96 Chapter 94: Morose Cave 2 (1/2)
Luther lifted his axe up and swung it down, intending to finish Ionshi off.
But to Luther's surprise, his axe was suddenly kicked and it flew from his hand and it's sharp blade pierced into the floor.
”You dare to harm my brother!?” A cyleen girl with similar features to Ionshi's looked angrily at Luther, standing in front of Ionshi who was bleeding out on the floor
”And who are you?” Luther narrowed his eyes at her
”That's none of your business intruder!” The cyleen princess slid her sword out of its sheath
She ran up to Luther recklessly, blinded with rage.
Luther sighed, he held his left hand out and his axe ripped out of the floor and flew back into Luther's grasp. He snapped his fingers.
Suddenly she stopped running and stood as still as a statue. She could only move her eyes and she looked at Luther with burning hatred.
”What a lovely look in your eyes...” Luther smiled
Luther waved his hand and just as he did the cyleen princess lifted her arm up that held her sword.
”Now let's see how despair looks..” Luther chuckled and lightly clapped his hands together
Her body started moving towards Ionshi, all she could do was watch, she was no longer in control of her actions. Once she stood beside Ionshi who weakly stared up at her with worry, she lifted her sword up and plunged it into his chest. She continued to stab him over and over and over again, he spat up blood and his eyes teared before they lost all of its liveliness and turned dull.
A stream of tears ran down from her eyes, she stared in shock and couldn't believe what she had done to her brother..
”Now, shall we end this?” Luther lifted his index finger
The cyleen princess turned her sword that dripped with green blood and pointed the blade at her neck. In her mind she screamed for help, she screamed for him to stop...but no matter how hard she tried or wanted to, her voice wouldn't come out.
She brought the blade closer and closer to her neck, and more tears flowed from her eyes wanting this to stop.
Luther waved his hand again and she stuck the sword right into her neck. Green blood flowed from her neck and she dropped on her knees and couldn't even react to the agonizing pain she felt.
She fell face first on the floor and green blood pooled around her as it leaked from ner neck.