Part 68 (2/2)
”You,” he said.
Logan was too far away to hear the words, but he saw the man's lips form the syllable.
Then the person on the other end of the line must have asked something because he returned his attention to the phone.
The three wolves moved back into the trees, hidden by the lengthening shadows, but they were still able to see what was going on.
Logan saw two officers bring out a large metal s.h.i.+eld. Holding it between themselves and the house, they rushed forward and crouched over the man on the ground.
Lance saw him moving. He was wounded.
The others pulled him to safety in back of the cars, as another siren sounded in the distance.
The medics were on their way.
INSIDE the house, Falcone turned in fury on the soldier who had fired the shot. ”You idiot,” he cried out, then sent a wave of psychic energy into the man's brain. He went down on his knees, cradling his head in his hands.
”I told you to hold your fire,” Falcone bellowed, then turned to Avery. ”You have to get us out of here.”
”I can't.”
”Make us invisible.”
”I need preparation for that.”
Falcone's face contorted in rage. ”We'll have to negotiate with them,” he muttered.
”What do we have to offer?” Brusco asked.
”The idiot who injured one of their men.”
COOPER grabbed a bullhorn and turned toward the house.
”Come out with your hands up,” he boomed.
”We can negotiate,” a voice inside called out.
Then another shot sounded, and Logan felt his guts wrench.
Rinna. Oh G.o.d, Rinna.
He would have dashed forward, but the two other wolves blocked him, one in front of him and one in back.
Ross growled low in his throat.
Logan prepared to lunge at him, but in the next second, the door opened again. Logan stopped in his tracks as something came flying out. It was a limp human figure.