CH 6 (1/2)

6. Girls who rule over death, destruction and cleaning.

The stone that Iss.h.i.+ threw hit the shoulder of the Troll faster than he expected.

And for some reason, a sharp whip-­like sound is heard. Moreover, the Troll has already fallen unto one knee on the spot while raising a scream.

“Guo OOO ooo OOOO!!!?”


While he doesn’t understand that he is the one who have caused it and having a blank expression, both the silver and jet­black hair girls a.s.sumed it as a war signal and started running towards the Troll.

Their figures run as fast as lightning and came close to the monster in a blink of an eye.

The figure of Arge, with her fluttering silver hair and at the same time wielding a huge sickle looks exactly like a G.o.d of Death while the the Black­-haired Natch; who easily lifted a gigantic tree in her right hand looked like the incarnation of violence.

The match had been settled in an instant, the moment Iss.h.i.+ blinked his eyes.

When the G.o.d of Death Arge swung her weapon that doesn’t suit her body size, instantly, both of the Troll’s arms were cut and flew amazingly.

Arge carefully moved her sickle to further carve out the arm, which splashed more blood, to tiny bits that it is barely recognizable to avoid dirtying the ground more. ( I took liberty on this line basing on a MTL myself.)

And the tanned girl Natch, just like her personality, run up straight in front of the Troll and directly slammed the gigantic tree in her hand.

An outrageous roar is echoing and a cloud of dust raised up, engulfing the surrounding flat lands.

But Natch doesn’t seem to be that refined enough to just end it in a single blow.

Again another cloud of dust rouse , as if wanting to beat it again, the thrown gigantic tree this time was raised overhead with both hands to the place where the Troll had collapsed. She put in more power and slammed it down.( I took liberty again on this line basing on a MTL myself.)

But the tree didn’t seem to last this time.

Natch being intoxicated by the fight had having an ecstatic smiling face the instant after bringing the enemy down. The gigantic tree cannot withstand the force used and exploded.

The scattered debris fly to the surroundings. It also flies to where Iss.h.i.+ stood but then he moved his body in a way that he cannot understand as if protecting the girls in the back. Having ascertained that the debris would hit them, he knocked it all down with his hand.

“As expected of our Master. It would be unreasonable to think our forces would fall if we have power like Master’s here. Nevertheless, in addition to being kind, you possess such power. We will work hard to correspond to your kindness.” (I took liberty again on this paragraph basing on a MTL myself and added a few words to smoothen the flow.)

Premier which was next to him is somewhat had an entranced expression and blus.h.i.+ng said to Iss.h.i.+.

But he doesn’t understand. How in the world could he do such a thing.

“No, for me to have such power is …­”

However before he could finish speaking, the girl who has long green hair, Verde, who had s.p.a.cial  awareness abilities, came and reported the progress of the battle.

“It has ended dayo­. How do I say?. There’s no trace of it(Troll) anymore­”

At her words, everybody turned their gaze in the direction the Troll had been.

But  exactly Verde have said, even as the cloud of dust gradually cleared up, the Troll’s shadow, that boasted a gigantic figure is nowhere to be found.

Rather, a pulped lump of flesh that was so messy that it is seemed to be dropped down to the ground is in place. It’s impossible to even recall its former shape from before.

“How is it Yakata­-sama, our little performance?”

“I’m sorry. I intended to choose a tree as hard as possible but it broke immediately and had scattered. The debris, although  Master shot it all down, somewhat added unnecessary trouble.”