58 Chapter 56: Breaking And Entering 2 (2/2)

”Really?” Yannel widely smiled

”Yes.” Eness nodded and flew off again


”Here.” Eness stopped

”Here? I don't see...them” Yannel looked around and didn't see anyone he recognized

”Strange...the relative magic scents are here...I'm certain.” Eness didn't feel wrong about this



Yannel turned his head and his eyes instantly watered.

She dropped the basket filled with vegetables in her hands on the floor and covered her mouth, tears rolled down her face once she saw him in front of her..

”M-Mother!” Yannel ran to his mother

”Yan!...Yan...!” His mother tightly held him, crying tears of joy and relief

”I'm...so glad you're alright...” She dropped to her knees and held him in her arms

”I....m-missed you so much...” Yannel cried and sniffed

”I'm sorry we've worried you...” His mother rubbed his head


”W-Where are they...?” Yannel looked at his mother teary-eyed

”Children are assigned to...washing clothing..” His mother wiped her eyes and pointed to the washing area

Yannel grabbed his mother's hand and took her with him as he rushed over to the washing area to see his siblings..

He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw three children that particularly caught his attention scrubbing dirty clothes clean in a large rectangular wooden tub.

”Y...You're all really here...” Yannels tears flowed

”Hm?” A little girl with short light brown hair turned around

Her light gray eyes widened.

”Yanny..?” She smiled

”I've come to save you...” Yannel smiled at his little sister

She dropped the clothes in her hands in the water and hugged her brother.

”Yahari, what are you doing? We're going to get scolded if you don't do your clothes...” A boy with shoulder-length long light brown hair and light gray eyes turned around looking annoyed

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”Yan...” He dropped his clothes and stood up

”Yaveri, Yashin! He came to save us! Yanny came to save us..!” Yahari cried and hugged Yannel tight

”Brother?” A boy with short dark brown hair and light gray eyes turned around

”Yashin...Yaveri..” Yannel smiled at his brother with open arms

They both ran to Yannel and wrapped their arms around him, they all believed he was dead...they didn't think he could survive on his own for so long...since they were barely surviving...

”I'm getting you all out of this place...” Yannel told them

”How..?” His mother asked, wanting more than ever for herself and her children to be freed from this living hell

”With help from them...” Yannel turned around

”Hello.” Ivery walked up to them and waved

”Sorry to ruin your reunion...” Danya smiled

”.....” Luther didn't say anything

”Yanny....are they your friends?” Yahari asked Yannel

”I...hope they can be...” Yannel smiled at her


”Hey!” A loud voice was heard from a distance

”It's them!” Yashin started to tremble

Several men walked towards them and immediately looked at Ivery, Luther, Danya, and Yannel.

”Who are you?” A man asked

”An introductory isn't needed, since you won't be remembering our names in the afterlife...” Ivery grinned and summoned her fan

”Indeed.” A long black rod materialized in Luther's hand and the rod extended and took the form of a scythe

The scythe dripped with a black liquid.

Yannel stood in front of his family and his staff glowed, his eyes were filled with burning rage.

”Intruders!” The men yelled out

Almost instantly, several more men in black robes came rushing in the plantation, equipped with different types of weapons.

”Yanny...” Yahari started to cry

”It'll be fine...this will be over soon.” Yannel assured her

”Let's start and finish this...” Ivery smirked and raised her fan upwards

