chapter 4
The battle field was again the late night ruin and burning «End of Century» stage.
Haruyuki shrunk his small avatar and hid on the walkway above the Seven Rings[1].
He did not notice it in the previous battle since he was panicking too much, in his view other than remaining time and HP, a small water color triangle was shown. It is a guide cursor displaying the general direction of the enemy.
The triangle pointed straight north at the wide road, shaking slightly. That meant the enemy, «Ash Roller», was not staying still somewhere far away, he was probably coming closer in a direct line in a hurry. The cursor did not show him the distance.
Haruyuki reviewed the the attack strategy mail that Kuroyukihime sent him in his brain.
[The result from considering your information is that Ash Roller has two big weak points. First, when he moves, he makes a lot of loud noises.]
That is true. The previous time, if he actually noticed his surroundings, he would have heard the rumbling noise of the gasoline engine from far away.
This time he won’t be surprised by the same thing again. He held his breath and listened intently. And - .
...He’s coming!
The cursor was shaking slightly like usual, but an unmistakable heavy low tone reached Haruyuki’s hearing. In the Seven Rings empty of people, Ash Roller seemed to be roaring around with engine on full throttle. He must be really happy, if he rode a bike in the real world, he would be going slowly daily in that congestion in a low power electric scooter. And his challenger, was again his perfect win newbie from this morning.
‘But this time, at the very least it won’t be a perfect win. Since the first attack will be mine.’
Haruyuki ground his inner teeth and stared at the water colored cursor.
It was pointed straight south like usual, he could tell the enemy approaching by the engine sound. But, it’s not the same for the other person. In a straight line high speed approach, the only time he would notice the cursor change direction, is at the instant when they cross.
While laying on his stomach on the floor of the overhead walkway, Haruyuki intently looked down at the direction of Kouenji station. The explosive sound became louder, to the point that he could even feel the vibrations in his body -.
Saw it.
Ash Roller had his headlights off of course, but Haruyuki for sure saw the red flames reflect off the chrome. The time that they will cross is 15 - no, 10 seconds.
There is only one chance for a surprise attack. However, Haruyuki’s weapons are only the normal skills Punch and Kick. That is, he can only jump down from the overhead walkway and hit with his body.
‘Scary. This is not something I can do.’
To the self that thought that for an instant, he cursed in his heart.
‘Don’t say stupid things. Right now I am not the overweight 13 year old Arita Haruyuki, I am the Burst Linker «Silver Crow». And then this is not the real world but the virtual game field. It’s the world where I have been putting most of my time and pa.s.sion thus far. Rather, it can be said that this is my real world.’
‘Then, I won’t be defeated. Instead - this time will be my happy win against this skeleton person!’
With that shout, Haruyuki stood up, in one breath climbed over the metal railing, and jumped.
For a biker approaching at over 100kph, to be able to land a kick on him from a high above drop, is probably a performance harder than Haruyuki thought it would be.
However, for Haruyuki who can continually hit virtual squash b.a.l.l.s that are even harder to see, Ash Roller’s skeletal helmet was a huge target. He extended his right leg in the air, stabilizing his path with both hands extended, and flew forward like a silver arrow.
He noticed that cry leaked from beneath the skeletal face face-guard.
However at that time, the heel covered by silver armor scored a direct hit at the center of the skeleton.
Bakyaaaan!! With that tremendous impact sound, the face-guard cracked radially. The rider’s head bend back with a crunch sound, Haruyuki slid past above that face, fell to the asphalt road and tumbled around.
His eyes were spinning for a moment, but he soon raised his head to check behind him.
The bike, with sparks flying out the front and rear brake rotors, flew off to the right side, it stopped when it crashed into the pile of rubble at the side of the road. The rider’s body, from reaction to the kick, hit his face on the tank, at the same time, the engine stopped with a sad sound.
“...Di, did it.”
While whispering and holding his right hand in a fist, Haruyuki checked both of their HP gauges.
For Silver Crow, with his fall damage from a high place, he had lost about 5% HP. As for Ash Roller, he had suffered large damage, with the flying kick and cras.h.i.+ng dealing big damage, his gauge lost about 20%, and it became a slight purple color.
It can be said that his first attack was a perfect success. But in detail, it was not a critical hit that can kill.
Haruyuki stood up, his eyes found a five story building to the left side of the road and he started running that way. From what Kuroyukihime said, the «End of Century» stage's main fight area is on the road, so you cannot enter the buildings. However, the outside of the buildings was not limited by this.
On the building’s wall was a half collapsed emergency escape stairs put there like an afterthought. Haruyuki jumped on it, and climbed all the way to the top of the building in one go.
[As for Ash Roller’s 2nd weakness. That is, his duel avatar’s potential is mostly put into his bike. The rider’s fighting ability should be almost zero. So first you attack to damage him, then move to the top of a building that the bike cannot climb to.]
That was the battle plan Kuroyukihime gave him.
As long as his opponent is damaged more than himself after he climbed to the top, all he has to do is wait for time up to win. Even if the rider got off the bike to climb to the top, he can just use Punch or Kick to easily pummel him.
From the looks, it might be said to be a cowardly battle plan. However, Haruyuki actually loves this kind of clever win with attacking weak points. It can be said to be his nature in games.
For now from the top of the roof, Haruyuki wanted to return Ash Roller’s laughter from this morning in multiples, so he moved to the edge.
Looking down, he can see that the crashed bike’s engine has finally been re-ignited. With the idling sound like someone breathing hard shaking, the body of the bike was pulled out of the rubble.
While he was thinking about how to provoke him, Haruyuki heard some whispering sound.
“Ah, that small kid did well.”
“A big difference from this morning. Wonder who the «Parent» is.”
Looking that way, from the roof of the building a little away, were silhouettes sitting on top of a huge water tank looking down this way. The «Gallery».
Since a Burst Linker «Duel» is only a maximum of 1.8 seconds real time, there won’t be enough time to accelerate once a fight starts. So, for interested Burst Linkers and friends who registered the name, once that person starts a fight, he will also automatically accelerate and dive into the battle field to watch, there seems to be that function. For that purpose, no Burst Points are expended.
Looking around, Haruyuki can see shadows here and there on rooftops and roads. They should not have marked him, so they must be Linkers that are checking out Ash Roller.
However, one person in that gallery should have registered Silver Crow. Of course, it would be Kuroyukihime’s «Black Lotus».
Now, where is she? While he was looking around, one of the two sitting on top of the water tank waved to him.
“If you win this duel, I will register you too. Good luck, boy.”
“Well, it won’t be this easy I think.”
To the other one’s speech, Haruyuki replied in his mind.
‘Unfortunately, it won’t be too exciting development from here on, it will probably time up.’
He shrugged a bit with that feeling, and looked back to the road.
Then, he froze in consternation.
Far down looking like a pea, Ash Roller’s bike’s front wheel stood against the building’s wall.
Wai... wh, what are you trying to do?
The reply, was a high pitched furious shout.
“Don’t... be so full of yourself, baldy!! You dare to step on my V-twin sound!!”
Bogaaaan!! The engine roared, and the chrome exhaust put out flames.
Right after, the huge American bike started up the building wall at a blistering pace.
Haruyuki’s eyes bulged out under his silver face plate, he retreated back a step - just two seconds after that. Within the span of an arm held out, with loud noise and burning stench, the steel frame appeared.
Baruoooon! With that high pitched engine sound, the bike that flew about two meters above the roof’s edge, landed right in front of Haruyuki’s eyes.
He hurriedly back dashed a few more steps.
With a loud cras.h.i.+ng sound, the grey rear tire hit the rooftop concrete. The concrete cracked radially, and some fragments. .h.i.t Haruyuki’s armor. At that moment, he noticed that his health gauge lost about one dot, he was surprised again.
For normal fighting games, damage is only dealt with system-set methods. For sure, this «Brain Burst» is not just a normal game. With graphics and sound that is difficult to distinguish from reality, and this detailed realism.
The key to winning fights in this world, must be in there.
While he engraved that in his mind, Haruyuki looked up at his far more experienced enemy.
While he skillfully steadied his bike, Ash Roller stared down at Haruyuki, and began speaking in a metallic high pitched voice.
“Actually, from my win against you this morning, I finally reached 300 points, and became level 2.”
The gunmetal helmet’s skeleton face-guard was mostly broken, and a part of his face was visible. It did not seem terrifying, what is there looked more like a science type, a slender young man’s face.
Duel Avatars are a manifestation of one's inferiority complex, that speech from Kuroyukihime faintly pa.s.sed by in his mind.
Ash Roller, smiling with thin lips, continued his speech after moving the throttle handle once.
“I was super stumped on what to use the level up bonus on, it had special attack, movement speed up, and wall-climbing. Ah, I made the ultra ~ correct ~ choice ~”
He removed both hands from the handles, and pointed two index fingers at Haruyuki.
“And so you are giga unlucky~”
‘I know without you saying so.’
While he grumbled in his mind, Haruyuki wasn’t just listening quietly. He desperately look around the surroundings, and tried to remember Kuroyukihime’s mail, squeezing his knowledge to try to find a way out of this situation.
[If the first attack, or the retreat fails, and you have to fight Ash Roller still on his bike head on, unfortunately the chance of your winning will become very low. Because - ]
Continuing, Kuroyukihime had written about Duel Avatar’s «affinity».
For a Burst Linker’s automatic English name, it always include a color word.
That color determines the Duel Avatar’s affinity.
«Blue» is short range direct attack, «Red» is long range direct attack, and «Yellow» is indirect attack. For middle colors like Purple and Green, can have two types of affinity. Also, for color that is away from the the color circle, the metallic names «Metal Color», instead of attack, these are best at defense affinity.
[Your «Silver» included, the metallic colors are very rare, it is a strong color type. It has resistance against cutting, piercing, heat and poison attacks, and attack strength using it’s hard metallic body for close combat are not low. But of course it has weaknesses. Corrosion attacks are it’s natural enemy, and it is also weak against blunt attacks.]
That was how Kuroyukihime a.n.a.lyzed Silver Crow’s affinity, continuing, she also said the details of the supposedly never before seen Ash Roller.
[On the other hand, Ash Roller’s «Ash», in the color circle, it is closer to blue than green. The low color saturation means its attacks are special type. It is hard to tell if the tires are weapons or not, but I am afraid its affinity is the close-range blunt attack type. That means your armor has almost no effect against Ash Roller’s charge. In that case, there is only one way against him in a head to head fight.]
- For all the remaining time, continue to dodge.
Even though she said that.
While Haruyuki was in despair, he checked out the size of the building rooftop.
The length and width was under 20 meters. Kuroyukihime’s dodge battle plan was probably made for fighting in the empty Seven Road, she probably never thought that the bike could climb walls. The end result was, Haruyuki fled to a place where he was at a disadvantage.
With the bike’s charge, it’s probably impossible to run and escape to the emergency stairs. How about jumping off the roof knowing that he would take damage? However, if that made him more damaged than Ash Roller is now, there would be no turning back.
To Haruyuki who stood there without a fighting plan, the rider on the metallic horse released a victorious laugh.
“Hyahahaha! No way to fight back huh, you bald s.h.i.+ny boy! Then I will start!!”
Dorooo!! The internal combustion engine roared, and the free wheeling rear tire put out blue smoke.
The front tire hit the ground with a thump, and the huge bike charged straight at Haruyuki.
With a scream he jumped right, but the distance was way too short. The tip of his foot was scratched by the tire, and his health gauge decreased. At the same time, with the paralyzing hit, an instant of pain rushed through Haruyuki’s nerves.
In virtual games, the «Sensation of Pain» being used was long ago forbidden by law. This really isn’t just a game. Even though virtual, at the same time it is a real fight.
After the bike moved just 3 meters past him, it made a huge skid sound then did a spin turn, putting it again in a charge position.
Is there anything? A secret move that will turn the tide in one go, saving him -
That’s right, the special attack!
Even though the name is just «Head b.u.t.t», maybe it has the power to crush rocks.
Gambling on this one chance, Haruyuki followed the install silhouette's display, and crossed both arms in front. Next, he leaned his upper body forward, and opened his arms.
With a humming sound effect, he noticed that his bald and s.h.i.+ny head was starting to be surrounded by a white aura. The people in the surrounding gallery put out a surprised sound.
...This can work!!
With deep belief, Haruyuki stared at the huge bike in front of him.
With that shout, he aimed his s.h.i.+nning head at the bike’s headlights and charged - .
Long before his head hit, he was run over by the front tire and fell backward, making a human-shaped hole in the concrete. The effect light on his head dispersed into s.p.a.ce, and his special attack gauge emptied and disappeared.
The gallery’s roar of laughter shook the stage. Mixed in that, one person’s whisper reached his ears.
“Unfortunately, it looks like the end.”
Haruyuki’s whole body was covered by a familiar heat of humiliation.
‘d.a.m.n. d.a.m.n. Inside virtual games, I should be the hero. My character is way too weak. What is this special attack Head b.u.t.t that won’t even hit, I can’t take this.’
He stood up, but in a rotten mood sat back down, in Haruyuki’s view was - .
Far away, on top of a tall building, a lonely standing silhouette was there.
The rolled hair waving in the night wind. The softly moving dress. See-through looking b.u.t.terfly wings.
The shape smaller than a rice grain, it’s expression can not be seen. However, it’s stern look going his way, Haruyuki felt it fully.
Can’t - can’t give up.
Even if losing, stand up again and again, lose ungracefully. If he can't do at least that, he can’t even be a p.a.w.n for that person.
Pus.h.i.+ng down his humiliation, Haruyuki desperately thought about his various knowledge and experiences.
Virtual but real. That is this game, «Brain Burst» biggest specialty. Overwhelming detail and reality. Then, that Ash Roller’s bike too, should not be just polygons made for looks. Delicately recreated means it should have weakness too.
Bike - that is the previous era gasoline engine type’s feature, what is it?
Noisy. Stinks of gas. Those are weaknesses before meeting it, so they don’t matter to the current situation.
It can’t move without gasoline. Then make a hole in the tank - no, this kind of pinpoint attack is impossible.
Is there anything else. Anything - .
With its rear tire making tracks while the bike turned, the single bright yellow eye faced Haruyuki for the 3rd time.
At that instant, Haruyuki swallowed a sharp breath.
There is. That. Internal combustion bike’s feature, and its weakness.
“Hya - hahahhaa!! Dance more - !!”
With that shout, the iron horse galloped.
Just once is fine. Move, Silver Crow. Faster than that person.
Biting his teeth, Haruyuki stared at the bike rus.h.i.+ng at him.
That’s right - even though that person is fast, it’s not beyond his vision. Instead of a showy dodge, a bare minimum of movement should avoid it.
Taking his full concentration, just before he was bashed flying, Haruyuki slid only 50cm to the right.
The tip of the handle brushed his body a bit, then Ash Roller pa.s.sed by his eyes.
At that instant, Haruyuki extended both hands, knowing that he would get damaged, he grabbed the edge of the black fender above the rear tire. With shock that almost ripped his fingers off, sparks flew off from the joints in his hands, and his health gauge lightly dropped.
The bike’s speed dropped slightly. Not missing this chance, Haruyuki put his feet on the ground hard, and leaned his body back as far as possible. Crackle, the steel feet broke the concrete, and his gauge continue to drop.
“Hyaahaa - !!”
Ash Roller looked back and released a high pitched laughter.
“Idi - ot!! A gully small fry like you wants to try and stop my monster machine!!”
The rider boots stepped on the foot pedal with a crunch. Black leather gloves opened the throttle.
The engine roared, and the m.u.f.fler put out flames. Right after, the American bike put out fearsome torque, it sped up again while pulling Haruyuki.
Crackle crackle!! He heard his feet release an incredible friction sound - at the same time.
“Oucccchhhh - !!”
It’s like his feet are being sc.r.a.ped away, no, the heat and pain of that hit him, Haruyuki screamed.
“Kihyahyahya! If you don’t let go in a hurry, you will get shorter - !!”
Ash Roller’s sure win voice was mixed with ear splitting metallic sound. His silver legs became red due to overheat, and his health gauge dropped at a fearful speed.
However, Haruyuki did not let go of his hands. He bit his teeth under the silver mask, frantically endured the heat and pain, and simply continued to drag behind the bike.
If this was the Seven Road under them, then Silver Crow’s small body would be like Ash Roller said, it might eventually become a small piece of metal and disappear. But the ruin building roof top has limited s.p.a.ce, there should be no way to continue das.h.i.+ng forward.
The low fence slowly approached, the skeletal rider made a strange ‘Hyoo-’ sound and started to bend his bike for a spin turn. The brake rotors spewed out sparks, and white smoke raised from the huge tire.
Haruyuki desperately resisted being blown away by the centripetal force.
Soon. In half a second, the first and last chance will come.
The engine rotation dropped, the bike finished its turn, it was going to start its violent dash again -
Just before that. For one instant, Silver Crow’s feet was firmly on the ground.
“- Ooooo!!”
Haruyuki shouted.
At the same time, summoning all his strength, he raised the fender in his two hands straight up. Sparks flew from his knee, elbow and shoulder, he lost another 10% of his remaining 20% of health gauge, his two small legs endured the huge weight, standing straight.
0.1 second after, the huge tire fiercely spun. But that movement energy did not change to forward momentum. Just barely, the treads were above the ground.
Right in front of Haruyuki’s eyes, Ash Roller yelled while still sitting facing forward. He frantically moved his hand two or three times more.
With that the engine roared, and the rear tire spun like crazy. However, the steel bike body did not move at all.
This is the «Weakness» that Haruyuki noticed. Different from the in wheel front and back electric motor bikes, the previous era internal combustion bike’s engine links to the rear tire with a chain for movement. It’s absolutely impossible to lift the whole bike, but with the steel robot avatar, even with reality details, he can keep it up for one hour.
“d.a.m.n... you! Hey!! Let me down, baldy!!”
Ash Roller looked back at Haruyuki while shouting. Seeing that, he grinned even though his opponent could not see it.
“No way, if you don’t like it, try turning the front wheel.”
After returning from the accelerated world, Haruyuki took a huge breath of the afternoon sunlight, and blew out a long breath.
The fight concluded at the count of 600, that is about one second of real time. However his palms were soaked with sweat, and a paralyzing cold.
His tense finger reached for the Neuro Linker’s Global Net disconnect b.u.t.ton, suddenly his back was. .h.i.t with a Bam!
“Oh, you did it, Silver Crow! I truly thought you would lose like that.”
Turning around, he saw Kuroyukihime’s small face with a rare real smile. Both of them accelerated after leaving the school ground, this is of course why she is here, but inside the stage with her viewing the battle from the top of a far building, gave him some confusion.
‘That, is the real distance between her and me. Don’t be mistaken.’
Listening to his own words, Haruyuki returned an awkward smile.
“I... I too thought I was going to lose.”
“Don’t be so humble, that was a superb victory. I too, never thought about Ash Roller’s bike’s internal makeup... It’s a weakness that your avatar’s instantaneous strength can handle. Anyway, you took back your points.”
“No, more than that. It was 20 points added, that person became level 2.”
Kuroyukihime blinked, then gave a huge smile, and hit Haruyuki’s shoulder again.
“Hahaha, I see, that was the reason he can climb walls.”
“It’s no laughing matter, I was shocked.”
“Fufufu, ah sorry. Due to that, it was an interesting way to win, right? I heard from the gallery, you are the first one to fight Ash Roller that way. A splendid victory.”
“Ah, ha...”
With the movement wheel lifted up and unable to go anywhere, Ash Roller stubbornly continued to rev the bike for 5 minutes before he got off it.
For Haruyuki who was just running away or getting blown away, he was just waiting for a fistfight, of course he won easily with steel fists.
“Even your «Punch» and «Kick» became useful. As for «Head b.u.t.t», that might be fine with orthodox fighting type opponent. ...Ah, we can’t just stand here and talk.”
Hearing Kuroyukihime’s words, Haruyuki looked around. With them standing right in front of the school gate, the students leaving school while they walked, or just stood there staring at them with obvious curiosity.
Haruyuki shrunk himself to make him look smaller, and his breath stopped when he saw Chiyuri’s face in the crowd. He turned his face away in reaction.
Yesterday, him running away to escape in front of Chiyuri and was still fresh in his memory. He had not apologized for the sandwich incident either, then he did that, now he does not know how or where to start repairing their relations.h.i.+p.
‘No - it’s not my fault. I had told her many times to keep quiet, it was her fault for telling about Araya’s group. I don’t want to be shown mercy and pity.’
To Haruyuki who was hunching down like a rock, Kuroyukihime sort of asked him.
“What happened, if we are changing locations, how about that shop there... Hmm? You are...”
“What are you trying to do with Haru?”
Chiyuri’s sudden close range voice made Haruyuki jump.
Looking up, he saw his childhood friend’s slender body stiffen up fully to go against Kuroyukihime.
Only Haruyuki understood, that was Chiyuri’s biggest not-wanting-to-lose pose, she stiffened her big eyebrows, and again spoke in a low tone.
“The violence on Haru yesterday was due to some trick by senpai right? Then you expose Haru like this again, what are you trying to do? Are you getting enjoyment from this?”
Hiii - .
What is this what is this situation what should I do.
Completely over his capacity, while his body is fully shrunk down, he somehow managed to move his tense mouth.
“H, hey, Chiyu...”
“Haru, you shut up!!”
Having been hit with the stare that was carved in him while he was still a kid, all he could do was stand still and be quiet.
While being hit with that super powered Chiyuri Beam, Kuroyukihime showed her dignity, with a cool smile and small tilt of her head, said.
“Hmm... I don’t really understand what you mean. Are you accusing me of enjoying myself by staining Arita-kun's will somehow?”
“Isn’t that right? Haru hates this kind of thing, standing out and being stared at. Hasn’t he been really troubled since earlier? Although senpai would not understand.”
“Ah. It is true that I might have put Arita-kun in a situation that he is uncomfortable with. However, I think it is his choice to accept it or not. Do you have any right to say it?”
“I have. In this school, I've been friends with Haru for the longest time.”
“Oh, friend... huh.”
Upon hearing Chiyuri’s announcement, on the white beautiful face, a super cold Kuroyukihime smile appeared.
“Then, I have higher priority. You have heard the rumors right, I confessed to him and am currently waiting for a reply. We are going on a small date.”
Gyaaa - .
Oh no this is it the world is ending I have to transfer schools tomorrow.
It was like when he was accelerating, Chiyuri and the surrounding people froze instantly. Haruyuki too froze in an unnatural pose, only sweat continued to pour from his face.
In the silence, Kuroyukihime took out a pure white handkerchief from her uniform’s pocket.
“It’s almost winter, what a strange person.”
While wiping off Haruyuki’s sweat, she took his right arm in her own.
“See you later then, friend-kun.”
Then, going in the center of the walkway lined by students on the left and right, Kuroyukihime pulled Haruyuki’s huge body along as she moved forward.
While being pulled forward, he looked back and saw his childhood friend’s face, changing from dumbfounded to shock then to something just short of an angry explosion.
“G, going back to before... What were you thinking!!”
After entering the brick paved ally from the main road, Haruyuki finally pulled his arm from Kuroyukihime and shouted.
“I, I have to say it, in this world there are things that can not be solved with «Acceleration»!!”
Kuroyukihime laughed from the bottom of her heart.
“Hahaha... You reach this main point about Burst Linkers so quickly, that is great.”
“That is not great at all! It is senpai’s fault if I can’t go to school tomorrow!”
“Hey, your face did not look altogether bad this time either. I took a field of view screen shot this time too, want to see?”
“I don’t want to see it! Rather, throw it away!!”