72 Chapter 70: The Town Down The Hill (1/2)
”Can you be with someone that can take your life as easy as blowing out a candle?” Luther painfully said to her, his voice cracked as he tried to muster the strength to say those words
”Kiss me if you'll accept me....you can teleport out of here and leave with Yannel and Danya without me if you don't accept me...” Luther snapped his fingers with his free hand and disabled the magic block Nephrine put on the cave
The hole they came down instantly opened back up.
”So what will it be?” Luther asked
”Don't ever...” Ivery stood on the tip of her toes
”Ask me a stupid question like that again...” Ivery pressed her lips against his
Luther wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him, closing the little bit of distance between them.
The worry and anxiety in his chest ceased and his tension within released. Just as their lips parted, Luther released Ivery from his hold.
”I'd be a trick candle anyway.” Ivery smiled
”A trick candle?” Luther didn't understand
”I'll go get them.” Ivery didn't bother to explain as she stepped back and stood below the giant hole and flew up
Danya and Yannel looked around once they set foot in the cave. Danya looked down and her body temperature dropped.
”Oh my god! What is that!?” Danya shrieked once she saw the dead body of Nephrine lying on the ground
”A corpse.” Luther answered
”W-Why...does it look like that...?” Danya couldn't believe her eyes, she questioned if the corpse was even human
”L-Lutris...” Yannel looked at Luther
”.....” Luther coldly looked down at Yannel
”You...seem different....you're giving off a different aura than you did before...what happened..?” Yannel said as he felt like he was drowning in Luther's presence
He almost felt paralyzed as Luther's eyes met his, the more closer he stood by Luther...the more it felt like his mind was going to shatter. His body felt like it was sending off signals for him to run for his life
”Nothing happened.” Luther smiled
A giant chill spread across Yannel's skin and he subconsciously backed up as he felt like something was definitely different about his smile....behind that smile had to be something with sinister meaning, or he wouldn't have gotten that instant reflex.
Yannel put his hand over his eyes and his hand glowed. Yannel moved his hand away from his eyes and looked at Luther again.
Yannel's pupils shrunk once he saw what was currently residing inside of Luther.
Luther turned his head and grinned at Yannel. Yannel started sweating and realized that Luther somehow sensed that he used a magic detection spell....
”I-Impossible...h-how...could he have so much black magic inside of him and be stable?” Yannel was frozen in place
”Does the map tell us where to go from here?” Danya asked Ivery as they walked through the cave
”It does..” Ivery nodded
”Let me see the map.” Luther said to Ivery
”Here.” Ivery handed Luther the map
Luther looked down at the map.
”Hm..” Luther closed his eyes
”The exit out of here is days away if we continue by foot..” Luther said with a sigh
”How do you know?” Yannel asked
”I just do.” Luther said
”....” Yannel didn't say anything else
”But I can take us to the exit right now...” Luther told them
”Wait, what? How?” Danya asked
”Close your eyes and prepare to feel....nauseous.” Luther smirked
”Nauseous...?” Yannel questioned
”Close your eyes or I'll leave you behind.” Luther told Yannel
Yannel quickly closed his eyes.