Part 17 (1/2)
”Well, he got away, Jennie,” said Jack, regretfully, as he entered the post office again.
”I'm glad of it!” she exclaimed impulsively.
”What!” he cried
”I mean for your sake,” she added. ”He might have shot you, Jack!”
”Oh, thanks for your care,” he laughed, ”But I wish we could have gotten him. It would be a big feather in my cap.”
”I don't care for caps with feathers,” Jennie retorted. ”But what in the world do you suppose he wanted, Jack? And why did he pa.s.s himself off as a post office inspector?”
”So he could have a chance to look over your records And he may have thought there was something of value in the waiting mail that he could take away with him, if he got you out of the place.
”That was his game. You see the gang of outlaws didn't even make what might be called expenses out of their hold-up of me. They had their trouble for their pains, and I suppose they were wild when they found out the valuable letters they took were only dummies.
”Probably the fellow thought the real letters might be coming along soon now, and he wanted to get them. I guess he must be the head one of the crowd that is trying to get control of the secret mine Mr. Argent is going to work. Those fellows are desperate. But this one didn't get anything.”
”He came near it, though,” Jennie said. ”Only for you I suppose I would have been foolish enough to go out and leave him in the office alone. There wasn't much he could take, however. But I did get a new supply of stamps yesterday, nearly fifty dollars' worth. If he had taken them--”
”He wasn't looking for any such small change as stamps,” said Jack. ”I know what he was after--it was the real Argent letters. Well, he got away from us, more's the pity, though the men may overhaul him later. Now I've got to get ready for the back trip.”
But Jack did not have to make it that night. The incoming mail was late and as there was nothing of importance to go through, Jack followed the previous instructions he had received and remained in Golden Crossing.
He was glad he did not have to take the night Tide. His pony was quite shaken up by the fall, and a little lame. Jack himself felt sore and stiff, and it was much pleasanter to remain with his relatives, spending the evening in Jennie's company, than to ride the lonely mountain trail after dark.
Late that night the men who had kept on with the pursuit came back to report that they had lost the trail of the man they were after. He had made good his escape, at least for the time being.
”But we'll get him yet!” some of them boasted.
”They won't if he gets a start on that horse of his,” thought Jack.
When Jack made his appearance at the Mansion Hotel the next morning to deliver the mail, and take that which was to go back to Golden Crossing, the pony express rider was met by Mr. Argent.
”Just a word with you, Jack,” said the miner. ”You remember the bogus letters that were taken away from you, I suppose?”
”I should say I did!” Jack exclaimed. ”Why, have they found them?”
”No. But it doesn't matter about them. I want to tell you now that the real papers and letters--the ones that contain the information about the mine--may be along any day or night now. And I want to ask you to be specially careful about them.”
”I will, Mr. Argent.”
”I know you will, Jack, but I want to caution you, not only about them, but about your own safety. There are a number of desperate men who would go almost any length to get possession of that package of doc.u.ments. So be on your guard.”
Mr. Argent suddenly ceased speaking and looked around. They were out in front of the hotel, near a clump of bushes. Without saying anything further Mr. Argent suddenly made a leap behind the shrubbery.
Jack was on the alert, ready to follow, but there was no need. Mr. Argent came back with a grim smile on his bronzed face.