75 Chapter 73: An Expected Surprise (1/2)


Ivery walked to the exit gate and just as she did two undead guards that stood in front of the gate crossed their long spears, blocking her.

”You....mustn't..leave...” One of the undead guards said

Ivery narrowed her eyes and lifted both of her hands up, and suddenly the guard's spears left their hands and flew towards Ivery. The spears entered Ivery's grasp and she quickly threw them back at the guards.

The spears pierced into both of the guard's foreheads. The guards fell on the ground, no longer undead but just dead.

”I'm not in a good mood..” Ivery's red eyes glowed as she walked through the towns exit gate and into the surrounding forest

Luther smiled as he followed his pissed off fiance out of the town.

Yannel was surprised by Ivery's actions, he didn't think she was mentally capable of killing anything, given how generous she was and how gentle she seemed. But it was clear that she was the type to kill only if the opponent wasn't human or alive.

He admired her even more after seeing that, she still had a sense of impartiality even though she had the power to kill anyone and everyone that wronged her. She also seemed like the type to have a guilty conscious if she did take a life, she was too pure-hearted.

Yannel now understood why an ominous and sadist of a man like Lutris would be attracted to a woman like Ivery. It was because they were complete opposites, he was attracted to her because she's the light that he never had, because he was always stuck in darkness with no way out, he ran at the sight of the light that intended to guide him out of the darkness.

If he ever fell too deep into the darkness, she would be there to pull him out.

The only mystery to Yannel was why Ivery was attracted to a man like him....


”W-Where does the map say to go from here...?” Danya nervously asked

”....” Ivery didn't say anything and continued walking

Danya frowned and decided that she wouldn't say anything anymore....she completely understood why Ivery didn't want to speak to her.

They all walked through the forest for a while, and Ivery noticed that the sun was starting to go down.

Ivery suddenly stopped walking as she strangely saw a ball roll in front of her.

”That's mine!” A voice shouted

They all turned their heads and saw a little boy step out of the bushes. Ivery watched as the boy ran over to them and picked up his ball.

The boy looked no older than 10 and had short hazel brown hair and wore a white cotton tunic and brown cotton shorts, and he had worn-out brown sandals on his feet. His dark green eyes looked up at Ivery with suspicion.

”Who are you people?” The boy asked

”Who are you?” Yannel asked

”I asked first.” The boy said

”Adventurers.” Ivery told him

”Where did you come from? Do you live somewhere near here?” Yannel asked with a sigh

”I live in the town over there.” The boy pointed towards the bushes he came from

They all looked confused and walked to the bushes the boy pointed at. From there they clearly saw a big town not too far away.

”A town...? But..it's not on the map...how did we miss this...?” Ivery looked at the map and didn't see any towns nearby where they were

”My grandfather told me that our town is hidden, but I don't know what that means.” The boy said

”Of course you don't.” Yannel sighed again

”Does your town allow outsiders?” Ivery asked the boy

”Yes, but I think you have to pay to get in.” The boy answered

”Pay? How much?” Ivery asked

”I don't know.” The boy shrugged

”Of course you don't...” Yannel rubbed his forehead

”Do you all want to go to the town?” The boy asked

”Yes, can you take us there?” Ivery smiled

”I can!” The boy smiled back


The boy led them to the town that they saw. He ran up to the town's entrance.

”Halt!” The guards shouted

”Are you all alive?!” One of the guards asked

”Yes.” Ivery nodded, confused with his question

”Allow us to check your vitals.” The guards said

”Why?” Ivery walked over to the guards and they all followed behind her

”There's a town not too far from here, it's filled with those undead scum, we can't risk letting any undead in this town.” The guard told her

”I see.” Ivery didn't know people outside of that town

The guard took off his glove and abruptly grabbed Ivery's wrist. Ivery narrowed her eyes and wanted to say something but she'd just cause trouble for them if she snapped.

”Watch how you handle her.” Luther's eyes slightly glowed

”.....” The guard felt himself shiver and something about Luther made him feel extremely uneasy

”Sorry...” The guard found himself apologizing without realizing it

The guard shakily checked Ivery's pulse.

”She's good...” The guard said to the other guard

”Alright, come here for an admittance pass.” The other guard said

Ivery walked to the other guard.

Luther stood in front of the guard who was checking their pulses. The guard gulped and didn't even want to look at Luther, let alone touch him...the aura he emitted was terrifying...just being looked at by him sent shivers down his spine and made goosebumps spread across his body.

”Y-You can go.” The guard didn't care if he was undead or not, he felt that something bad would happen to him if he laid a finger on this man

”Are you sure you don't want to check my pulse?” Luther grinned

”P-Positive!” The guard quickly nodded, wanting Luther to get away from him as soon as possible

”Very well.” Luther lightly chuckled and walked to the other guard

The guard breathed a sigh of relief and saw that Yannel was next.

”Your left arm, please.” The guard said to Yannel

Yannel gave his arm to the guard.


They were all cleared and ended up having to pay 1,500 silver for admittance tickets, a single silver coin is worth 150. The young boy was allowed through for free since he obviously didn't have any money on him.

Danya was the only one left that had to pay the fee for admittance. She checked her bag for her money and her heart dropped when she saw that it was empty, she then noticed that there was a hole at the bottom of her money bag....

”Do you not have any money?” The guard asked

”No...” Danya sadly said

”Give this to her...” Ivery sighed and handed Luther a small money pouch filled with the exact amount of silver needed for admittance

Ivery continued to speak with the guard for more information about the town and its rules.

”Here.” Luther held the money pouch out to Danya

”Thank you...” Danya reached her hand out

Luther smirked and suddenly poured the silver on the ground. All of the coins fell and scattered on the ground.

”Pick it up.” Luther bluntly said

”....” Danya kneeled down and picked up the silver coins one by one

”I'll show you myself how royals treat poor nobles like yourself.” Luther was willing to be a stereotypical royal for Danya since he is an extremely condescending person

Since she dared to lump his selfless fiance into that stereotype, he decided to show her what that stereotype really looks like.

Danya managed to pick up all ten pieces of silver and handed them to the guard.

”Here.” The guard gave Danya her admittance pass

”And remember, if you lose these passes, you will have to be rechecked for your pulses and pay the fee again.” The guards informed them

”Okay.” Ivery nodded and headed into the town and the rest of them followed behind her