Part 40 (2/2)

She had arched off the sleeping bag. He lowered her down again gently, kissing her brow, smoothing her damp hair back from her face. And when her eyes blinked open, she found he was smiling at her.

”That was so beautiful,” he whispered.

She could only stare at him, marveling at the explosion that had taken her away from the world.

”What happened?”

”You reached s.e.xual climax.”

”I didn't know there was... anything like that for a woman.”

”I guessed that.” He gathered her to him, kissed her gently, and she snuggled against him.

”Don't the women in your world have any fun in bed?”

”I think some do.” She swallowed hard. ”I think maybe... maybe in school they gave us something so we wouldn't.”

”A nasty trick to play on you. Why would they do that?”

”This would have been distracting.”

”Oh, yeah.”

She sensed that his body was still humming with tension-the same tension she had felt before he'd brought her to that vivid peak of satisfaction.

She drew back, her gaze going to the slacks he still wore, seeing the rigid shaft of flesh straining behind his zipper. Raising her eyes, she searched his face. ”You did that for me, and you didn't take anything for yourself.”

”Yes. I wanted to love you, any way I could.”

The next step was overwhelming, but she took it anyway. ”I want you to feel what I felt.”

He kissed her cheek, sifted his fingers through her hair. ”We can save the rest for another time.”

”I want to do it now. I want to give you as much pleasure as you gave me-if you'll let me.” Pretending more boldness than she felt, she reached between them, pressing her hand over him, moving her palm and fingers, her eyes still on his face.

”Oh, Lord, Rinna,” he gasped, his hips arching toward her, and she knew he had banked his own urgency to please her.

”Show me how... Show me what feels as good to you as what you did for me.”

”You're sure?”

She wasn't, of course. But she wasn't going to let herself back away. Still she had to stifle a gasp as he pulled off his pants, and she saw his p.e.n.i.s was hard and red.

Unconfined by his clothing, it sprang away from his body, and as she watched, it seemed to move on its own.

She clenched her fists as she stared at the part of his body that he could use as a weapon.
