Chapter 17 (1/2)
Chapter 17 – Neuter You. How About THAT? 1
Man curled his hand into a fist while holding back extreme pain, his fists glowing magnificently.
Lu Jiuque couldn’t help but focus her gaze on him. Is that black magic?
This type of glowing&h.e.l.lip;.This guy has gotta be a practicer of fire magic.
The scared looks of her eyes didn’t go unnoticed by the man.
Red flame wrapped up his fire like gloves. Auntie Chang was terrified by it.
“Let’s get out of here Miss&h.e.l.lip;”
Flame caused by the Force of Xinghun is way stronger than regular fire. If hit by this fire Lu Jiuque would have a hard time surviving.
The man liked the way Auntie Chang was telling Lu to back off.
Hatred flowing through his eyes the man said, “It didn’t have to be like this. Today i’m not only going to kill you I’m going to kill this old granny as well. Both of you will die today and it will be UGLY!”。
Shao Qingrou thoroughly enjoyed this.
The man named Li Ronggui has always been the type of person to do what he promises.
She’s been waiting for Lu Jiuque to be burned to death for so long. She hates her so much.
The threats coming out of the man’s mouth made Auntie Chang couldn’t help but shake. She tried to stand in front of Lu Jiuqueto protect her but Lu Jiuque seems weirdly calm, as if she didn’t hear what he said.
There’s not a single trace of scaredness he can find in her eyes. Li couldn’t understand why.