Part 3 (1/2)


”How good of you! But, as I said before, I had only expressed a wish.

Aren't you in the least interested in my wishes?”

”If you were interested in mine you would take up those oars again.”

”And thereby shorten the term of your imprisonment by me! Your kindness emboldens me to make known my desire. I wish you would let me examine something that appears to be hanging to your bonnet.”

”Is it a grub--a caterpillar--a spider?” These horrors were mentioned in the order of their detestability, and with a rising accent.

”Really, I wouldn't like to say, unless you remove the bonnet.” She gave a convulsive twitch to the strings, and pulled them into a hard knot. ”Can't you brush it off?” she asked Edward breathlessly.

”Pray do not be so alarmed. No, indeed, I couldn't brush it off. It sticks too fast for that. I wish,” he said, as she made a frantic lurch towards him, ”that you could be mild but firm--I mean not quite so agitated.” Her breath came in quick perfumed wafts into his face, as his steady fingers strove to undo the knot in her ribbons. But even after this lengthy business was concluded his trouble (if it could rightly be called a trouble) was only half over, for the careful Rose, with a prudent foreknowledge of the power of lake breezes to disarrange, if not carry away altogether, the headgear of helpless woman, had by some ingenious arrangement of hair-pins fastened the bonnet to the raven locks of her friend in such a manner that it could not be removed without endangering the structure of her elaborate hair-architecture. So it was among the dark waves of rapidly down-flowing tresses that Helene's voice was again heard beseeching him to tell her what it was.

”Your scientific curiosity seems to be almost as great as your fear of the insect creation. But, really, it is quite a harmless little fellow. See!” and he pointed to a steel beetle set with a view to ornamental effect in the centre of a little rosette of ribbons.

”Oh, shameless!” exclaimed the young girl, sinking her lily-white face again among the abundant waves of her hair.

”Yes, I daresay he is ashamed enough to think that he isn't alive when he sees that you regret it so much.”

It is very annoying to be obliged to laugh when one has just made up one's mind to be very angry; but Mademoiselle DeBerczy, with all her haughtiness, was endowed with a sense of humour; so it was with only a weak show of reproachful indignation that she at last threw back her head and exclaimed:

”How could you--when I have such a horror of every sort of creeping thing--and you knew what it was all the time!”

”Oh, excuse me, I did not know--that is, I wasn't positive. At a distance I thought it was some sort of a big fly--a blue-bottle. Now I see it is a blue beetle.”

The young lady deigned no reply.

”I am sorry that you were frightened, but you don't seem to be a bit sorry on account of my sufferings.”

”Your sufferings?”

”Yes, see how surprised you are even to know that they existed! But they are over now. At frequent intervals, all through this long voyage, I have been forced to look at a heavenly body through a telescope--that is, when I could get the telescope properly adjusted to my vision. The difficulties of adjustment have cost me a world of trouble.”

She gazed at him a moment in wide-eyed amazement, and then without attempting to solve the riddle of his remarks, proceeded to reduce her wind-blown locks to something like their usual law and order. The dark heavy waves, rioting in the breeze, seemed to offer a problem to the deft white fingers that fluttered among them, but they were speedily subjugated, and the despised bonnet was added as the crowning touch.

Not a moment too soon, for the boat grated on the sandy beach, and the austere windows of her home were looking coldly down upon her. A pair of austere eyes were also fixedly regarding her; but of this Helene was happily unconscious. Perhaps it was the instinct of hospitality alone that made her smile so brightly upon the brother of her friend, as they walked up to the house together. The grounds about ”Bellevue,”

not so ample as those surrounding the home of the old Commodore, gave equal evidence of wealth and taste, and reminded one of a little park set in the midst of the wilderness. The garden borders were bright with crocuses and snowdrops and rich in promises of future bloom, while from the orchard slopes on the left came a fair vision of wall-like of foliage, frescoed with blossoms and the perfumed touch of the blithe breezes at play among them. Entering the quaint, dimly-lighted hall, they pa.s.sed under long plumes of peac.o.c.k feathers, o'erhanging the arched doorway leading into the drawing-room. The floors were waxed and polished, the apartments s.p.a.cious and lofty with elaborate cornices and panels. Leaving her guest in mute contemplation of a tiny wood fire in a great fire-place, the young girl ran lightly up the broad, low stairway, pausing at the half-way landing to gaze dreamily from a casemated window out upon the sparkling waters of the lake. Some of its brightness was reflected in her eyes, as, with a step less discreet and deferential than that which usually characterized her approaches to her mother's bedchamber, she pa.s.sed on to a half-closed door, tapped lightly upon it, and then pushed it wide open.

”Ah, my daughter, what tidings do you bring?”

”He has come!” declared the girl, proclaiming with unaffected gladness what was at that moment a great event in her life.


The chilly palm which the elder lady had extended, without rising, for the customary greeting, was not so chilly as the tone with which she uttered this offending p.r.o.noun. Helene, suddenly remembering with deep self-reproach the grief that her mother must feel in the loss of her old friend, took the cold fingers in both her warm white hands, and whispered tenderly:

”She has gone!”

Madame DeBerczy was not overcome by this intelligence. She had indeed learned the sad truth from Tredway, who had been despatched to ”Bellevue” by the Commodore immediately upon the death of his wife.