Part 1 (1/2)
Ancient States and Empires.
by John Lord.
This work is designed chiefly for educational purposes, since there is still felt the need of some book, which, within moderate limits, shall give a connected history of the ancient world.
The author lays no claim to original investigation in so broad a field. He simply has aimed to present the salient points-the most important events and characters of four thousand years, in a connected narrative, without theories or comments, and without enc.u.mbering the book with details of comparatively little interest. Most of the ancient histories for schools, have omitted to notice those great movements to which the Scriptures refer; but these are here briefly presented, since their connection with the Oriental world is intimate and impressive, and ought not to be omitted, even on secular grounds. What is history without a Divine Providence?
In the preparation of this work, the author has been contented with the last standard authorities, which he has merely simplified, abridged, and condensed, being most indebted to Rawlinson, Grote, Thirlwall, Niebuhr, Mommsen, and Merivale,-following out the general plan of Philip Smith, whose admirable digest, in three large octavos, is too extensive for schools.
Although the author has felt warranted in making a free use of his materials, it will be seen that the style, arrangement, and reflections are his own. If the book prove useful, his object will be attained.
STAMFORD _October, 1869_.
(M1) The history of this world begins, according to the chronology of Archbishop Ussher, which is generally received as convenient rather than probable, in the year 4004 before Christ. In six days G.o.d created light and darkness, day and night, the firmament and the continents in the midst of the waters, fruits, grain, and herbs, moon and stars, fowl and fish, living creatures upon the face of the earth, and finally man, with dominion ”over the fish of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and cattle, and all the earth, and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”
He created man in his own image, and blessed him with universal dominion.
He formed him from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. On the seventh day, G.o.d rested from this vast work of creation, and blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, as we suppose, for a day of solemn observance for all generations.
(M2) He there planted a garden eastward in Eden, with every tree pleasant to the sight and good for food, and there placed man to dress and keep it.
The original occupation of man, and his destined happiness, were thus centered in agricultural labor.
(M3) But man was alone; so G.o.d caused a deep sleep to fall upon him, and took one of his ribs and made a woman. And Adam said, ”this woman,” which the Lord had brought unto him, ”is bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh; therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Thus marriage was inst.i.tuted. We observe three divine inst.i.tutions while man yet remained in a state of innocence and bliss-the Sabbath; agricultural employment; and marriage.
(M4) Adam and his wife lived, we know not how long, in the garden of Eden, with perfect innocence, bliss, and dominion. They did not even know what sin was. There were no other conditions imposed upon them than they were not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which was in the midst of the garden-a preeminently goodly tree, ”pleasant to the eyes, and one to be desired.”
(M5) Where was this garden-this paradise-located? This is a mooted question-difficult to be answered. It lay, thus far as we know, at the head waters of four rivers, two of which were the Euphrates and the Tigris. We infer thence, that it was situated among the mountains of Armenia, south of the Caucasus, subsequently the cradle of the n.o.blest races of men,-a temperate region, in the lat.i.tude of Greece and Italy.
(M6) We suppose that the garden was beautiful and fruitful, beyond all subsequent experience-watered by mists from the earth, and not by rains from the clouds, ever fresh and green, while its two n.o.ble occupants lived upon its produce, directly communing with G.o.d, in whose image they were made, moral and spiritual-free from all sin and misery, and, as we may conjecture, conversant with truth in its loftiest forms.
But sin entered into the beautiful world that was made, and death by sin.
This is the first recorded fact in human history, next to primeval innocence and happiness.
(M7) The progenitors of the race were tempted, and did not resist the temptation. The form of it may have been allegorical and symbolic; but, as recorded by Moses, was yet a stupendous reality, especially in view of its consequences.
(M8) The tempter was the devil-the antagonist of G.o.d-the evil power of the world-the principle of evil-a Satanic agency which Scripture, and all nations, in some form, have recognized. When rebellion against G.o.d began, we do not know; but it certainly existed when Adam was placed in Eden.