CH 19 (1/2)

19. Violent Girl

“Hun, so boring. I thought Deanne was certainly killed.”

While saying so Kazami, turned away.

But, had he not evaded eye contact, all that had happened in town would have been exposed.

Because the situation Kazami had guessed was true, and Guregin was frozen in fear.

However, without noticing Kazami turned on a heel

“I’ve lost interest. I’m gonna stay at the feudal lord’s place, before returning to Lacqunight city. I’ll be sure to report you master’s incompetence while I’m there.

While sneering, the hero left the building.

Guregin breath a sigh of relief, before entering the office and rallying all the mercenaries he could.


“Hey, I’m the hero. Were did you go? We could have arrived in the next town at the end of the day at least.”

The hero said as he walked away from Guregin, he was speaking to the kingdom’s greatest magician Bazarou.

But, the words of the hero remain silent.

When they met awhile ago, he felt that Guregin was hiding something.

That was just intuition, but my intuition is often right.

Although I wasn’t looking, the atmosphere seemed to change when I said “Deanne was died” as a joke.

(What on earth is that b.a.s.t.a.r.d trying to hide・・・. Was it by chance true!)

While trying to think about it more, the calls of Bazaruo were heard.

And so, the hero felt pain.

“Hey! Gramps, what’s going on!!”

The old man who was ignored, hit my head with his cane mercilessly.

If I was a ordinary man the blow would have been enough to kill me, but I’m the hero not some ordinary man.

If there is any intention, then I’m fortunate!! Please behave yourself here. Understand. We have to return to the capital and report to the king! Salem was killed, and we’ve thwarted the resurrection of the evil G.o.d. But, what happened to the homunculi, has yet to be explained. Due to the evil G.o.d’s revival being stopped half way, it is necessary that we return quickly.

“d.a.m.n!, you noisy old man. It is destiny, you understand.”

They started to leave, Bazaruo reluctantly following after the hero’s words.

The unease never left, but it was not pursued further.

In this way, even with the last remains of the evil G.o.d’s revival a stone’s throw away, the two left the town without encountering the homunculi girls.

The amount of influence this decision had on the history of the continent, no one at the time realized.


“I’m here. without a doubt, dayo”

A girl with green hair that hung down her back, and had the ability of s.p.a.cial awareness Verde, reported no problems around the fort.

“Yeah, all right. By the way, there is one abnormality! yo. It appears that iss.h.i.+-sama has beaten Deanne, the mayor of Jirumu. I sympathize cause he faced Iss.h.i.+-sama!!”