CH 37 (1/2)
chapter 037
TL:uselessno4 TLC and Editor:Silver
37. Parent and Child
“Seems to be here. The sweet fragrant is drifting from this room.”
At Biblioteca’s whisper, those around her nodded.
Though it’s not like they could see each other as they were still under the influence of Marigold’s gift .
Relying on Biblioteca’s nose, the girls comes to search for books or reports on this fortress city’s military.
“I’ll listen to see if there is anyone inside. Wait a moment.”
Violet said that as she pressed her ear against the door.
Voices could be heard from inside the room.
“The scouts should return by tomorrow. Salyut, are the preparation for the advancing military unit ready?”
“Everything’s ready esteemed Father.The enlistment has already been being completed. Though many had already gone to take part in the war with the empire, a good number of men of men have joined up.” useless:Salyut use chihiue, an addressing form for n.o.ble dad
“Fumu. Although waging a so-called war with homunculi is not a worthy cause, this war is to suppress a rebellion. As the enemy will be annihilated shortly, it’s necessary to leave no evidence behind. I can’t risk opening the doors to loose-lipped mercenaries. Since it’s come to this, we’ll have to use a considerable amount of money everything is settled. Of course, there will be multiple unknowns, but we’ll just have to push through it.”
“I understand. Well, it’s already late. Esteemed Father, you should go to rest.”
“Aah, you’re right. Oh, I heard that some mice come out again not long ago. The soldier was so noisy that I could even hear it from here. Do you think that it really wasn’t an enemy scout.”
“Hoo, really? However, the kind of existence that can climb over the castle walls surely doesn’t exist in this world. Though I heard that there are some major magicians that practice flying magic, the strong defense system surrounding this castle would not miss even a small animal.
Rats aren’t really anything to worry about. AHAHAHA.”
Salyut turned towards the door while saying “I’ll excuse myself then.”
He walked out and closed the door behind him.
He was looking at down a familiar corridor.
Yet, a bittersweet fragrant caused him to halt his steps and scanned the surroundings.
This charming fragrance that tickled his nose is similar to fragrance embodied by a beautiful maiden, a fragrance so sweet that it must come from the nectar of a flower. :( trying to be poetic, but can’t express it that well, lol
“What? That smell is coming from around here….. Did someone or something pa.s.s by just now?”
Salyut turns his head and stared at the closed door.
(Should I report this to father? But what to report? Say that a woman was here? Impossible, did a homunculus really sneaked in? Their gender is female ….. Stupid!! That’s impossible!! Reporting such details to father, I’m bound to be laughed at as coward.)Silver: This is why you should always rid yourself of pride when you know someone has reason to kill you. You make dumb choices otherwise.
As he shook his head at his own thoughts, he called a soldier and instructed him to strengthen the defenses inside the castle.
Then, he told another, more trusted subordinate,
“Guard this room carefully, make sure no one enters. Just in case.”
Salyut said so, as he made the soldier stand in front of the door.