Part 2 (1/2)

5 C. Goulter, C. Goulter, A Forgotten Offensive: Royal Air Force Coastal Command's Anti-s.h.i.+pping Campaign 1940 A Forgotten Offensive: Royal Air Force Coastal Command's Anti-s.h.i.+pping Campaign 1940 1943 1943 (London, 1995), pp. 11122. (London, 1995), pp. 11122.

6 PRO AIR 9/447, Air Ministry, Director of Plans, memorandum, 'Employment of the Air Striking Force', 8 July 1940. PRO AIR 9/447, Air Ministry, Director of Plans, memorandum, 'Employment of the Air Striking Force', 8 July 1940.

7 Webster and Frankland, Webster and Frankland, Strategic Air Offensive, Strategic Air Offensive, vol. 4, pp. 118 24. vol. 4, pp. 118 24.

8 PRO AIR 22/296, 'Casualties, Strength and Establishment of the RAF'. In mid-August the deficiency of bomber pilots reached a peak of 219; the highest deficiency of fighter pilots was 181 on 24 August. PRO AIR 22/296, 'Casualties, Strength and Establishment of the RAF'. In mid-August the deficiency of bomber pilots reached a peak of 219; the highest deficiency of fighter pilots was 181 on 24 August.

9 PRO AIR 16/432, Home Security intelligence summary, 31 July/1 August. PRO AIR 16/432, Home Security intelligence summary, 31 July/1 August.

10 PRO AIR 16/216, HQ 11 Group to all Group controllers, 19 August 1940. PRO AIR 16/216, HQ 11 Group to all Group controllers, 19 August 1940.

11 AHB, 'Course of the Air War...', p. 2; AHB, 'Course of the Air War...', p. 2; FCNA, FCNA, p. 128, OKW directive, 16 August 1940. p. 128, OKW directive, 16 August 1940.

12 AHB, 'Battle of Britain' narrative, Appendix 8 III, 'Table of Chief Attacks on Airfields and RDF Stations', pp. 19. AHB, 'Battle of Britain' narrative, Appendix 8 III, 'Table of Chief Attacks on Airfields and RDF Stations', pp. 19.

13 AHB, 'Battle of Britain' narrative, Appendix 34 II, 'Fighter Command Aircraft Destroyed or Damaged on the Ground'. AHB, 'Battle of Britain' narrative, Appendix 34 II, 'Fighter Command Aircraft Destroyed or Damaged on the Ground'.

14 This paragraph and following account in PRO AIR 16/635, 'Notes of Damage and Repairs at Certain Fighter Aerodromes', 21 September 1940. This paragraph and following account in PRO AIR 16/635, 'Notes of Damage and Repairs at Certain Fighter Aerodromes', 21 September 1940.

15 PRO AIR 16/216: HQ 11 Group to all Group controllers, 19 August 1940; telegram from 11 Group HQ to all airfields, 20 August 1940. PRO AIR 16/216: HQ 11 Group to all Group controllers, 19 August 1940; telegram from 11 Group HQ to all airfields, 20 August 1940.

16 AHB, 'Battle of Britain' narrative, Appendix 8 III. AHB, 'Battle of Britain' narrative, Appendix 8 III.

17 Jacobsen (ed.), Jacobsen (ed.), Kriegstagebuch, Kriegstagebuch, vol. 2, p. 81, entry for 30 August 1940; vol. 2, p. 81, entry for 30 August 1940; Rise and Fall, Rise and Fall, p. 85. p. 85.

18 PRO AIR 22/293, Schedule E, 'Number of Aircraft in Storage Units'; PREM 3/29 (3), summarized order of battle, 6 September 1940; AIR 16/635, Fighter Command HQ, operational strength, 1 September 1940. PRO AIR 22/293, Schedule E, 'Number of Aircraft in Storage Units'; PREM 3/29 (3), summarized order of battle, 6 September 1940; AIR 16/635, Fighter Command HQ, operational strength, 1 September 1940.

19 PRO AIR 22/262, 'Daily Return of Casualties to RAF Aircraft', 25 June29 September 1940. PRO AIR 22/262, 'Daily Return of Casualties to RAF Aircraft', 25 June29 September 1940.

20 Rise and Fall, Rise and Fall, pp. 823; see too O. Groehler, pp. 823; see too O. Groehler, Geschichte des Luftkriegs Geschichte des Luftkriegs (Berlin, 1981), p. 272, for figures on aggregate German losses. (Berlin, 1981), p. 272, for figures on aggregate German losses.

21 AHB, Dowding 'Despatch', pp. 214. AHB, Dowding 'Despatch', pp. 214.

22 J. Colville, J. Colville, The Fringes of Power: 10 Downing Street Diaries 1939 The Fringes of Power: 10 Downing Street Diaries 1939 1945 1945 (London, 1985), p. 227, entry for 20 August 1940. Colville confessed in a footnote that he did not even notice the sentence when he sat listening to the speech. The invention of the remark can be found in J. Winant, (London, 1985), p. 227, entry for 20 August 1940. Colville confessed in a footnote that he did not even notice the sentence when he sat listening to the speech. The invention of the remark can be found in J. Winant, A Letter from Grosvenor Square: An Account of a Stewards.h.i.+p A Letter from Grosvenor Square: An Account of a Stewards.h.i.+p (London, 1947), pp. 2930. (London, 1947), pp. 2930.

23 Gilbert, Gilbert, Churchill War Papers, Churchill War Papers, pp. 6934, speech to the House of Commons, 20 August 1940. pp. 6934, speech to the House of Commons, 20 August 1940.

24 Cowles, Cowles, Looking for Trouble, Looking for Trouble, pp. 4246. pp. 4246.

25 N. Nicolson (ed.), N. Nicolson (ed.), Harold Nicolson: Diaries and Letters 1939 Harold Nicolson: Diaries and Letters 1939 1945 1945 (London, 1967), p. 111, entry for 7 September 1940. (London, 1967), p. 111, entry for 7 September 1940.

26 PRO AIR 8/315, Chief of the Air Staff, 'a.n.a.lysis of the G. A. F. Personnel Losses, JulyOctober 1940'; AIR 22/72, Air Ministry weekly intelligence summary, report for 12 September 1940, p. 3; A. Galland, PRO AIR 8/315, Chief of the Air Staff, 'a.n.a.lysis of the G. A. F. Personnel Losses, JulyOctober 1940'; AIR 22/72, Air Ministry weekly intelligence summary, report for 12 September 1940, p. 3; A. Galland, The First and the Last The First and the Last (London, 1955), p. 34. (London, 1955), p. 34.

27 AHB, Dowding 'Despatch', p. 20. AHB, Dowding 'Despatch', p. 20.

28 AHB, Dowding 'Despatch', p. 24; PRO T265/19, Treasury Inter-Service Committee, meeting of 3 October 1940 for final decision; AIR 16/635, HQ 11 Group to HQ Fighter Command, 7 November 1940, 'German Attacks on England 11 September-31 October', p. 14. AHB, Dowding 'Despatch', p. 24; PRO T265/19, Treasury Inter-Service Committee, meeting of 3 October 1940 for final decision; AIR 16/635, HQ 11 Group to HQ Fighter Command, 7 November 1940, 'German Attacks on England 11 September-31 October', p. 14.

29 PRO AIR 16/635, HQ 11 Group to HQ Fighter Command, 12 September 1940, pp. 67; Dowding to Air Ministry, 22 September 1940, 'German Attacks on England 8 August10 September', pp. 12. See too AHB, Dowding 'Despatch', pp. 1819. PRO AIR 16/635, HQ 11 Group to HQ Fighter Command, 12 September 1940, pp. 67; Dowding to Air Ministry, 22 September 1940, 'German Attacks on England 8 August10 September', pp. 12. See too AHB, Dowding 'Despatch', pp. 1819.

30 IWM, EDS doc.u.ments, AL 1492, OKW Aktennotiz, 20 August 1940. IWM, EDS doc.u.ments, AL 1492, OKW Aktennotiz, 20 August 1940.

31 PRO AIR 40/2444, Bechtle lecture, p. 4; K. Maier, 'Die Luftschlacht um England', in PRO AIR 40/2444, Bechtle lecture, p. 4; K. Maier, 'Die Luftschlacht um England', in Das deutsche Reich und der zweite Weltkrieg, Das deutsche Reich und der zweite Weltkrieg, vol. 2 (Stuttgart, 1979), p. 386. See too J. Ray, vol. 2 (Stuttgart, 1979), p. 386. See too J. Ray, The Night Blitz 1940 The Night Blitz 1940 1941 1941 (London, 1996), pp. 97102. (London, 1996), pp. 97102.

32 Jacobsen (ed.), Jacobsen (ed.), Kriegstagebuch, Kriegstagebuch, p. 100, entry for 14 September 1940. p. 100, entry for 14 September 1940.

33 Goebbels, Goebbels, Tagebucher, Tagebucher, p. 313. p. 313.

34 PRO AIR 9/447: COS meeting, 'Bombardment Policy', June 1940; Air Ministry, Director of Plans, memorandum, 8 July 1940. PRO AIR 9/447: COS meeting, 'Bombardment Policy', June 1940; Air Ministry, Director of Plans, memorandum, 8 July 1940.

35 PRO AIR 40/2444, Bechtle lecture, p. 5; AIR 22/72, Air Ministry weekly intelligence summaries, 8 August, 12 September 1940. PRO AIR 40/2444, Bechtle lecture, p. 5; AIR 22/72, Air Ministry weekly intelligence summaries, 8 August, 12 September 1940.

36 PRO AIR 16/635, HQ 11 Group to HQ Fighter Command, 12 September 1940, p. 5. PRO AIR 16/635, HQ 11 Group to HQ Fighter Command, 12 September 1940, p. 5.

37 Goebbels, Goebbels, Tagebucher, Tagebucher, p. 315, entry for 9 September 1940. p. 315, entry for 9 September 1940.

38 s.h.i.+rer, s.h.i.+rer, Berlin Diary, Berlin Diary, pp. 381, 384. pp. 381, 384.

39 Goebbels, Goebbels, Tagebucher, Tagebucher, p. 296, entry for 27 August 1940; s.h.i.+rer, p. 296, entry for 27 August 1940; s.h.i.+rer, Berlin Diary, Berlin Diary, p. 384. p. 384.

40 Maier, 'Luftschlacht', p. 405. Maier, 'Luftschlacht', p. 405.

41 PRO AIR 16/432, Home Security intelligence summaries, reports of operations, 24/25 August, 25/26 August, 28/29 August. PRO AIR 16/432, Home Security intelligence summaries, reports of operations, 24/25 August, 25/26 August, 28/29 August.

42 PRO AIR 16/635: HQ 11 Group to HQ Fighter Command, 7 November 1940, pp. 15; HQ 11 Group to HQ Fighter Command, 12 September 1940, pp. 46; AHB, Dowding 'Despatch', pp. 1112. PRO AIR 16/635: HQ 11 Group to HQ Fighter Command, 7 November 1940, pp. 15; HQ 11 Group to HQ Fighter Command, 12 September 1940, pp. 46; AHB, Dowding 'Despatch', pp. 1112.

43 PRO AIR 16/635, HQ 11 Group to HQ Fighter Command, 7 November 1940, pp. 34,12. PRO AIR 16/635, HQ 11 Group to HQ Fighter Command, 7 November 1940, pp. 34,12.

44 Bekker, Bekker, Luftwaffe Diaries, Luftwaffe Diaries, p. 226; Collier, p. 226; Collier, Defence of the United Kingdom, Defence of the United Kingdom, pp. 244 5. pp. 244 5.

45 FCNA, FCNA, pp. 1335, 'Conference with the Fuhrer', 6 September 1940; p. 136, Naval Staff memorandum, 10 September 1940. Maier, 'Luftschlacht', pp. 3867. pp. 1335, 'Conference with the Fuhrer', 6 September 1940; p. 136, Naval Staff memorandum, 10 September 1940. Maier, 'Luftschlacht', pp. 3867.

46 Jacobsen (ed.), Jacobsen (ed.), Kriegstagebuch, Kriegstagebuch, vol. 2, pp. 989, entry for 14 September 1940. vol. 2, pp. 989, entry for 14 September 1940.

47 FCNA, FCNA, pp. 1369: 'Conference with the Fuhrer', 14 September 1940; OKW directive, 19 September 1940; OKW directive, 12 October 1940. Jacobsen (ed.), pp. 1369: 'Conference with the Fuhrer', 14 September 1940; OKW directive, 19 September 1940; OKW directive, 12 October 1940. Jacobsen (ed.), Kriegstagebuch, Kriegstagebuch, vol. 2, p. 99. vol. 2, p. 99.

48 FCNA, FCNA, p. 137, memorandum from Admiral Raeder, 14 September 1940; Jacobsen (ed.), p. 137, memorandum from Admiral Raeder, 14 September 1940; Jacobsen (ed.), Kriegstagebuch, Kriegstagebuch, vol. 2, p. 100; Maier, 'Luftschlacht', pp. 39091. vol. 2, p. 100; Maier, 'Luftschlacht', pp. 39091.

49 L. E. O. Charlton, L. E. O. Charlton, War over England War over England (London, 1936), pp. 15881. (London, 1936), pp. 15881.

50 PRO INF 1/264, Home Intelligence daily reports, 27 June 1940. PRO INF 1/264, Home Intelligence daily reports, 27 June 1940.

51 PRO INF 1/264, reports for 28 June, 6 September 1940. PRO INF 1/264, reports for 28 June, 6 September 1940.