78 Chapter 76: The Land Of Magic (2/2)

”Took you long enough.” Luther said

”What?” Danya looked at Luther, Yannel, and Ivery standing in front of her

”Where..?” Danya looked around with her eyes filled with confusion

”As if we'd know where we are.” Yannel sighed

As they all looked around, the grass was a pastel green color, and in the grass were hundreds of beautiful glowing golden flowers.

The sky was the strangest thing they've seen so far, it looked like the galaxy, and there were still clouds but oddly there was a giant blue sun in the sky, and a golden moon.

The trees around them had golden leaves and as some of the leaves dropped off of the branches, the leaves that fell off turned into golden particles.

And behind them was the same pond they were pulled through but this pond was placed differently.

Ivery slowly walked up and was captivated by the beauty of everything she saw.

Just when Ivery approached the golden trees, and there seemed to be a forest full of them nearby,

A powerful wind suddenly blew, the golden leaves on the trees came off and flew with the wind. The golden leaves then gathered and swirled around Ivery, she looked around at the strange phenomenon with confusion.

The leaves turned into golden particles and continued to swirl around her.

”It's her!”

Ivery was alarmed by the high pitched voice. Just as the golden particles began to dissipate, Ivery couldn't believe what she saw...

”F-Fairies?” Danya saw a group of fairies flying out of the golden forest and towards Ivery

Ivery lifted her hand and smiled at the small beautiful creatures that swarmed around her.

A fairy reached out and touched Ivery's hand.

”Do you know me?” Ivery asked

”We've heard about you from above!” One of the fairies told Ivery

”Above?” Ivery looked up with confusion

”The gods!” Another fairy said

”Gods..?” Ivery stopped to think

”Hecate...Hades..” Ivery thought it all made sense now

”Give me the map.” Ivery turned around to say to Luther

”Here.” Luther gave the map to Ivery

”Just as I thought...” Ivery saw that the map changed again

”Lutris, come closer.” Ivery said

”Alright.” Luther stepped closer to Ivery

”This map isn't magical at all.” Ivery told him

”Oh? How is it not?” Luther asked

”Everything that happened wasn't normally supposed to happen after all, if adventurers had to go through what we went through to get to Ridgefall then no one would get to Ridgefall..” Ivery felt stupid for not realizing it sooner

”What do you mean?” Luther asked with an eyebrow raised

”It's Hecate and Hades leading us to these places..” Ivery whispered

”What?” Luther's eyes slightly widened and then he stopped to think

”The portal that took us to that spirit, that strange hole in the ground that eventually led to you getting more black magic, everything...it was their doing..” Ivery put everything together

”This most likely their way of helping us be strong enough to officially fight against Eos...” Ivery concluded

”So this...” Luther looked around and was finally figuring out why they were taken here

”Yes, this place is most likely where I get new magic...” Ivery said


