Part 16 (2/2)
Eunice Embury did agree, but it was only after the strenuous insistence of Dr. Marsden.
She flew into a rage at first, and the doctor, who was unacquainted with her, wondered at her fiery exhibition of temper.
And, but for the arrival of Mason Elliott on the scene, she might have resisted longer.
Elliott had telephoned, wis.h.i.+ng to consult Embury on some matter, and Ferdinand's incoherent and emotional words had brought out the facts, so of course Elliott had come right over to the house.
”What is it, Eunice?” he asked, as he entered, seeing her fiercely quarreling with the doctors. ”Let me help you--advise you. Poor child, you ought to be in bed.”
His kindly, a.s.sertive voice calmed her, and turning her sad eyes to him, she moaned, plaintively, ”Don't let them do it--they mustn't do it.”
”Do what?” Elliott turned to the doctors, and soon was listening to the whole strange story.
”Certainly an autopsy!” he declared; ”why, it's the only thing to do.
Hush, Eunice, make no further objection. It's absolutely necessary.
Give your consent at once.”
Almost as if hypnotized, Eunice Embury gave her consent, and the two doctors went away together.
”Tell me all about it,” said Elliott; ”all you know--” And then he saw how weak and unnerved Eunice was, and he quickly added, ”No, not now.
Go and lie down for a time--where's Miss Ames?”
”Here,” and Aunt Abby reappeared from her room. ”Yes, go and lie down, Eunice; Maggie has made up our rooms, and your bed is in order. Go, dear child.”
”I don't want to,” and Eunice's eyes looked unusually large and bright.
”I'm not the sort of woman who can cure everything by 'lying down'!
I'd rather talk. Mason, what happened to Sanford?”
”I don't know, Eunice. It's the strangest thing I ever heard of. If you want to talk, really, tell me what occurred last night. Did you two have a quarrel?”
”Yes, we did--” Eunice looked defiant rather than penitent. ”But that couldn't have done it! I mean, we didn't quarrel so violently that San burst a blood-vessel--or that sort of thing!”
”Of course not; in that case the doctors would know. That's the queerest thing to me. A man dies, and two first-cla.s.s physicians can't say what killed him!”
”But what difference does it make, Mason? I'm sure I don't care what he died of--I mean I don't want him all cut up to satisfy the curiosity of those inquisitive doctors!”
”It isn't that, Eunice; they have to know the cause, to make out a death certificate.”
”Why do they have to make it out? We all know he's dead.”
”The law requires it. The Bureau of Vital Statistics must be notified and must be told the cause of death. Try to realize that these matters are important--you cannot put your own personal preferences above them.
Leave it to me, Eunice; I'll take charge and look after all the details. Poor old San--I can't realize it! He was so big and strong and healthy. And so full of life and vitality. And, by Jove, Eunice, think of the election!”
Though a warm friend of Embury, it was characteristic of Elliott that his thoughts should fly to the consequences of the tragic death outside the family circle. He was silent as he realized that the removal of the other candidate left Alvord Hendricks the winner in the race for president of the club.
That is, if the election should be held. It was highly probable that it would be postponed--the club people ought to be notified at once--Hendricks ought to be told.