Part 20 (2/2)
Eunice flew after him and s.n.a.t.c.hed the instrument from his hand.
”Stop!” she cried, fairly beside herself with fury. ”You shall not!”
Both Elliott and Hendricks sprang from their chairs, and Dr. Harper rose to take care of Eunice as an irresponsible patient, but Crowell waved them all back.
”Sit down, gentlemen,” he said; ”Mrs. Embury, think a minute. If you act like that you will--you inevitably will--draw suspicion on yourself!”
”I don't care!” she screamed; ”better that than the--the publicity--the shame of a police investigation! Oh, Sanford--my husband!”
It was quite clear that uppermost in her disturbed mind was the dread of the disgrace of the police inquiry. This had dulled her poignant grief, her horror, her sadness--all had been lost in the immediate fear of the impending unpleasantness.
”And, too,” the Examiner went on, coldly, ”It is useless for you to rant around like that! I'll simply go to another telephone.”
Eunice stepped back and looked at him, more in surprise than submission. To be told that she was ”ranting around” was not the way in which she was usually spoken to! Moreover, she realized it was true, that to jerk the telephone away from Dr. Crowell could not permanently prevent his sending his message.
She tried another tack.
”I beg your pardon, doctor,” she said, and her expression was that of a sad and sorry child. ”You're right, I mustn't lose my temper so. But, you know, I am under a severe mental strain--and something should be forgiven me--some allowance made for my dreadful position--”
”Yes, ma'am--oh, certainly, ma'am--” Crowell was again nervous and restless. He proved that he could withstand an angry woman far better than a supplicating one. Eunice saw this and followed up her advantage.
”And, so, doctor, try to appreciate how I feel--a newlymade widow--my husband dead, from some unknown cause, but which I know is not--murder,” after a second's hesitation she p.r.o.nounced the awful word clearly--”and you want to add to my terror and distress by calling in the police--of all things, the police!”
”Yes, ma'am, I know it's too bad--but, my duty, ma'am--”
”Your duty is first, to me!” Eunice's smile was dazzling. It had been a callous heart, indeed, that would not be touched by it!
”To you, ma'am?” The Examiner's tone was innocence itself.
”Yes,” Eunice faltered, for she began to realize she was not gaining ground. ”You owe me the--don't they call it the benefit of the doubt?”
”What doubt, ma'am?”
”Why, doubt as to murder. If my husband died a natural death you know there's no reason to call the police. And as you're not sure, I claim that you must give me the benefit of your doubt and not call them.”
”Now, ma'am, you don't put that just right. You see, the police are the people who must settle that doubt. It's that very doubt that makes it necessary to call them. And, truly, Mrs. Ernbury, it won't be any such horrible ordeal as you seem to antic.i.p.ate. They're decent men, and all they want to get at is the truth.”
”That isn't so!” Eunice was angry again. ”They're horrible men! rude, unkempt, low-down, common men! I won't have them in my house! You have no right to insist on it. They'll be all over the rooms, prying into everything, looking here, there and all over! They'll ask impertinent questions; they'll a.s.sume all sorts of things that aren't true, and they'll wind up by coming to a positively false conclusion!
Alvord, Mason, you're my friends--help me out! Don't, let this man do as he threatens!”
”Listen, Eunice,” Elliott said, striving to quiet her; ”we can't help the necessity Dr. Crowell sees of notifying the police. But we can help you. Only, however, if you'll be sensible, dear, and trust to our word that it can't be helped, and you must let it go on quietly.”
”Oh, hush up, Mason; your talk drives me crazy! Alvord, are you a broken reed, too? Is there n.o.body to stand by me?”
”I'll try,” and Hendricks went and spoke to Dr. Crowell in low tones.
A whispered colloquy followed, but it soon became clear that Hendricks'
pleas, of whatever nature, were unsuccessful, and he returned to Eunice's side.