Part 69 (1/2)
”I think I know what he's looking for-a connection between Adelaide Worner and Timothy J. Calhoun-but I have no idea if he'll find one. Or what else he might come up with.”
”Best possible world, Matt. Your Lieutenant Deitrich comes up with a strong enough connection so that you-I mean you, there you, there-can go to a judge and get a search warrant for the box. You serve the search warrant and find something-drugs would be best, but a large amount of cash would also work-in the box . . . Wait a second . . .”
Matt heard what he presumed was the sound of a hand covering the microphone.
He looked down at Susan again. His hand reached out and he touched, almost reverently, her right nipple with the b.a.l.l.s of his fingers. She looked down to see what he was doing, and then looked into his eyes. Her hand covered his and pressed it against her breast.
”Walter Davis just said . . .”
Christ, the FBI guy. What's going on down there?
”. . . that if you have anything at all, he'll call Chief Mueller, who probably knows the right judge to go to for the search warrant.”
”Hold it again,” Wohl said and went off the line for almost a minute.
Susan moved close to Matt and kissed him tenderly, then touched his face with her hand.
Wohl came back on the line: ”Chief Coughlin just decided it would be better if you didn't go to Deitrich tonight. But Mr. Davis will call Chief Mueller, as soon as I get off the phone, and call in a favor about the warrant.”
”So. Leave it this way. At eight o'clock, you will learn from Deitrich if he's come up with a connection. Or something else. Either way, you call . . . wait a second. . . . Okay. You call Was.h.i.+ngton Was.h.i.+ngton as soon as possible after eight, and tell him what's happened to that point. He'll tell you either to go get the warrant and serve it, or something else. Do you happen to know if Calhoun is still out there?” as soon as possible after eight, and tell him what's happened to that point. He'll tell you either to go get the warrant and serve it, or something else. Do you happen to know if Calhoun is still out there?”
”I have no idea.”
”Maybe Walter can ask Chief Mueller to have an RPC discreetly check if his car is parked at one of his relatives' houses. If that happens, Was.h.i.+ngton will let you know when you speak with him. If you learn, for sure, that he's in Harrisburg, or has left, you call Was.h.i.+ngton.”
”You mean in the morning?”
”I mean whenever you find out. We're going to arrest Calhoun in any event. The question is when, and whether you will do it up there, based on what you find in the safe-deposit box, or we do it here in Philadelphia.”
”Are you going to tell me what these 'new developments' are?”
”There's no time for that now. If there's time in the morning, Was.h.i.+ngton will fill you in then.”
”Hold on once more,” Wohl said, went off the line for another forty seconds, and came back on. ”Mr. Davis wants to know how you're doing with the Reynolds woman.”
”Tell him she's naked in my bed right now.”
”G.o.dd.a.m.n it, that's not funny! Do you have anything or don't you?”
”No, sir.”
”You going to see her anytime soon?”
”Tomorrow, probably.”
”Calhoun is your priority, but the other remains in place. If you think she's going to meet with Chenowith, call Jack Matthews.”
”Yes, sir.”
”Was.h.i.+ngton will be waiting to hear from you around eight.”
”Yes, sir.”
”We'll be talking,” Wohl said. ”Good night, Matt.” The line went dead.
” 'She's naked in my bed right now'?” Susan quoted when he had hung up the phone.
”I don't think he believed me.”
”I really think you have a screw loose,” she said.
”Well, now that we're wide awake, whatever whatever shall we do?” shall we do?”
”I should get dressed and go home,” Susan said.
”It's only . . .”
”Quarter past three,” Susan furnished. ”My G.o.d!”
”That late? I had no idea! Say, I just had a late? I had no idea! Say, I just had a marvelous marvelous idea! Why don't you just lie back down, we'll leave a call for, say, half past five, have a good breakfast . . .” idea! Why don't you just lie back down, we'll leave a call for, say, half past five, have a good breakfast . . .”
”Matt, I had to sneak out of the house to come here. The last thing I need now is for my mother to catch me sneaking back in. Sometimes she gets up early. . . . I have to go.”
”Spoken like a true member of the next generation of a Bennington mommy.”
”We have enough trouble without her finding out that I've been with you all night.”
”You think Mommy doesn't already have deep suspicions-with more than a little reason-that you and I have been playing Hide the Salami?”
”Of course she doesn't! Why should she? And I really hate you when you're vulgar!”
”Princess, that model of the Bennington mommy-and G.o.d knows, I know them well; your mommy, Chad's mommy, Daffy's mommy, and Penny's mommy were all stamped out of the same mold-is not really as airheaded and naive as they would have their children believe.”
”Meaning what?”
”They've figured it out that if the children think they're stupid, the children won't try so hard to put something over on them, and thus they get to know what's going on.”
”You really think my mother knows about us?”
”Knows? No. Not unless she's climbed the fire escape to look in the window-which I suppose is possible. But does she have deep, and justifiable, suspicions? h.e.l.l, yes, she does.”
”I don't believe that!”