81 Chapter 79: Confrontation 2 (1/2)


Ivery quickly turned around and stabbed Xia in the chest with Excalibur. Piercing into Xia's prowess core.

”I'm getting sick of seeing your face.” Ivery said as her sword glowed with a golden light

”So am I.” Xia weakly smiled at Ivery and spit-up blood

The magic from the sword entered Xia and golden cracks appeared all over Xia's body. Ivery pulled her sword out of Xia's chest and Xia's prowess core instantly shattered.

Xia fell on the floor, and she no longer felt her magic...her vision then went dark.

Ivery turned around and faced Eos.

”Destroying a prowess core...such a thing shouldn't be possible by a mortal...” Eos wondered where she obtained the power to do such a thing

”Unless...” Eos smiled, figuring everything out

”Why Hecate and Hades would give mere mortals like you divine powers is beyond me...” Eos lifted her hands and a black mist headed straight for Ivery


”May I interrupt?”

Eos's magic was suddenly absorbed.

”Luther...” Ivery saw Luther appear in front of her just as Eos's magic was heading towards her

”Your magic...” Luther looked at his hand

”Is awfully weak...” Luther devilishly smirked, not feeling much power from the magic he absorbed

”You...seem different from last time...” Eos gritted her teeth together, sensing the overbearing black magic emitting from Luther, his presence and aura felt the same as a high dark god's...or maybe even a satan

”Because I am different than the last time you saw me...” Luther's irises and sclera's turned black

”Impossible...how could a mortal body hold so much black magic?” Eos felt that his black magic level's had dramatically increased, it was so intense that even she felt oppressed by it

Eos's hands began shaking, she was shocked by her unconscious response to Luther's power...

”Surprised? Of course a low dark god like you would feel it...do you know why you feel the way you do?” Luther chuckled, noticing Eos's reaction

”Why!?” Eos blurted out

”Because I currently hold more power than you do...thus making me stronger than you.” Luther snapped his fingers and a ball of dark energy materialized and headed straight for Eos in a flash

The dark energy ball entered Eos's chest before she could react.

Eos clutched her chest and winced in pain.

”Luckily for you, you're immortal...so you won't die from that...” Luther sighed

Eos held her hand up and three black swords materialized in the air, they glowed with a dark purple glow and flew straight at Luther.

All three of the swords pierced into Luther's upper body.

Ivery's heart dropped and she turned pale once she saw Luther collapse on the floor.

”Unluckily for you, you're not.” Eos weakly laughed as the pain in her chest grew more intense

”No! No, no..” She pulled him close to her and tears ran down her face as she held her hands over his bleeding wounds, her hands glowed with a green light. Her heart began beating so rapidly that she could have a heart attack at any second.

Suddenly Luther grabbed her wrist. The glow from her hands died and she looked at him with confusion..

”Don't cry..” Luther lifted his hand and wiped away her tears

”B-But I didn't heal you yet...how..?” Ivery was still shaking

”The magic inside me won't let me die.” Luther said as he felt his wounds seal