Part 38 (1/2)

M22 The ark.

M23 The Divine covenant with Noah.

M24 The tradition of the deluge.

M25 The Noachic Code.

M26 Patriarchal const.i.tutions.

M27 Consequences of the sin of Noah.

M28 Settlements of his descendants.

M29 The Tower of Babel.

M30 Nimrod.

M31 The Confusion of tongues.

M32 Dispersion of nations.

M33 The settlements of the children of j.a.phet.

M34 The settlements of the descendants of Shem.

M35 The descendants of Ham.

M36 Abram.

M37 The wanderings and settlements of Abraham.

M38 The separation of Abraham and Lot.

M39 The settlements of Lot.

M40 The first recorded battle in history.

M41 The victory of Abraham.

M42 Melchizedek.

M43 The pride of Abraham.

M44 His prospects.

M45 Hagar.

M46 The renewed Covenant with Abraham.

M47 The birth of Isaac.

M48 The destruction of Sodom.

M49 The duplicity of Abraham.

M50 The Trial of Abraham.

M51 Death of Sarah.

M52 The marriage of Isaac.

M53 Second marriage of Abraham.

M54 He deceives the Philistines.

M55 The affliction of Isaac.

M56 Jacob and Esau.

M57 Jacob obtains the birthright. The despair of Esau.

M58 Jacob's wanderings.

M59 He served Laban.

M60 The quarrel with Laban.

M61 Meeting of Esau and Jacob.

M62 Jacob in Bethel.

M63 Death of Rachel.

M64 The sale of Joseph.

M65 The original inhabitants of Egypt.

M66 Their peculiarities.

M67 The fertility of Egypt.

M68 The productions of Egypt.

M69 The castes of Egypt.

M70 Egyptian dynasties.

M71 The Pyramids.

M72 Thebes.