69 Chapter 67: A New Area & Map (2/2)
”W..Why would I want to go back...?” Yannel asked
”You died...Yannel...a..and just because I can bring you back from the dead doesn't...mean I want to have to keep doing it...” Ivery said
”B..But she died too!” Yannel pointed at Danya
”.....” Danya frowned
”And you're not asking her if she wants to return home....” Yannel lowered his head
”I know that...but it's because you're young...and now I realized...that you can die several times again after this...and I wouldn't know how to explain it to your family if you died and I somehow wasn't able to save you, after they left you in my care...” Ivery lifted his head up
”You shouldn't have to continuously die on this journey if you're afraid....and don't think you owe me anything for saving your family...I did that because I wanted to...not to be repaid for it, so you really don't have to be here and put your life in danger for nothing...” Ivery said
”I...I know..but please don't make me go back right now.” Yannel teared
”.....” Ivery's heart felt like it shriveled up
”Okay...okay I won't...” Ivery pulled him in for a hug
”Thank you..” Yannel said
Ivery sighed.
After Ivery calmed Yannel down, Luther abruptly grabbed her arm and put his hand over the deep cut on her wrist that was still bleeding.
As cut sealed up, the blood flowed back inside.
”I hope you know that it annoys me every time you do this.” Luther said
”I know it does...I'm sorry.” Ivery pulled his head down a bit and kissed his cheek
He smiled and turned his head to give her a quick kiss on her lips.
”Be prepared to give me more of those after we get out of here.” Luther smirked
”That wasn't enough?” Ivery smiled
”No.” Luther said
”Fine.” She nodded and walked ahead
They all walked further into the forest, following behind Ivery who held the map in her hands. Ivery looked down at the map as she walked, making sure they were heading in the right direction.
”Ah...” Ivery was knocked down on her back
”Ivery?! What happened?” Luther kneeled down and helped her sit up
”I..ran into something...it's my fault since I wasn't looking.” Ivery told Luther
”Ran into what?” Luther asked
”Right...there...?” Ivery looked up and saw nothing in front of her
”What...?” Ivery looked around and there was nothing in front of her that she could've hit
All that was in front of her was the pathway that led deeper into the forest.
Ivery stood up and reached her hand out forward.
Suddenly a bright blue spark made her quickly retract her hand.
”What is this..?” Ivery reached her hand out again
”Don't touch it again!” Luther pulled her hand back
”We don't even know what it is...” Luther said
”It could be something...the map says this is where we need to go...and something is blocking us here..” Ivery told him
”Alright, let me do it then.” Luther said
”I can just do it myself.” Ivery tried to touch it again
”No.” Luther lightly slapped her hand away
Ivery slightly pouted.
Luther touched the invisible wall blocking them.
The blue sparks grew more aggressive as Luther pushed his hand further past it.
Suddenly Luther was pulled inside of the invisible force.
”Luther!” Ivery shoved her hand inside of it and blue sparks emitted wildly from the strange wall
Ivery was soon pulled into it as well.
Danya and Yannel hurriedly pushed themselves into it.
Once Ivery opened her eyes and sat up....she was amazed by what she saw.
The blue morning sky showed above her and the bright sun cast a warm bright golden glow over her skin.
The medium-tall fresh green grass slightly blew sideways as the wind blew past her.
Tall cherry blossom trees were scattered around her and the beautiful pink petals blew around her.
She looked around and spotted Luther who equally spotted her.
She got up off of the ground and rushed over to him and wrapped her arms around him in a warm tight hug.
”You scared me...” Ivery hugged him tighter
”I'm sorry.” He rubbed her head
”Why are you wet...?” Ivery felt Luther who was drenched in water
”When I opened my eyes, I was in water...I was able to swim back up to the surface and walk here...” Luther explained
”Strange...but...where are we...?” Ivery asked as she looked around at the beautiful terrain in front of her
”I don't know...” Luther looked around and only saw more cherry blossom trees and a clear waterfall not too far away from where they stood
”Ah!” A voice screamed above them
Ivery looked up and her eyes widened at the sight.
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Danya fell down from the tall cherry blossom tree crashed into Ivery and took her down with her.
”What...the..” Luther was dumbfounded
They both groaned.
”W..Where's Yannel?” Ivery asked Danya
”I don't know...one minute we pushed ourselves into that thing and the next thing I know is that I'm stuck in a tree.” Danya whined
”Oh...” Ivery and Danya sat up
Suddenly a hand broke out of a tree behind Luther.
”It's alive!?” Danya shrieked and pointed at the tree
Luther turned around and saw a hand sticking out of the tree.
Luther grabbed the hand and yanked it.
And to their surprise, Yannel broke out of the tree.
”Am I the only one that ended up arriving here almost normally?” Ivery asked
”It seems that way.” Luther said
”W-What happened?!” Yannel asked in a panic
”We don't know.” Danya said
”What...is this place?” Yannel looked around
”We don't know that either.” Ivery answered
”Can the map tell you?” Yannel asked
”Maybe...” Ivery thought about it
”Ah...”Ivery froze
”What's wrong?” Danya asked
”I don't have it...” Ivery said
”You lost the map!?” Danya shouted
”It could be around here somewhere...” Ivery looked around
Suddenly a thick paper flew in the air and wacked Luther in the face.
”???????????????????? ????????...” Luther muffled
”Good..” Ivery quickly took it off of his face
Ivery looked down at it and her eyes displayed nothing but confusion.
”What's wrong now?” Luther noticed the confused look Ivery had
”The map....changed...?” Ivery said
”What!?” Danya and Yannel exclaimed