Chapter 8 (1/2)
Intermission Volume Achilles
Translator’s Corner: Much shorter chapter this time, a new character and not in Shuya’s perspective.
The huge mountain range called Mahaimu Mountain Range extends over the vast wide continent. The Mahaimu Mountain Range is the mountain range which seems to extend endlessly across the continent. The steep valleys of the Mahaimu Mountain Range is territory unexplored by humans, and here is the village of a certain race.
The people living in the village, called themselves the Goldiba Tribe.
Today is the monthly day of prayer.
Going deep underground, directly to the Divine Beast “La Kerlada,” it is a day of giving thanks.
It’s a custom that we Goldiba inherited from our ancestors.
I brace myself and dress in my priestly vestments.
I fitted a bra.s.s chest b.u.t.ton onto the long sleeves of the thin leather clothes. I wrap a leather belt around my waist, four long stilettos visible over hanging over my thighs. (TN: Looking around google I think stilettos are long daggers like this or this. If some can come up with a better translation for 小剣 then feel free to comment.)
I put on a tiger leather coat and straiten its dark blue-collar.
The embroidery of the black beast that I had made in silver thread is added to the left and right of the chest on these tiger leather clothes.
Finally, holding a black spear, with a black cowl attached to the tiger leather clothes covering my head, my ensemble is complete.
I open the door and go out.
“Ah, Achilles Ji-chan. Those clothes, you’re wearing the hunting clothes〜〜”
“That’s not it, today I’m going to the place of wors.h.i.+p, won’t you come?”
“Yes, I know. When you have finished please return safely.”
“I’ll return tomorrow morning.”
My grandchild of Lefa won’t enter the shrine, I’m worried.
You should follow my order obediently.
I go to the shrine in the stone paved plaza.
At the entrance of the shrine, a solid stone door blocks the way. There’s a small stone statue with the symbol of Black Beast Lohse-sama carved before the left hand entrance. The sharp pair of eyes on the stone statue stare at me.
I turned the sharp stone statue to the left.
As always, the solid stone door of the shrine opens.
There’s no kind pedestal enshrining the G.o.d in the temple.
There’s only a rectangular pedestal in the middle, in the round circular s.p.a.ce.
There is a hole the same size as a medal on the pedestal.
I remove the medal hanging from the necklace on my chest, and place the medal in the hole of the pedestal.
The fitted pedestal moves automatically.
No matter how many time I see it I can’t understand the mechanism behind it.
It’s a mysterious thing left behind by our ancestors……
A stone protrusion appears from the pedestal.
The stone door behind me closed automatically.
When the protrusion is grasped with both hands, the booth begins to move with a *gaka*. The surrounding stones moved with a *Shuuuuu*, and the
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mysterious white smoke which feels of G.o.d escapes.
It moves down instantly.
……This feeling isn’t something I’ve gotten used to.
When I’m confined in a stone pipe, there a strong sense of unease.
I’ve repeated this some years ago too but what one isn’t used to one isn’t used to.
This mysterious stone pipe from the ancient days, is something we call the G.o.d Tower.
Generation after generation, it’s a thing that only the priest of the village can use.
The stone tube continues deep underground. After going down, it stops.
The door at the back of the stone tube opens automatically. The pedestal in the center of the floor moves automatically again, the handle of the protruded stone is stored.
Finally, the medal I inserted at the beginning reappears on the pedestal.
After the medal I had placed in the pedestal is returned to the necklace on my chest, the side door opened behind me.
I look around elevated underground shrine.
As always……the humid air is full to the brim. I try to look under the bottom of the stairs while dimly breathing the air in through my nose.
Under the stairs, the black statue of our Divine Beast Lohse-sama stands towering over the surrounding.
It’s in excellent form today.
Enshrined in this underground temple is the Lohse-sama statue.
I make the food offering and carefully clean while doing the prayer of “La Kerlada.”
But, this place here is the underground world.
An apostle may appear someday.
In order not to be negligent I must be vigilant.
Then, my eyes move to the ceiling.
The big pan hanging from the ceiling s.h.i.+nes brightly.
It’s not burning in any normal way.
The flame in this pan is always mysterious……
A stone burns in the pan, but it only works in this place.
The flames went out when I carried a stone to the surface.
Well, I’ll pray to the Lohse-sama statue……eh
I look around the shrine with my eyes. The water in the surroundings is clean. Despite the view I go down the stairs.
I detect sound and demon element where the water splashed.
I crouch down at once.
It’s human?
Moreover, a tall young man. Black eyes and hair.
He is wearing a cuira.s.s and a wound in his side seems to be bound with rabbit hide rags?
But, he wears strange clothes.
Instinctively, at the human which approached the Lohse-sama statue, I stared.
Looking more closely.
Nua, again, I react without thinking.