Part 105 (2/2)

What were those letters from Saint Michael and her other saints, the existence of which she did not deny, but which were never produced by her judges? Did certain of her party send them in the hope that she would carry out their intentions, while under the impression that she was obeying divine commands?

Without insisting further for the present, the examiner pa.s.sed on to another grievance:

”Have not your Voices called you _daughter of G.o.d_, _daughter of the Church_, _great-hearted damsel_?”

”Before the siege of Orleans and since, every day when they speak to me, many times have they called me _Jeanne the Maid, daughter of G.o.d_.”[2353]

[Footnote 2353: _Trial_, vol. i, pp. 130, 131.]

The examination was suspended and resumed in the afternoon.

Maitre Jean de la Fontaine questioned Jeanne concerning a dream of her father, of which the judges had been informed in the preliminary inquiry.[2354]

[Footnote 2354: _Ibid._, pp. 131, 132.]

Sad it is to reflect that when Jeanne was accused of the sin of having broken G.o.d's commandment, ”Thou shalt honour thy father and thy mother,” neither her mother nor any of her kin asked to be heard as witnesses. And yet there were churchmen in her family;[2355] but a trial on a question of faith struck terror into all hearts.

[Footnote 2355: _Ibid._, vol. v, p. 252. E. de Bouteiller and G. de Braux, _Nouvelles recherches sur la famille de Jeanne d'Arc_, pp. 14, 15. S. Luce, _Jeanne d'Arc a Domremy_, pp. xlvi _et seq._]

Again her man's dress was reverted to, and not for the last time.[2356]

We marvel at the profound meditations into which the Maid's doublet and hose plunged these clerics. They contemplated them with gloomy terror and in the light of the precepts of Deuteronomy.

[Footnote 2356: _Trial_, vol. i, p. 133.]

Thereafter they questioned her touching the Duke of Orleans. Their object was to show from her own replies that her Voices had deceived her when they promised the prisoner's deliverance. Here they easily succeeded. Then she pleaded that she had not had sufficient time.

”Had I continued for three years without let or hindrance I should have delivered him.”

In her revelations there had been mentioned a term shorter than three years and longer than one.[2357]

[Footnote 2357: _Trial_, vol. i, p. 134.]

Questioned again touching the sign vouchsafed to her King, she replied that she would take counsel with Saint Catherine.

On the morrow, Tuesday, the 13th of March, the Bishop and the Vice-Inquisitor went to her prison. For the first time the Vice-Inquisitor opened his mouth:[2358] ”Have you promised and sworn to Saint Catherine that you will not tell this sign?”

[Footnote 2358: _Ibid._, pp. 134, 138.]

He spoke of the sign given to the King. Jeanne replied:

”I have sworn and I have promised that I will not myself reveal this sign, because I was too urgently pressed to tell it. I vow that never again will I speak of it to living man.”[2359]

[Footnote 2359: _Ibid._, p. 139.]

Then she continued forthwith: ”The sign was that the Angel a.s.sured my King, when bringing him the crown, that he should have the whole realm of France, with G.o.d's help and my labours, and that he should set me to work. That is to say, he should grant me men-at-arms. Otherwise he would not be so soon crowned and anointed.”

”In what manner did the Angel bring the crown? Did he place it on your King's head?”
