Part 5 (1/2)
1a. Proposal for County Christian a.s.sociation or Church Federation.
1b. Board of Directors.
1c. County Council chosen by each cooperating denomination on basis of members.h.i.+p.
2c. Election or appointment of denominational representatives to be left to each denomination.
3c. Selection of county secretary.
2b. Duties of county secretary.
1c. Survey--Follow up what interchurch county office has done.
1d. Location of all churches.
2d. Residence of pastors.
3d. Community boundaries.
2c. Organize county religious movements as:
1d. Evangelistic drive.
2d. Members.h.i.+p rally.
3d. Go-to-church campaigns.
4d. Religious wors.h.i.+p in the home.
5d. Common programs with reference to moral and spiritual problems.
6d. Other religious movements.
3c. Interchurch adjustments.
1d. Act as secretary of Committee on Adjustments--provide office for interchurch activities.
2d. Depository for interchurch religious information.
3d. Follow-up plans made as result of interchurch survey, including:
1e. Encouragement of building parsonage and getting resident pastor in every community.
2e. Getting a community church building in every community adequate to its needs.
3e. Getting a community building under joint religious auspices where need exists for several houses of wors.h.i.+p.
4e. Clearing house for members.h.i.+p conservation.
5e. Determination of parish boundaries.