Part 74 (2/2)
She gave him a serious look. ”Megan and Savannah helped me a lot.”
”Not just about being married to you. They got me to the point where I felt like I could face that detective and not fall apart.”
”You could have done it without them.”
”Maybe not.”
”You did a wonderful job with him. You looked like you've lived here for years.”
She turned to him, and raised her face to his, and he saw the moisture s.h.i.+mmering in her eyes.
He touched her cheek with a finger. ”Don't cry.”
”It's hard not to. I feel so... blessed by the Great Mother. In a thousand years, I never could have imagined finding you, living with you.”
His own vision blurred. ”You'll get used to it. We both will.”
She swallowed. ”I wish Haig could have lived to see this.”
”He betrayed you.”
”Falcone forced him. And...”
”The badlands changed him. He couldn't live that way. I wish you had known him years ago. When he was himself. He was a good man. He kept me going when I was in school.”
”Keep the good memories of him, And share them with me.”
”I will. I'll share everything with you.”
He kissed her cheek and held her close. When her arms crept around his neck, he smiled, then slid his own arms around her back and down to her hips.
”I think we should celebrate,” he murmured. ”I mean, celebrate getting that cop off our backs.”
”He knows we were involved with Falcone... somehow.”
”But he can't prove it. And he'll leave us alone.”
She captured the back of his head and brought his mouth down to hers for a long, hungry kiss. When he broke the contact, he was as hard as one of the soldiers' spears.