Chapter 26 (1/2)

Amaku Yasashi+ Sekai de Ikiru Ni Wa – 26


Here is the chapter enjoy, ok I have done all the chapter for the last teeks,the server to crash

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Amaku Yasashi+ Sekai de Ikiru Ni Wa - 26

”Well then, ill be waiting over there!”(Doyle)


”You guys better find a good senior”(Doyle)


Luce saluted and then left with both Jeff and Solcier The 3 people went over to the seniors who are equipped with spears and swords

”Can Luce find a good senior?”(Ballad)

”It's not ait will take hiotiations He will otiation topic so subtly in the conversation that, unless you are a good ree Jeff and Solcier will be cared for by the seniors too”(Doyle)

”That is true Luce's skill in negotiations is unparalleled”(Ballad)


It seeht now and is able to praise so that this i to eat his hair In ainst e either

”Please let me rub your head!”(Blanc)

I suddenly hear Blanc's voice By the way, Blanc is the naistered our horses in the book All the teachers were surprised at how fast we obtained our horses We did not want to waste any istered our horses We had to naistered them, so I named mine Blanc We quickly then darted towards the senior's section and let Luce do his thing for recruiting a senior to his group

Meanwhile,Ballad and I are taking a break while waiting for the three to return

By the way, Ballad's horses is name Amaro Luce named his Cruz Jeff ith Pulse Solcier named it Fulium

”Well now, it seehinis duo?”(Pike)

While we are talking, the teacher cost, he is a professor at this acade

He is in charge of the horse ranch and stable and is the teacher for horsemanshi+p

”Mr Hengst, good day to you”(Doyle)

”Please, stop being formal withcohinis”(Pike)

”Please, you ht now I aive respect to you, who is a teacher”(Doyle)

I bow and Ballad follows behind hs

”You really have changed I seeed you— yup, you are a fine kid”(Pike)

He says that while se in attitude He is a good teacher, who is quite different from the rest He helps us most of the tiive them the benefit of the doubt

”Regarding those ti the teachers”(Doyle)

”No, it is the duty of a teacher to help and guide the students It is ho have neglected this duty, that are at fault Believe me when I say that it is not only h there are still so on and on”(Pike)

After he had says that, he laughs cheerfully He then stops s and speaks to me

”It is only natural that students cause problems and behave badly, but it is a teacher's responsibility to help the is bad When a student is lost and does not knohich path he should take, it is the duty of a teacher to help guide him or her onto the best path That is why you do not need to apologize to us; it was our fault that we neglected you and feigned ignorance when you were suffering That is why you do not need to lower you head”(Pike)

When he says that last part, I feel soet stuck in my throat

Every single ti like this, I feel that the world is too kind and sweet to otten letters from Mother, Father, Sebastian, and Meryl They were filled ar about the about me I had no idea what to say back to them

Even after the battle with Jin, I got a letter frorandfather

He had said one simple line,

”It was a great ether with our weapons I will definitely receive your sword”(Zeno)

The letter ended with ”from Zeno”, and what he had put for the recipient area was randchild” It has been 5 years since he has last called me that

I have been a stupid fool who kept getting on everyone's nerves, but all the adults have forgiven ently The teacher in front of me and all the other adults in my life are like this

Not just the adults Claire, Ballad, Gray, Jin, Luce, Jeff, Solcier, and Leo also treat me kindly… even his comrades call me ”Don Doyle” and treat me kindly

They are all waiting for me to return to their side and walk beside them

How am I supposed to respond to this kindness, to this much love?