Volume I Part 8 (1/2)
The amounts required for this and the last year were nearly the same as for 1798.
In the early part of the year
it was announced that the king had taken a severe cold, while hunting, and, in consequence, was not able to visit the several concerts to which he had previously given the promise of his attendance and patronage; but his indisposition was _mental_, not bodily. His majesty was so exceedingly distressed at the base and unworthy conduct of his son to his niece, the Princess of Wales, that he said frequently, ”It is more than a father can bear!” Many times would he order his horse to be brought, and, requesting his attendants not to follow him, pursue his way towards Blackheath, where the princess then resided, sympathizing with her sorrows, and, more especially, in the intended removal of her child; for even at this early period, when the Princess Charlotte was but four years of age, the queen would signify her commands that the child should pa.s.s some days with her, either in London or Windsor, whichever happened to be most convenient to her majesty.
Notwithstanding the extreme scarcity of money and the high price of food, the queen and the younger branches of her family continued to give their splendid entertainments, as expense was the last consideration with the royal brood, when it was known the country supplied the means.
Oh! John Bull, thy gullibility has, for above half a century, been _more_ than proverbial!
On the 29th of October, the king opened the house in person, and announced the conclusion of war. Parliament then adjourned till after the Christmas recess. England now exhibited the effects of an eight years' war; the national debt had been DOUBLED, and internal distress had become general; the poor were in a state bordering on starvation, and commerce had the prospect of every foreign port being shut against it; while the supplies required for the year amounted to nearly FORTY MILLIONS.
The year
was ushered in under the greatest embarra.s.sments. The vitals of the people were nearly destroyed by the enormous taxation they had endured for so many years, and it was doubtless owing to the intolerable load they had sustained, and still expected to have forced upon them, that independent sentiments were proclaimed. They had a right to condemn the usurping power of the queen, for producing all their troubles.
The recess having terminated, the House met. The chancellor came forward to shew that the sovereign's pecuniary affairs were very much in arrear.
After introducing his plan of finance, he was obliged to inform the House that certain taxes had been mortgaged by Mr. Pitt, (_who had now resigned_) for which the present minister must provide. To defray this expense, very heavy additional duties were imposed on beer, malt, hops, &c. A considerable addition was also made to the a.s.sessed taxes, and upon imports and exports. At this period, the whole of the ”funded debt,” including the loans of the present year, amounted to _five hundred and forty millions_, and the interest was annually _seventeen millions sterling_!
On the 7th of May, Mr. Nichol moved that an address be presented to his majesty, thanking him for the removal of Mr. Pitt from his councils, when Lord Belgrave rose, and moved an amendment, expressive of the high approbation of that House respecting the character and conduct of the late minister and his colleagues! In the face of all opposition, Lord Belgrave's amendment was carried by more than _four to one_, as also a second motion, by Sir H. Mildmay, ”that the _thanks_ of the House be given to the Right Hon. Mr. Pitt.” This was a.s.surance in perfection!
These discussions only seemed to increase Mr. Pitt's popularity, and on the occasion of his next birth-day, Earl Spencer, late first lord of the Admiralty, gave as a toast to the company, ”the pilot that weathered the storm,” instead of ”the pilot who _gathered_ the storm!”
In the latter part of this year, much fear was excited, lest hostilities should again arise between France and England, on account of the ascendency of Buonaparte.
At the commencement of the year
the unhappy king, by the desire of his overbearing wife, directed a message to the House, recommending ”the embarra.s.sed state of the Prince of Wales to their attention,” and, in consequence, sixty thousand pounds annually were further settled upon his royal highness, to continue for three years and a half. This sum, however, was not half sufficient to meet his lavish engagements; and therefore Mr. Calcraft had the hardihood to move, that ”means be granted to enable the prince to resume his state and dignity!” But this inconsistent and insulting motion was ”_too bad_,” and, in defiance of even the boroughmongers, was negatived.
The supplies voted for the public service this year amounted to above FIFTY-SIX MILLIONS! We really wonder of what materials Englishmen were composed to allow such iniquitous grants.
Ministers again declared war with France, and men and money were in no inconsiderable request. The French Consul possessed himself of Hanover, and threatened an invasion of England, which frightened ministers to put the country in a state of defence. But was not this a political _ruse_?
Mr. Addington was not so popular as his predecessor in the capacity of minister; he had not so much hardihood as Mr. Pitt, and was not calculated to endure the load of obloquy which he received, as he considered himself free from the charge of having destroyed the prospects of his country by the immense debt then contracted; for that was the arrangement of Mr. Pitt. Mr. Addington was merely a _tool_ in the hands of others.
Those who knew the intricate and perplexed state of affairs within the court were only able to judge how long Mr. Addington's ministry would continue, and also, WHY it was brought into action. Alas! not merely or intentionally to satisfy the liberal politicians, or to change any part of the long misrule of the former minister. Widely opposite were the motives which proved the main-spring to the meditated result. The queen again intended to press the king for an increase of income, to a serious amount, for her favourite spendthrift, and she asked the minister how it might be best attained. The plan was therefore concerted, and as Pitt dared not so soon again ask for further advances, a new minister _might_ be induced to do it, if s.h.i.+elded by the royal message.
If such conduct were not juggling and acting with the most abominable treachery and hypocrisy, we must for ever give up our claim to the possession of one iota of common understanding. As we proceed, we will explain to the gentle or indignant reader, whichever he may be, in what way our enormous ”national debt,” as it is called, was contracted, when we have no doubt that he will be as incensed as ourselves, and will be ready to exclaim, ”Was this the policy pursued by that paragon of her s.e.x, Queen Charlotte?--she who was at all times revered for her _piety_, and admired for her inexpressible and _unspotted virtue_!” Yes, reader, the very same; the only difference is, you have formerly beheld her in _borrowed_ plumes,--_we_ present her in _her own_!
Let us here recur to the consideration of the treatment, exercised against the Princess of Wales by her abominable husband and his vindictive mother. We formerly alluded to some confidential communications made by her to his majesty. The suspicious and mean characters then placed about her person reported to the queen every interview which the king had with his daughter-in-law, and maliciously, represented the imprudence of such an intimacy. From this time, the Prince of Wales _professed_ to believe his father was _improperly_ interested in the cause of the princess, and spies were placed in various situations, to give notice of all visits the princess received and paid. Notwithstanding, the plotters' most ardent wishes were disappointed, and they could not fix upon any action, which they were able to prove, to affect her honour or virtue. In the mean time, Caroline's only child was removed from her, without the enjoyment of whose endearing society life was a mere blank.
In proportion as the prince was applauded, and the queen supported him, so was the princess abused and insulted. With respect to pecuniary affairs, every honest and upright person saw the strange disproportion in the incomes of the several members of the family; for the princess, who had to keep an entirely distinct and separate establishment at her sole expense, was allowed no more than twenty-two thousand pounds per annum, while the other members, who were chiefly expensive to the king, had their salaries granted without reference to this subject. Yet it was expected that the etiquette of rank should be maintained, and with an equal ostentatious display as if means were proportionately provided to defray such expenses. Although living upon the establishment of the king, the queen's real independent income was fifty-eight thousand pounds a year! Ought we not to ask why the princess was thus neglected and shamefully insulted?--left in debt, and in extreme perplexity of circ.u.mstances, for which the family must ever be considered mean and unjust? How was her royal highness to act in such a trying case? If she had retired to _private_ life, her enemies would have p.r.o.nounced her an improper person to retain the high station which she had formerly occupied. If appearances were to be maintained, and royal splendour continued, she must mix with _certain_ society, and debt be the inevitable consequence. The princess felt there were points, beyond which a virtuous, insulted female could not shew forbearance; and she, therefore, resolved no longer to endure the galling yoke of oppression, without farther explanation.
We now proceed to the year