Part 4 (1/2)

Luke leaned forward slowly, moving a fraction of an inch at a time, until he could just barely see around the door.

Inside the room was a chair and a desk and a big apparatus that Luke vaguely recognized as a computer. And at the computer, typing away furiously, sat a girl.

Luke blinked, thrown off. Somehow he'd never thought about the Sports Family's third child being a girl. She was mostly facing away from Luke, and she wore jeans and a gray sweats.h.i.+rt not much different from what the Sports Family brothers always wore. Her dark hair was almost as short as Luke's. But there was something about the curve of her cheek, the tilt of her head, the way her sweats.h.i.+rt clung or didn't cling to her body”all of that made Luke certain she wasn't like him.

He blushed. Then he gulped.

The girl turned her head.

”I”” Luke croaked.

Before he had a chance to think of another word, the girl was across the room and had knocked him down. Then she pinned him to the floor, his arms twisted behind his back, his face buried in the carpet Luke struggled to turn his head to breathe.

”So,” the girl hissed in his ear. ”You think you can sneak up on a poor, innocent, unsuspecting girl, who's home all alone? Guess n.o.body told you about our alarm system. A call went out to our security guards the minute you stepped on our property. They'll be here any second.”

Luke panicked. So this was how he'd die. He had to explain. He had to escape.

”No,” he said. ”They can't come. I””

”Oh, yeah?” the girl said. ”Who are you to stop them?” Luke raised his head as much as he could. He said the first words that came into his mind. ”Population Police.” The girl let go.


Luke sat up, checking his arms to make sure she hadn't broken anything.

”You're lying,” the girl said.

But she made no effort to tackle him again. She crouched, looking puzzled for a few moments. Then she grinned.

”I got it! You're another one. Great code word. I'll have to think about using that for the rally.”

Now it was Luke's turn to squint in confusion.

The girl giggled.

”I mean, you're another shadow child. Right?”

”Shadow”?” Luke wondered why his brain seemed to be slowing down. Was it just because she seemed several miles ahead of him?

”That's not the term you use?” she asked. ”I thought 'shadow child' was universal. But, you know, an illegal, someone whose parents broke Population Law 3903. A third.”

”I”” Luke couldn't bring himself to confess. He'd broken so many taboos today, leaving the house, standing in the open yard, talking to a stranger. Why did one more violation matter?

”You can say it,” the girl coaxed. ”'I'm a third child.' Why should there be anything wrong with that?”

Luke was spared having to answer her, because she suddenly sprang to her feet, exclaiming, ”Oh, no! The alarm!”

She raced down the hall and around the corner. Luke followed to find her jerking open a closet door, then punching b.u.t.tons on a panel of colored lights.

”Too late. Drat!”

She ran to a phone, Luke following breathlessly. She dialed. Luke watched in amazement. He'd never talked on a phone. His parents had told him the Government could trace calls, could tell if a voice on a phone was from a person who was allowed to exist or not.

”Dad”” She made a face. ”I know, I know. Call the security company and get them to cancel the alarm, okay?” Pause. ”And might I remind you that the penalty for harboring a shadow child is five million dollars or execution, depending on the mood of the judge?”

She rolled her eyes at Luke while she listened to what seemed to be a long answer.

”Oh, you know. These things happen.” Another pause. ”Yeah, yeah. Love you, too. Thanks, Dad.”

She hung up. Luke wondered if he should run back to his house immediately, before the Population Police really did show up.

”They can find you now,” Luke said. ”Just from the phone””

The girl laughed.

”They say. But everybody knows the Government's not that competent.”

Luke started inching toward the back door, just in case.

”But there really was an alarm?” he asked. ”And you have security guards?”

”Sure. Doesn't everyone?” the girl took another look at Luke. ”Oh. Maybe not.”

She winced apologetically as soon as she'd said that. Luke decided to ignore the insult.

”Do the security guards know you're here?” he asked.

”Of course not,” the girl said. ”If they came, I'd have to hide. Personally, I think my family just has the alarm system to make sure I stay in the house. They don't know I can disable it. But””she gave him an evil grin””I set it off sometimes just for fun.”

”That's fun?” Luke asked. He'd thought another third child would understand him, be just like him. This girl sure wasn't. ”Aren't you scared the guards might find you?”

”Not really.” The girl shrugged. ”And see, doing it on purpose every now and then helped us today”my dad didn't really even ask why the system needed to be stopped. He just thought it was me making trouble again.”

In a twisted way, she kind of made sense. But trying to figure everything out made Luke's head hurt. He glanced toward the door. If he could just get safely home, he'd never complain about being bored again. Here, he felt as baffled as Alice in Wonderland from one of the old books in the attic. Or”he remembered something he'd read in a nature book”maybe he was like the prey of a snake that hypnotized its victims before it ate them. He didn't think the girl would hurt him, but she might keep him confused and fascinated until the Population Police or the security guards or someone else arrived.

The girl saw where he was looking.

”Am I scaring you?” she asked. ”Shadow kids can be so jumpy. You're safe, you know. How about if we start over? Would you care for a seat, uh”what's your name, anyway?”

Luke told her.

”Nice to meet you,” the girl said, shaking his hand in a way that made him feel like she was kind of making fun of him. Then she led him to sit down on a couch in the room he'd first entered. She perched beside him. ”I'm Jen. Really, it's Jennifer Rose Talbot. But do I look like a Jennifer?”

She shook her head and spread out her arms as if Luke should understand something from her rumpled sweats.h.i.+rt and messy hair.