Part 24 (1/2)

Just what sort of drug it was that Ryan used on Jack was never revealed. It was said later that the man himself had once been an expert chemist, and he probably knew the secrets of drugs better than the average criminal.

Whatever it was he gave Jack, it left no harmful after effects, and for that the pony rider was thankful.

”Do you want a doctor?” asked Mrs. Blake. ”We'll send for one, Jack, if you say so.”

”No, I think I'll be all right,” he answered. ”I'm feeling better by the minute. Oh, but I was sick!” and he shuddered at the recollection. ”But where is the mail?” he demanded, and this time he followed his question by sitting up. ”Where is it?” he repeated.

”Tim brought it in,” Jennie replied. ”I haven't opened it yet. There was so much excitement when we saw what a state you were in that I let the mail wait. There's a crowd outside now, waiting to hear the story.”

”Well, I don't feel like telling them,” said Jack. ”I want to sit here and rest. Is Sunger all right?”

”Yes,” Mrs. Blake reported. ”I'll go out and tell the folks something of what happened. Later on they can hear the whole story. But shan't I notify the sheriff or some one, and have them get after this Ryan? What became of him?”

”The last I saw of him was when he was sitting in the restaurant,” Jack answered. ”He said good-bye in the friendliest fas.h.i.+on. And to think of the trick he played on me! Said he'd see me again, the scoundrel!”

”And did he see you again?” asked Mrs. Blake.

”No,” Jack answered. But he did not know how Ryan had pursued him, and then disappeared.

”He must have had it all figured out,” the lad went on. ”He planned to come up to me after I had fallen unconscious. Then he'd take the mail. Are you sure it's safe?” he asked again.

”Yes,” replied Jennie. ”I'll bring it in here and let you see it if necessary.”

”No, I'll go out to it,” replied Jack. ”I'm feeling almost myself again.”

”Better take a little more rest,” suggested Mrs. Blake.

She had gone outside to explain matters to the waiting and anxious crowd, which, having had its curiosity satisfied, in a measure, now dispersed.

Some of the younger lads went over to the stable where Sunger was resting.

They wanted to look at, and marvel over, the plucky pony that had done so much to safeguard Jack and the mail.

Jack got to his feet. He had, however, overestimated his strength, for he tottered and would have fallen had not Jennie put out her hands to steady him.

”Look out!” she cautioned him.

”Humph! I'm a regular girl!” complained Jack, somewhat ashamed of his weakness.

”Take care!” Jennie playfully retorted. ”Girls are a whole lot better than boys, in many ways.”

”Yes, I know,” confessed Jack. ”If it were not for you and your mother I don't know what I'd do. But I guess I can walk now. Queer how that stuff, whatever it was, knocked me out.”

”Here, drink this,” suggested Mrs. Blake, and she held out a cup of coffee she had brewed.

”Coffee!” Jack exclaimed, with a grim smile. ”Are you sure it's all right?”

”No drug in that,” Jennie's mother a.s.sured him. ”It will make you feel better. Then I'll get supper. You can eat, can't you?”

”Yes, my appet.i.te doesn't seem to have left me in spite of what I went through. I didn't take much in that restaurant. I was too anxious to get away with the mail.”