41 Thats Really Him! (1/2)

When Aatrox had first entered the theater, he had been startled. The last time he came to record, the audience was completely empty. This time it was the other way around. The school theater could fit about 200 people. Looking over, Aatrox could see that at least half were busy. For the theater group, the astonishment was even greater, as they only performed for this amount of people at festivals, and often the audience paid no attention to them and waited for the talent show to begin. This time everyone could see that the audience was really interested and eager for what was to come.

When Aatrox arrived backstage, he was amused to see the face of his stage mates. Annie was apparently ok, but the other actor who would be a major in this episode was very nervous. He was 17, just like Aatrox and Annie, but his beard made him look older. When Roberta was planning the script, she realized that this student would fit perfectly into the role she was thinking for the female leader's father, Jack.


After the recording, Aatrox and the other actors thanked the audience for their applause and returned to the backstage. During the thanks, Aatrox saw James among the audience cheering him on his feet. From the smile on his face, he probably liked the play.

[Random Spectator 1: My God, the experience of watching in person is very good!]

[Random Spectator 3: I don't believe it, did you see when the swordsman smiled? I couldn't think of anything else after that smile of his. My heart sped up a few dozen BPM.]

[Random Spectator 4: I know! I can't even remember his name. The only thing I could think of was that smile. I finally confirmed that he was Benjamin Gray from the videos singing on youtube.]

[Random Spectator 3: I think Jack had called him Nick. I don't believe the same person who sings those songs in such a beautiful way, looking so good also performed so well. Also, did you see the new song he released?] Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

[Random Spectator 4: Has he released another song? I need to listen.]

[Random Spectator 3: You won't regret it, I don't know what he did, but he sang much better than in the other song. He looks like he's gone from an amateur to a person who sings for years in just one video.]


”The play was amazing! You rocked as usual! ”Roberta came complimenting them from afar as she hugged each actor. She had already thanked the technical team, now only the actors were missing.

”I still can't believe you've never studied theater before, Ben.” Annie said sighing still dressed in the waitress outfit.