Part 24 (2/2)

PAUL looked from side to side at the palely lit faces of the spectators, trying to distinguish Barney Bill and Jane. But he did not see them. He was disappointed and depressed, seized with a curious yearning for his own people. Vehicle after vehicle drew up and carried away the remainder of the platform group, and Paul was left in the doorway with the President and Honorary Secretary of the local lodge.

The little crowd began to melt away. Suddenly his heart leaped and, after a hasty good night to the two officials, he sprang forward and, to their astonishment, gripped the hand of a bent and wizened old man.

”Barney Bill! This is good. Where is Jane?”

”Close by,” said Bill.

The President and Honorary Secretary waved farewells and marched away.

Out of the gloom came Jane, somewhat shyly. He took both her hands and looked upon her, and laughed. ”My dear Jane! What ages since we lost each other!”

”Seven years, Mr. Savelli.”

”'Mr. Savelli!' Rubbis.h.!.+ Paul.”

”Begging your pardon,” said Barney Bill, ”but I've got a pal 'ere what I've knowed long before you was born, and he'd like to tell yer how he enjoyed your speech.”

A tall man, lean and bearded, and apparently very well dressed, came forward.

”This is my old pal, Silas Finn,” said Bill.

”Delighted to meet you, Mr. Finn,” said Paul, shaking hands.

”I too,” said the man gravely.

”Silas Finn's a Councillor of the Borough,” said Bill proudly.

”You should have been on the platform,” said Paul.

”I attended in my private capacity,” replied Mr. Finn.

He effaced himself. Paul found himself laughing into Barney Bill's twinkling eyes. ”Dear old Bill,” he cried, clapping his old friend on the shoulder. ”How are things going? How's the caravan? I've looked out for it on so many country roads.”

”I'm thinking of retiring,” said Bill. ”I can only do a few summer months now--and things isn't what they was.”

”And Jane?” He turned to her.

”I'm Mr. Finn's secretary.”

”Oh,” said Paul. Mr. Finn, then, was an important person.

The drill hall attendant shut the door, and save for the street lamps they were in gloom. There was an embarra.s.sed little silence. Paul broke it by saying: ”We must exchange addresses, and fix up a meeting for a nice long talk.”

”If you would like to have a talk with your old friends now, my house is at your disposal,” said Mr. Finn, in a soft, melancholy voice. ”It is not far from here.”

”That's very kind of you--but I couldn't trespa.s.s on your hospitality.”

”Gor bless you,” exclaimed Barney Bill. ”Nothing of the kind. Didn't I tell yer I've knowed him since we was lads together? And Jane lives there.”
