Vol Chapter 1 (1/2)

Chapter 1: Surrender or Defeat?


That was a word that had never been used in the lands of the Xue Nong since hundreds of years. They’d never been defeated. And they’d never surrendered.

But now they did. A white flag was flying on the Capital City’s Walls. It meant peace, her maid Xiao Gu told her. But Xi s.h.i.+ knew better.

It means surrender.

She wondered how it had happened. How men like Chen He Shan let it happen?

Then she found out. General Chen He Shui was killed on the battlefield by the Crown Prince of Ming. And her Royal Father decided to save lives and surrendered.

She knew that Chen He Shan must have been totally against this decision. After all, wouldn’t he want to avenge his father’s murder? But he had no choice, because the power’s in her father’s hands. Her father, who had only three sons left living now.

She walked through the desolate harem. Desolate was never a word used to describe the ever-lively harem which would always be filled with the chattering of her many step-mothers.

But many of them died after receiving the news of their sons’ deaths. Grief killed them.

And many others died because they thought that the Ming Soldiers wouldn’t spare them even though they surrendered. Honor killed them.

Xi s.h.i.+ wondered whether her father would mourn any of his dead wives. Probably no. after all, he’d married for duty. Just as she will have to, in the future.

Consort Mu had always told her about how lucky she is that she’s a girl. She will never be involved in the power struggle for the throne. She’ll never have to worry about turning into an enemy to her brothers. Truth be told, they’ll be eager to please her because they’ll want to gain political mileage by marrying her into a powerful family.

Sixteen year old Xue Xi s.h.i.+ has always known that for most people, she’s just a p.a.w.n. But in reality, she can never be controlled by anybody. She’s as free as anyone else in this world.

And this fact is evident because though she can’t ride a horse, she loves horse-riding. And it was Chen He Shan who always rode the horse while she held the reins. She would sit on the saddle, in front of him, as she’d done since she was a child of five years.

Xi s.h.i.+ isn’t new to battles and bloodshed either, as the neighboring Nou Nin Desert Tribes always waged battles and attacked the Xue Nong.

And her duty as the Royal Princess was to play the Qin in the Camp of the Soldier the night before the battle, to inspire them. G.o.d may not have gifted her with beauty, but her skill with the Qin and her magical singing talent were unquestionable.

She always sings about how it is alright if the soldiers die in the battlefield. And they need not worry about leaving their family behind. Even if they suffer defeat, let it be an honorable one, so that their families can kill themselves with pride and not let the invaders dishonor them.