Chapter 33 (1/2)
I love april fools so here is 6 chapters
Thank you one of the Gods of editing Axelia
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Amaku Yasashi+ Sekai De Ikiru Ni Wa - 33
I aot a hint of how to finally jue that jump one more time However, I do not want to break my promise with Ballad, so I wait for his return He has accompaniedthis tiht to wait until his return
I a for Ballad I want to iet a better vantage point The viehen you are round is quite pleasant, and I can still feel that I around because of my link with Blanc As a result, s
”Master, he has returned”(Blanc)
”Oh? Yes, I can see him”(Doyle)
As I a taller than usual, I hear Blanc tell me that Ballad has returned I look in the direction that Blanc is pointing to with hisbag on Aht that he would rush back here, but it see his ride on A back slowly is to give s, Ballad spots me on top of Blanc and quick dashes towardsofit's Ballad who can hold 17 plates and 13 cups while walking perfectly norht I stay in place and wait for Ballad to arrive
”Master Doyle!”(Ballad)
He closes the distance almost instantly and comes to a position where I can hear him very clearly He shouts my name and there is a hint of hostility as well as disappointmentI smile wryly You do not need to worry so much, I did not break our promiseBallad is quite the art subordinate
”That was pretty slow for you Ballad”(Doyle)
”Why are you on top of Blanc when you should be resting! Did you practice by yourself!?”(Ballad)
”How rude, I a ready to practice I have not broken our promise”(Doyle)
I want to say he is too rateful towards this attitude of his As he starts to say that I broke my word, I tell him otherwise and quietly wait for his and checkabout reassuring Ballad, Blanc starts to speak
”My Master has been patiently and properly waiting!”(Blanc)
”You see? Even Blanc is vouching for me”(Doyle)
”I cannot speak horse, thus I am unable to determine what he actually said!”(Ballad)
I try to piggyback on the stateet that I am the only who can understand horses Blanc is upset at Ballad's words, so I try to co him
”Did you truly not practice by yourself?'(Ballad)
”I gave you my word Also, do you see any injuries anywhere?”(Doyle)
As I see that he will tell ether any moment now, I try to convince him some other way I tell him to check me for injuries,as this will provide conclusive evidence that I did not break e for hiuess this tily due to h of relief after checking my body and Blanc carefully
”I will believe you this this time Master Doyle”(Ballad)
”There is no need to worry I will at least keep my promises”(Doyle)