Chapter 30 (1/2)

Amaku Yasashi+ Sekai de Ikiru Ni Wa – 30


A sponsored chapter by Candice Ph Thank you very much for your donation, and your welcome to answer back to your note

There is a bit of tery in this chapter due to the nature of the competition that will be held in the future between Lute and Doyle

I do not thinkI have placed the so for subsequent chapters in case someone is confused in the future

Also I will add the preview later, I have the chapter done it is just the preview is not edited

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Amaku Yasashi+ Sekai de Ikiru Ni Wa - 30

We start to practice on the obstacle course I have orously, and we rush towards the ten fences to jump over them in the specified order (1)

First, we come up on the first, second and third levels The third one's height is a person's chest height Next, we run towards the fourth and fifth level which are higher than the previous levels, and then jump the Oxer fence (2)

It is difficult to keep all the fences in aze, but if I only focus on one of the fences, I will miscount howht He focuses on the next jump while I count the strides for the jump after the previous one I come upon the sixth and seventh level The seventh level is a double combination jump and the last three levels are a triple coht level, ninth level, and a square oxer I can get past the first two, but the last Oxer is difficult (3)

The last juht is increased, and the distance I have to keep in the air is much more than previously This will test both the speed of the horse, its leg strength, and the concentration of the rider to ties in the rider A single moment of hesitation will cause the horse to hesitate as well As result,

Baan! Bssh!+

”Master Doyle!”(Ballad)

At the moment of the jump, my hesitation causes Blanc to hit his feet on the bar and I fall over I let go of the reins of Blanc tobecause of his round like that still hurts

I have lost count of how many times I have fallen from my horse Ballad always rushes up to me with the medicine that Leo prepared

”Are you alright, Master Doyle!”(Ballad)

”-cough- Yes, I am fine”(Doyle)

I think dropping onto stop for a bit I only have a few scratches and bruises fro body as it does not get daed that easily

”Master Doyle, I will now clean the wound and apply the medicine”(Ballad)

”Thank you”(Doyle)

Ballad has beco medicine He can clean the wound perfectly and applyjust the right aradually goes away

I have used an incredible a fro able to redients

It has been two days since I accepted Lute's request for a duel I prepared the course at the place Mr Hengst showed me that day I started to practice immediately, but I have not been able to jump over that last Oxer Theit so many times, I still have not been able to jump over that Oxer

It has nothing to do with Blanc because I know it is because I a I know in my head that Blanc and I can easilyat that kind of speed, I start hesitate and e to believe that I can fly over that last Oxer

I look back at the Oxer and give a sigh Show ju in this academy consists of five vertical jued in the order I have right now The rules for it are easy, the one with the shortest time wins The lowest amount of time in which a person can complete the course is 80 seconds If you miss a jump, five seconds are added to your time If you drop a bar, one more second is added Three seconds are added for if you mess the order, and ten seconds are added for every time you fall off the horse The best record in the academy is 92 seconds

The biggest challenge students have with this course is the last Oxer cohth and ninth level The Oxer is already a very tall square Oxer A large a The horse must be atat the speed overtakes most of the students

It is not easy to overcome this fear as a first year student Thus et back onto the horse fast as possible tothe jump But for me to perfectly defeat Lute, I have to make that jump

Lute may be able jump over this Oxer Thus, I must also make sure that I can jump over it as well I can jump it and hit only one bar, but that will still make me lose if he is able to ju this co ranch, and he has practiced for a very long time Thus, the only way I can compete with him is to perfectly complete this course

I do not object to Lute picking Show Ju as the duel I already kneould pick this in my heart I am just upset that I can't punch hiular duel then I would have broken at least half the bones in his body because he is weak in battle Thus, hiiven

I also would not have cared what he picked as I would have accepted it either way I accepted this challenge and payed the price by ain Thus, I will not back down Also, I think I will feelhe prides hi the best at

I in that rade horse

I aood at horsemanshi+p

The only thing left is to overcome my hesitation


”Blanc, I a you so much trouble”(Doyle)

”This is no trouble at all!”(Blanc)

He shakes his head and oing I am the one at fault, Blanc is perfect I should easily be able to surpass that juain Blanc truly is an a