Volume I Part 5 (1/2)
From the commencement of the year
the king's health again declined. His mind appeared full of gloomy apprehensions and forebodings; sometimes he uttered the most incoherent language; then, dissolving in tears, would ask after the health of the several members of his family, and especially of his youngest daughter, to whom he was more particularly attached. This state of aberration was, however, strictly concealed from the public as long as possible by the queen. Here, again, mark her German policy! Fearing she could not much longer conceal the king's indisposition, she determined to consult her favourite minister, and they resolved upon a proposition to give to the _queen's_ care the charge of his majesty's person, presuming that step was finally needful, as by its adoption _only_ could she retain an opportunity of exercising _complete controul over her afflicted husband_! On the rea.s.sembling of parliament, therefore, the project of the queen was brought forward by Pitt, who, possessing a decided majority, pa.s.sed what resolutions he pleased. He contended, in opposition to Fox, that the Prince of Wales had no more right to the regency _than he had_! The debates upon this subject were long and warm; but Pitt and the queen finally triumphed. The care of the king's person and the disposition of the royal household was to be committed to her majesty, who would, by this means, be vested with the patronage of _four hundred places_, amongst which were the great offices of lord-stewart, lord-chamberlain, and master of the horse! These ”loaves and fishes”
offered the queen a fine opportunity of exercising her tyranny, and further increasing her power!
Let us here digress a little, to reflect upon the _enviable_ state in which her majesty was placed at this period.
Behold, then, the Queen of England, in the enjoyment of health, surrounded with all the luxuries of life, knowing the _intricacies_ of STATE INFAMY, and anxious to hold the reins of government in her own hands, constantly closeted with the minister--ALONE! his years not half so many as those of his royal mistress! See her confiding in his secrecy, submitting her opinions for his decision, and knowing that herself and her family are in his power! The man, who, after this retrospect, p.r.o.nounces there never was a _false step_, or a _deviation from rect.i.tude_, we venture to say is but very little acquainted with humanity! It is also well known to more than one or two individuals, that the Prince of Wales dared to _jest_ with her majesty upon the occasional _private_ interviews she held with this minister; and his royal highness was once seriously sent from her presence, in consequence of a TRIFLING DISCOVERY he made. It therefore seemed the more requisite that the _appearance_ of a rigid decorum must exist at court; consequently, if any lady had been known to violate those bounds, she must be excluded from royal favour, and never again enter the precincts of the palace! Her majesty, it will be perceived from this, knew how to put on the garb of virtue, if she possessed it not! Our love of impartiality, however, obliges us to give an instance contrary to the general edict of the queen. Her majesty was made fully acquainted with Mrs. Fitzherbert's history, and therefore knew that this lady had been left a widow--twice; and that she afterwards accepted the _protection_ of the Marquis Bellois, which intimacy was of considerable duration.
Yet, as soon as the prince _married her_, she was a general visitant at court, and received the most especial and unlimited polite attentions from the queen. Let this example suffice to shew her majesty's _scrupulous_ delicacy!
In March,
the king was declared convalescent, so as to be able to resume his duties, and defeat those air-drawn schemes of power, which his queen was about to a.s.sume.
The insulted sovereign thus freed the people, for a time, from the artful stratagems and devices arising from the charnel house of oppression.
It is certain, that his majesty was free from all _violent_ paroxysms, and generally manifested a quiet and un.o.btrusive disposition in all things. But then this was the _utmost_ of his improvement. Reason's empire was fatally shook, and the recollection of the past incapacitated him for forming an opinion either upon the present or the future.
The queen, in the mean time, resolved not to be entirely debarred of her prospects of patronage; for, under the specious disguise of kingly authority, her majesty gave appointments and honours to the hirelings around her, and carried ”majorities” whenever she pleased.
It was not deemed prudent that the king should open the House in person; therefore, the chancellor delivered the speech in the name of his majesty.
During this session, Mr. Wilberforce pleaded ably for the abolition of West Indian slavery, though to very little advantage.
Some excesses of an unhappy description were practised by the Duke of York; but they were pa.s.sed over without any public punishment or parental rebuke, although a family of high respectability suffered the loss of their only daughter, a most beautiful and accomplished girl, nearly twenty years of age! She was a victim of the duke's sensuality, and destroyed herself by poison soon afterwards,--such were the extreme sentiments of honor and virtue entertained by her. Some of her family yet live to mourn her loss and regret the privileges of royalty!
In this year a revolution broke out in France, and innumerable lives were lost. The opposite views which Burke and Fox took of this event dissolved the friends.h.i.+p that had so long existed between them.
In February,
the printer of ”The Times” newspaper was fined ONE HUNDRED POUNDS for a libel on the Prince of Wales, and the like sum for a libel on the _equally-ill.u.s.trious_ seducer, the Duke of York. If a verdict had been given otherwise, royalty would have been humbled!
In this year, also, a most remarkable occurrence transpired. A very respectable clergyman was induced to marry two persons upon an extreme emergency, without their obtaining a license or the publis.h.i.+ng of banns.
The clergyman was tried at Leicester for this offence, and sentenced to be _transported for fourteen years_! Many appeals were made, in a quiet and peaceable manner, to the judge. Expostulations upon the disproportion of the punishment were also made by various cla.s.ses of society; but, alas! _the happiness of the subject was destroyed_, while the higher authorities remained not only unimpeached, but defended!
During this session, the House was solicited to supply extra sums for the expenditure of the _secret service_, to which, however, many voices were raised in opposition. The prince and his former friends and companions were now apparently in a state of disunion, as each one appeared dissatisfied with the other.
Mr. Fox proved the most unremitting member of the House in the discharge of his duties, opposing the increase of the national debt, and the imposition of new taxes. The salary of the speaker of the House of Commons, however, was advanced to six thousand pounds, remonstrance proving of no avail.
About this time, the prince and two of his brothers became so embarra.s.sed by their imprudent conduct, that they found it expedient to resort to some measure for the attainment of means to satisfy the clamorous demands of their creditors. Jews and money-brokers were tried, but to no effect; and their last resource seemed to be by obtaining the amount desired upon their respective or joint bonds. Every likely person was solicited to grant the loan; yet, after a long and mortifying attempt, all their endeavours proved fruitless. A large interest was offered, and had the parties been persons of indubitable integrity, many of their countrymen would have gladly lent their money upon such terms; but former inaccuracies paved the way for future misgivings. At length the sum was furnished, from foreign houses chiefly,--the amount of which was ONE MILLION!!! The princes received nearly half a million immediately, and the other portion was to be paid according to the stipulation,--the interest being fixed at _six per cent._ This interest, however, was not paid upon its becoming due; consequently there was a suspicion of unfair dealing; but of this subject we must treat anon.
A trifling dispute with Spain this year cost the country THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS!