Part 9 (1/2)
We have no good evidence of Christians being found in the armies until we have evidence of great corruption in the church. But admitting that we had good evidence that there were professing Christians in the army at an early period of the church, I apprehend it would be of little importance, for the idolatrous rites and ceremonies of the heathen armies were of such a nature as to be totally inconsistent with Christian character, and the example of idolatrous Christians surely ought to have no weight.
Some objections of less importance might be stated which have from time to time been made against the sentiments here advocated; but to state and reply to everything that might be said is not necessary. Specious objections have been and still are made to almost every doctrine of Christianity. Mankind can generally find some plausible arguments to support whatever they wish to believe. The pleas in favor of war are very congenial with the natural feelings of the human heart, and unless men will examine with a serious, candid, and prayerful disposition to ascertain the truth as it is in Jesus, they will be very likely to imbibe and defend error.[3]
The writer, though far from supposing that everything he has said on a subject that has been so little discussed is free from error, is conscious of having endeavored to examine it with seriousness and candor, and feels satisfied that the general sentiments he has advanced are according to G.o.dliness. He sincerely hopes that every one who may peruse these pages will do it in the meek and unbiased spirit of the gospel, and then judge whether war can be reconciled with the lamblike example of Christ; whether it is really forgiving the of enemies, loving and doing them good, and returning good for evil; for if it is not, it is unquestionably inconsistent with the spirit and the precepts of Christianity.
All who earnestly desire and look for the millennial glory of the church should consider that it can never arrive until the spirit and practice of war are abolished. All who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity cannot but ardently desire that wars may cease to the ends of the earth and that mankind should embrace each other as brethren. If so, is it not their duty to do all in their power to promote so benevolent an object?
Ought not every individual Christian to conduct in such a manner that if every other person imitated his example it would be best for the whole?
If so, would they not immediately renounce everything that leads to wars and fightings and embrace everything which would promote that glorious reign of righteousness and peace for which they earnestly hope, long, and pray? ”The work of righteousness shall be peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness and a.s.surance forever.”
[1] Says the Rev. Dr. Scott, in his Essay, p. 422: ”We ought not therefore to fear our enemies because he will be with us, and if G.o.d be for us, who can be against us? Or who can doubt but he that is in us is greater than he that is in the world? This was typically intimated in the promises made to Israel respecting their wars with the Canaanites and other nations, which were shadows and figures of the good fight of faith.” Bishop Horne, in his preface to the Psalms, views the subject in the same light.
[2] All these objections introduced are carefully selected from some of the ablest advocates for the lawfulness of war.
[3] The last point American Christians will give up is the justification of their fathers in the War of the Revolution.
Great Sun of glory, rise and s.h.i.+ne, Dispel the gloom of night; Let the foul spirits stretch their wings, And fly before thy light.
Rebuke the nations, stop their rage, Destroy the warrior's skill, Hush all the tumults of the earth; O speak! say, ”Peace, be still.”
Break, break the cruel warrior's sword, Asunder cut his bow, Command him by thy sovereign word To let the captives go.
No more let heroes' glory sound, No more their triumphs tell, Bring all the pride of nations down-- Let war return to h.e.l.l.
Then let thy blessed kingdom come, With all its heavenly train, And pour thy peaceful spirit down, Like gentle showers of rain.
Then shall the prowling beasts of prey, Like lambs be meek and mild; Vipers and asps shall harmless twine Around the weaned child.
The happy sons of Zion sit Secure beneath their vines; Or, shadowed by their fig-tree's tops, Shall drink their cheering wines.
The nations to thy scepter bow, And own ”thy gentle sway”; Then all the wandering tribes of men To thee their tribute pay.
Angelic hosts shall view the scene, Delighted, spread their wings; Down to the earth again they fly, And strike their lofty strings.
The listening nations catch the sound, And join the heavenly choir, To swell aloud the song of praise, And vie with sacred fire.
”Glory to G.o.d on high!” they sound, In strains of angels' mirth; ”Good will and peace” to men, they sing, Since heaven is brought to earth.
The writer of the following pages has, for a considerable time, doubted the propriety of some of the common practices of Christians. To satisfy himself he has, if he is not deceived, candidly and diligently examined the Scriptures with a view to ascertain and practice the truth. After considerable inquiry his doubts increased. He then applied to some highly respectable and pious friends, who frankly acknowledged that they had never fully examined the subject, as they had never had any doubt concerning it. They judged the matter weighty and advised him to arrange his thoughts and commit them to paper. This he has endeavored to do as well as a very infirm state of body and a press of commercial business would admit. After submitting what he had written to some of his friends, they unanimously advised him to lay it before the public, hoping that it might have a tendency to call the subject into notice and lead to a more complete and full examination. With this view he has ventured to commit the following sheets to the press. He has only to beg that the Christian who may take the trouble to read them will not be so solicitous to reply to the arguments as to examine and ill.u.s.trate the truth.
The kingdom of our glorious Mediator is but little noticed in the world, yet it is precious in the eyes of the Lord. The Lord hath chosen Zion.