92 Chapter 90: Versille Forest 2 (2/2)
”How dare you!” The man shouted in anger
Suddenly long horns sprouted from his forehead and forced his helmet off, his skin was a bluish-purple color. His eyes were light green and looked at them with pure hatred. His long green hair slightly flowed in the wind. Revealing his pointy ears.
The other two took off their helmets and horns grew from their foreheads and their skin, ears, hair and eye colors greatly resembled his.
”What are you?” Ivery asked, curious about what type of monsters they were
”I see.” Luther understood, they were soldiers sent by someone who's in possession of the crystal
”If you withdraw now, we'll let you go without a fight....but if you intend to go any further into our forest, we'll have no choice but to attack.” The cyleen man's sword glowed with a dark blue aura
”Did you not just see what happened to your friend?” Luther asked with a devious grin
”A...A soldier never backs down in front of an enemy! No matter how strong they may be!” The female cyleen shouted, pointing her staff at Ivery
”Very well then, we intend to get the crystal, if you insist on blocking us, then I'll kill you all, right here and now.”Luther's purple eyes turned completely black, filling his scleras
Ivery's eyes glowed with a more brighter golden glow than they ever did before, due to the power she obtained from the golden apple, her golden magic was more potent than it was before, it took over most of the pinkish colored magic that she inherited from Julian's red magic.
”You stand no chance against me, cyleen...” Ivery looked at the female cyleen that looked back at her
”We'll see about that!” The cyleen female charged straight forward and seemed as if she was gliding in the air as she did
Ivery clapped her hands together and the cyleen female that seemed to be flying towards her was sent flying back from the intense power that Ivery released from her hands.
A glowing golden spear materialized in Ivery's left hand, Ivery put her right leg in front of her and pulled her left arm back, getting in a throwing stance. The pressure from her foot crushed the ground and she added more magic into the golden spear.
She smiled and threw the spear at the female cyleen that was still flying backwards from her attack.
The single spear suddenly split into three and headed for the other two cyleens. The spears traveled at the speed of light and the three cyleens had no time to even see what was coming their way.
A large golden explosion covered the whole visible area in front of them, taking out hundreds of trees in its vicinity. The explosion knocked all of the class A students back, only Ivery and Luther stood up straight and unphased.
”Done.” Ivery cracked her knuckles