Vol 1 Chapter 4.2 (1/2)

39—Legend of Sun Knight Volume 1

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 4 Teacher’s… Part 2: Student—translated by lucathia (proofread by Arcedemius & Lala Su)

The following days each felt like a year to Elaro. Every morning, the first thing he did was ask Ed if Vice-Captain Adair had returned yet.

The answer was always negative.

When the third day arrived and he received the same answer, Elaro was already mentally prepared. However, when Ludia appeared before him with a message from the Pope, his mood still plummeted to rock bottom, even though he had already prepared himself.

“Big Brother, His Holiness the Pope wishes to see you immediately.”

Elaro took in a deep breath and said, “I understand. I’ll head over right away.”

Ludia reached out a hand to touch his face, her heart hurting for him. She comforted him, “Brother, don’t worry too much. In just a few days, you look like you’ve aged a lot.”

When he heard this, Elaro forced on a smile, not wanting to worry his sister. “I’ve always looked old.”

Ludia didn’t think so at all. “Nonsense! Big Brother, you’re mature, not old.”

Elaro merely smiled. Even though he knew that his sister was trying to make him laugh to ease his worry, he really didn’t have the strength to laugh.

When she saw this, Ludia stopped trying. She asked softly, “Are the Twelve Holy Knight-Captains okay?”

Elaro shook his head. “I don’t know the situation.”

Ludia didn’t ask any further questions. She actually didn’t know what the Twelve Holy Knights did on their missions every half a year, but she was certain that Elaro must be in the know. However, since she had asked once and received no answer, Ludia did not ask again.

If it were something that he could tell her, Elaro definitely wouldn’t keep it from her. Ludia trusted her brother that way.

“I should go see His Holiness the Pope now.” After Elaro finished greeting her, he prepared to leave. He didn’t think that his sister would follow him. He turned his head to look curiously at her.

Ludia simply hurried her steps to catch up with her brother. She lowered her head and smiled as she said, “His Holiness the Pope wishes for me to follow you over. He says that I should start learning how to manage a few matters.”

“Congratulations.” After he spoke, Elaro then grew worried and asked in a quiet voice, “Is the Pope not going to consider the Bishop of Radiance and the Bishop of Brilliance? They are much more experienced.”

“Big Brother, you worry over too many things.” Ludia blinked and said, “The Bishop of Radiance and the Bishop of Brilliance look much older than His Holiness the Pope! How would they succeed him?”

Elaro wasn’t convinced. According to his teacher, when “Teacher’s teacher” had just been selected to be the Sun Knight, the Pope had already had his current appearance. Even now that Teacher was about to leave office, the Pope still looked the same. Even if they calculated based on the youngest age possible, the Pope should be at least seventy something years old already.

However, it was true that the Bishop of Radiance and the Bishop of Brilliance were no longer young. Pa.s.sing the position to them was indeed not very practical, but Ludia was still too young. The burden of the entire Sanctuary of Light was really too much…

“Big Brother.” Ludia said, helpless about him, “It’s impossible that I would succeed the position right away. You should stop piling up your worries so much beforehand!”

Elaro smiled embarra.s.sedly and stopped thinking about that problem. The two of them reached the Pope’s doors. The holy knights guarding the door had them enter immediately. There was no need to announce their arrival.

When they walked in, the Pope was sitting behind his desk. His entire body was enveloped in gauze. Only a general outline of his features could be seen.

Both Elaro and Ludia knew that underneath the gauze was a fifteen year old boy—at least, that was what his appearance suggested.

“I believe that you know what I’m about to say, Elaro.” The Pope’s tone was calm as he said, “The Sun Knight Vice-Captain Adair has gone to investigate the situation. It is now the third day, but he has yet to return.”

When he heard this, Elaro’s heart plummeted to rock bottom. If he could choose, he didn’t want to hear what was going to be said next.

“Elaro, you have to be ready. If three more days pa.s.s without any news, you and the other holy knights-in-training will take over the positions of the Twelve Holy Knights and be prepared for battle.”

Take over the position of the Sun Knight! Be prepared for battle! Each order greatly shook Elaro to the core. Although he had known the process that would follow if something were to occur, hearing that they would have to start doing so still made him unwilling to proceed.

If he proceeded with the orders, it would mean—that Teacher would no longer be able to return.

Ludia’s eyes widened. However, she had received orders from the Pope to quietly finish listening no matter what was revealed, so even though she had heard such a grave matter, she didn’t ask a single question.

The Pope folded his hands on top of the desk and calmly asked, “Holy Knight Elaro, you haven’t forgotten the Sun Knight’s teachings, have you?”

Elaro immediately replied, “This student would never dare to forget!”

“Very good.” The Pope serenely said, “Then go. Tell everything to every one of them. Let them prepare themselves. Let them be ready to succeed the Twelve Holy Knights. Let them be prepared to take on ‘everything.’”

Elaro could only nod and accept the command. “Understood.”

“Ludia, stay. I have things to tell you.”

“Yes, Your Holiness.”

Ludia looked worriedly toward her brother, who saluted and turned to leave. His figure seen from behind looked like he was in such… pain.

In the past few days, major criminals from local churches were being transferred over to the Church of the G.o.d of Light one after another. Hungri was so busy with the transfers, verifying the criminals’ situations, and looking over the results of the local churches’ initial interrogations, that he barely had time to breathe.

Don’t tell me that the teachers picked such a time to leave to test our abilities to take care of everything? Hungri had such a conjecture. However, even if that were the truth, he would only feel happy. It would mean that the time to succeed them was growing nearer and nearer. It would be great if succession could happen within the year.

However, such an event should be impossible. Succeeding the Twelve Holy Knights was a large matter. It would probably take several months’ worth of effort just for them to finish completely transferring over all the duties.

Aim for next year! Hungri looked over the statements the local churches had given him even more seriously. He had to handle things to the point that his teacher could find nothing to fault him for.

But Teacher has really been gone for a long time this time… Hungri grew doubtful.

Regarding this matter, Elaro’s reaction was so strong that it was strange. As the formidable next Sun Knight, he should have a smile on. Normally, he really liked to smile a lot, but lately, his furrowed brows were even more creased than the Judgment Knight’s.

That guy is always hiding a bunch of stuff! However, Elaro had already promised him earlier. One day, he would tell everyone—

The door to the Judge’s Complex was pushed open. Hungri raised his head. At first, he thought it would be new bunch of criminals. He didn’t think he would see Elaro walk inside. You think of him, and he’s here.

Something seems off about him… Hungri furrowed his brows and put down the doc.u.ments he held. He walked down from the judgment platform and asked doubtfully, “Elaro, has something happened?”

Glancing at the symbol of the G.o.d of Light above the judgment platform, Elaro took a deep breath and said, “I have to leave for a bit. Please take care of the entire Holy Temple in these next few days.”

After he finished speaking, he hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he still did not tell Hungri the “worst case scenario” that Adair had mentioned. Faced with the young face before him, he really couldn’t say something like, “Please be prepared for the fact that we could all die in battle, and you will have to lead the Holy Temple.”

Hungri froze. At first, he had been walking over calmly and slowly, but now he immediately rushed in front of Elaro. “Where are you going?”

Before Elaro could think of an excuse, Hungri immediately asked another question. “The teachers aren’t around because of their mission. Vidar and Adair also left two days ago. Now, even you are leaving? Just where are all of you going?”

When he heard this, Elaro recalled that the Pope wanted him to tell all of them about everything. However, once the words were spoken, his teacher might never be able to return… He clenched his mouth closed.

Seeing that Elaro was unwilling to say anything, Hungri bellowed, “You’re always so mysterious. You can’t say this. You can’t say that. The teachers only ever tell you anything. Are we really so untrustworthy?”

Elaro couldn’t help wanting to explain on the teachers’ behalf. “It’s because you’re all still too young. I’m already over twenty—”

“But you’ve known it for a long time already, right?” Hungri didn’t accept it at all and continued to interrogate him, “At what age did you learn of the reason why the teachers go on a mission every half a year?”

Age eight. Elaro was completely afraid to answer. He dodged the question. “I discovered it by accident. Teacher didn’t tell me anything.”

Having received no answer, and seeing Elaro hemming and hawing, yet still not revealing anything, Hungri was so angry, his face grew red. He growled, “Elaro, just at what age do you plan on succeeding the position of the Sun Knight? I’m already seventeen, yet none of you are willing to tell me anything. Some of the others aren’t even sixteen yet. Just how long do you plan on waiting before succeeding?”

Elaro froze, but he was rather calm about this matter. “I am the only one whose age is too different. It’s a given that I should wait.”

When he heard this, Hungri was so angry that he no longer cared about their age difference, about how Elaro was the leader of the Holy Temple, or even about how Elaro was much taller than him. He grabbed Elaro’s collar and coldly ground out, “The others and I are all doing our utmost trying to catch up with you, yet you and the teachers are always blocking us outside the door! In the future, are we actually going to become the Twelve Holy Knights together, or is it that you’re fine with succeeding by yourself?”

Having Hungri’s tone turn so frigid alarmed Elaro more than facing his angry shouts. It meant that Hungri had truly grown furious. He hurriedly explained, “I only felt that all of you are still young. You are all close in age except for me, so of course I should be the one to wait.”

The moment he finished speaking, Hungri’s expression turned even more malevolent, yet Elaro didn’t at all understand what he had said wrong.

Hungri bit out, “Do you think you are the only one who knows the meaning of sacrifice?

“Don’t give me that nonsense about how you’re the only one who is different… We are all the Twelve Holy Knights! No one is different! Since you have slowed down your strides to wait for us, we would obviously hurry our steps to catch up with you. Only when we walk together are we the Twelve Holy Knights and can be considered true companions. Aren’t I right?”

True companions. Elaro lowered his head to look at Hungri. I see. So that’s why he absolutely can’t be replaced…

Hungri resentfully said, “Elaro, say something! What are you staring off into s.p.a.ce for? That’s your only flaw, always blanking out from time to time… No, wait! The fact that you’re hiding so much is bad too.”

Elaro returned to his senses. He said ruefully, “I have this feeling that my younger brother has grown up.”

Hungri growled, “Younger brother, my a.s.s! We’re companions!”

“Yes, yes, yes, we’re companions. Don’t swear.” Elaro smiled widely, yet he extended his hand to rub Hungri’s head.

“Don’t you dare rub my head! You’re still treating me like a kid—”

Elaro smiled as he said, “Let’s go find the rest of our ‘companions’ right now and tell them everything.”

“Of course, you have to tell them…” Halfway through his casual response, Hungri abruptly realized what Elaro meant. He froze and asked in disbelief, “You’re willing to explain now?”

Elaro nodded cautiously and said, “Actually, I should ask for Teacher’s approval first, but the current situation is unusual. His Holiness the Pope has already given me an ultimatum. If the teachers do not return within three days, we are to succeed the Twelve Holy Knights and be prepared for battle.”

“Succession in three days?” Hungri’s eyes widened. Immediately afterward, he heard something even more shocking. “Be prepared for battle? What battle?”

“Come. Let’s gather all of our companions first.” Elaro calmly said, “I’ll tell you guys everything.”

In the conference room, Elaro and Hungri both sat at the head position of the long table. This was the first time they were seated this way. Since they weren’t the Twelve Holy Knights yet, the teachers would only have them come over when they wanted them to observe something. During those times, the teachers would be sitting in their spots, and they would be sitting or standing behind the teachers, observing the teachers’ every action.

It was the first time Elaro was sitting in the Sun Knight’s actual spot, but he didn’t feel the least bit happy. He only felt very worried. He didn’t at all want to sit in his teacher’s spot under such circ.u.mstances.

He raised his head. The holy knights sitting on his side were Shuis, Valica, Judge, Youg, and Snow. On Hungri’s side were Valkyrs, Absenplum, Luke, Leo, and Fey.

“You really are all grown up.”

After his lamenting, several people immediately rolled their eyes at him. Shuis and Valica were probably the only ones courteous enough not to roll their eyes at him.

Hungri glared at the person next to him and said resentfully, “Didn’t you say you would no longer treat us like younger brothers?”

“Yes, yes…”

“Sigh!” Fey sighed and pushed up the monocle on his left eye. He said, “It’s not that I want to say this, but Elaro and Hungri, the two of you really aren’t suited for sitting next to each other.”

“What in the world do you mean?” Hungri’s reaction was so strong that he jumped up. “Are you saying that I’m not qualified to be the Judgment Knight?”

For a long time, everyone had already accepted Elaro as the most suitable successor of the Sun Knight, so Fey’s words could only be directed at him. And the number one thing that Hungri hated was most definitely having people think he wasn’t qualified enough to be the Judgment Knight.

“You misunderstand. This has nothing to do with being the Sun Knight or the Judgment Knight. It’s just that… Sigh!” He pushed his monocle up and said while sighing, “Sitting side by side like this, you really look like a married couple.”


Elaro hugged the person next to him without letting go. At this time, he was incomparably glad that he was much taller than Hungri. If not, he wouldn’t have been able to stop Hungri from hacking a companion to death during their very first official gathering.

Fey placed one hand on his chin and said, “Oh my, good thing my position is the farthest from you… Ah!”

The hilt of Hungri’s sword that he held hit Fey’s head spot on.

“Let go of me!” Hungri growled. “I’ve wanted to kill that guy for a long time already!”

“Hungri!” Seeing that the next thing Hungri would throw would be his sword, Elaro hurriedly said, “Do you want to kill Fey right now, or do you want to hear me tell you about what’s going on with the teachers?”

Hungri froze, glared darkly at Fey, and then finally turned and sat down.

“Say it already!”

Everyone looked toward Elaro expectantly. He took a deep breath and finally opened his mouth to explain.

“In the past, because the dark element grew too saturated, it led to the birth of the Demon King…”