CH 32 (1/2)

32. Ballad of the Necromancer

“It seems to have gone smoothly. He did not notice until the last moment.”

“Um, it came out excellent.”

A girl with bowl-cut black hair and a somewhat gloomy complexion, No. 0666 Totomorti, was leading Iss.h.i.+ into the room.

“When you combine Verde’s and Fortuna Rossa’s , it’s not difficult to discover enemy spies. Never in their wildest dream did they consider that they were being monitored by us.”

Well, Totomorti said that in a light manner, she also was waving her right hand.

Surprisingly the bucktooth man who got stabbed not that long ago begun to respond with timid movements.


“Iss.h.i.+-sama I think that this thing is already useless. However, as you said earlier, with proper management we can still train it to do some simple actions.”

While the girl spoke the bucktooth man get up.

“A, u, e, a, o, e , a”

As it began to groan words that doesn’t even makes sense,


“Really? It can’t be wrong if the Necromancer herself says so. It can’t perform well because I kill him in ambush, right?”

Toward that inquiry, Totomorti shook her black-haired head in denial.

“No. I think it’s because the hooked-nosed man’s attack awoken a strong sense of mortality. Though the projection was shown by Rossa’s , the sword was simply too quick to see. I think the blow had pierced his heart? Surely this man didn’t realize that he was already dead. That’s in itself was the ideal situation.”

Upon hearing her word, Iss.h.i.+ simply asked; “Is it so?”.

Um, the girl nods,

“My Necromancer gift is the power to manipulate the dead. However, this power comes with a lot of restrictions. Fresher corpses are better to give detailed instructions to; however, the best ones are those that didn’t realize that they died. It’s similar to the man you killed. They are able to reproduce the actions of living people almost perfectly. However, if months or even years have pa.s.sed since the person’s death, then only simple commands can be given. Something along the lines of attacking people at best.They would also lack the ability to speak.”

“I understand. Please put that corpse away for now.”

The girl said “Understood”, then started to wave her hand in a manner simulator to that of a composer.

Then, with a 「pis.h.i.+ pas.h.i.+」 sound, the head and body of the bucktoothed corpse started to enter some kind of s.p.a.cial rift.

In a matter of seconds, the man’s body began to crumble like sand, and as if being blown away by a gentle breeze, it soon disappeared as if absorbed into thin air. Silver: I should learn some Necromancy, it seems to come with some fun sub-skills

“By the way, how about the other one. Though weren’t you a little flashy in your disposal of that one?”

Towards that question,Totomorti became a little pouty,

“I’m not denying it. But, it was for the sake of our strategy. When people close to me are on the verge of death, I can project their own death visage in their minds.”

While saying so, the two glanced at the corpse of the goblin that had been placed atop the bed.

Thanks to her interference the hook-nosed man saw his own corpse rather than the one of the beast that had been hunt beyond the city’s limits.