Part 21 (1/2)

Jack turned. A man was standing in the doorway of the eating place, his eyes roving about as though looking for somebody, but Jack did not know him, nor did the stranger show any sign of interest in the pony express rider.

Jack turned back in time to see Ryan setting down the cup of coffee from which Jack had been drinking.

”Huh! That's one on me!” laughed the man. ”I picked up your cup for my own.

Don't worry though. I didn't drink any of your coffee.”

”That's all right,” Jack said, pleasantly. ”I'll finish now, and get along.”

”Well, good luck to you,” returned Ryan. ”I'll stay and finish my meal,” he added. ”Good-bye. Glad to have met you.”

”Good-bye,” answered Jack. ”Much obliged for your help, and for this feed.”

”Shucks! I don't call that much of a feed. Leave me the checks, waiter.

Well, I may see you again,” he called, with a wave of his hand as Jack went out.

”Yes, I'm back and forth quite often, though I seldom get to Tuckerton, unless there's some accident to the stage,” the lad said.

He found his pony's shoe had been properly tightened, and the animal was now ready for him. Jack paid his smithy bill, jumped up to the saddle and rode on through the town again.

”We'll have to make time,” whispered the lad to his pony, making sure that the mail sacks were securely fastened, and that he had the sealed packet which he had ridden back to get. ”Yes, Sunger, we'll make time, so in case we do have to make a night ride we won't be delayed too long. Queer chap, that Ryan,” mused Jack. ”It was good of him to blow me to coffee. But I can't say I think much of that eating place. That was about the poorest coffee I've had in a good while. Whew! The bitterness of it is in my mouth yet! I'll wash it out with a drink of water when I get to the spring again.

I wonder what Ryan's business is, and where he is headed for? He must be pretty hungry to order so much eating stuff.”

If Jack could have looked back into the restaurant he would have been surprised to see the same Ryan hastily leave, soon after he himself had come out. And the same Ryan left most of his dinner untouched.

”What's the matter, don't you like the grub?” asked the waiter, as Ryan hurried out.

”Sure, it's all right!” and he tossed him a tip. ”But I forgot I had an engagement,” and with that he jumped into his saddle and rode off. But not in the direction Jack had taken.

”My, my!” said Jack, talking to himself as he galloped along, ”that coffee certainly was bitter. It seems to be getting worse--that taste in my mouth.

I believe it's giving me a head ache, too. I certainly do feel queer--sort of dizzy. Maybe it was the hot sun. I'll cool off at the spring. But I do feel so queer,” and Jack pa.s.sed his hand across his forehead.



Nearing the spring, where he had taken a drink before that day, Jack was about to dismount to get some cooling water. But such a strange feeling of weakness and dizziness came over him that he had to hold himself in the saddle.

”I--I'm afraid if I get out I won't be able to get up again,” he murmured weakly. ”Sunger, what's the matter with me, I wonder?”

Then, ill as he felt himself becoming, like a flash an idea came to Jack.

The meaning of it all came to him instantly.

”I've been drugged!” he said, hoa.r.s.ely. ”That Ryan! That was his game. He drugged my coffee, that time when he made me turn around! I saw him putting back my cup! He put some drug in my coffee to make me unconscious!”

For a moment the thought of the desperate trick that had been played on him made Jack so angry that he succeeded in fighting off the feeling of weakness and dizziness. But it was only for a moment. Then it came back with increasing distress.

”That was the game,” he murmured, scarcely able to see now. ”He probably had doped the whiskey in that flask, but I didn't take that. Then he watched his chance, urged me to take something to eat with him, and put some drug in my coffee. No wonder it tasted bitter and queer! What a simpleton I was to take it! But I did not know.”