22 Familiar Faces (1/2)
Walking through the schools' corridors after saying goodbye to his father, Aatrox got lost while searching for his room.
”Are you lost?” A boy asked Aatrox.
”Yes, I don't know where 12th-grade room A is.” Aatrox said as he answered the boy in front of him.
The boy had short red hair, a freckled face. His muscles were apparently flabby and his height was around 170cm [5ft 7 inches].
”Are you in class 12A?” Asked the surprised boy.
”Yes, why?” Aatrox asked back.
”Don't you know what they say about class 12A? They say that to get in there you must either be very rich, or very smart. It's like the elite 12th-grade class.” Said the boy while apparently examining Aatrox to find out which of the two types he fit.
”My family may not be poor, but we're not rich either. I think I fit the second option.” Said Aatrox in his usual cold voice.
”I see, by the way, my name is Gregory, but you can call me Greg. Classroom 12A is on the third floor, come on.” Greg said as he walked toward the third floor.
”Alright Ben, have you picked your elective subjects yet?” Asked Greg.
”Elective subjects?” Aatrox asked as he went through Benjamin's memories to remember what that meant. ”Which electives can I choose from?” He asked after remembering that these are subjects the student can choose to do.
”Basketball, Soccer, Computer Programming, Band, Orchestra, Theater ... The school has a lot of subjects to choose from hahaha.” Greg said.
”Some of the subjects sound interesting.” Aatrox said thoughtfully. ”I think ill choose some to do.”
Before long the two arrived at room 12A. Apparently it was just like any other classroom. Some students were sitting down while studying, others were grouped up and talking, what Aatrox didn't expect was to find some familiar faces in his class.
”This is room 12A. I hope you're not disappointed. Professor Daniels is coming, we should go in before he arrives.” Greg said before entering room 12A and sitting in his chair.
Aatrox was surprised, he didn't expect Greg to be from 12A. 'Which of the two categories does he fall into?' Aatrox thought as he remembered the two types of students in class 12A Greg told him about a while ago.
”Welcome Ben.” Professor Daniels said as he put a hand on Aatrox's shoulder.
”Thank you, Professor Daniels. The principal told me to come to the class and you would introduce me to the class.” Aatrox said.