53 Chapter 51: A-rank Quest For D-ranks?! (2/2)

It was just as Erebus said, the walk was a bit of a distance from where they started.

They encountered more ghouls as they walked further into the abyss, and even managed to run into skeletons.

Skeletons were fully decayed ghouls that have been rotting for a long time..

The skeleton's weren't too much of a difficulty for everyone..

That was until the ghouls and skeletons started coming at them together, with weapons.

”This might get a little harder...” Ternold pointed his swords at the ghouls walking towards him with flails, swords, axes, and bows

”Let's just smash our way through!” Ernis yelled as she jumped up and smashed her giant hammer down, squashing the ghouls and skeletons with her attack

”They're just a bunch of small fries in groups just so they can look threatening!” Fenila cast an ice storm spell, making hundreds of icicles pierce into the ghouls and skeletons that were so unfortunate enough to be caught in her attack

”Right!” Ternold slashed at the ghouls in front of him

Harrisen threw his summoning spears at the group of skeletons.

The spears glowed and exploded. Taking out the skeletons, leaving flying bones remaining.


Ivery, Luther, and Danya watched as Harrisen's group fought against the incoming monsters.

Ivery flicked her fan open and waved it, the hoards of ghouls and skeletons were blown up into a tornado.

Harrisen's group watched as the ghouls and skeletons that were in front of them get pulled into a tornado.

As the tornado swirled, it blew out pieces of the ghoul's and bones from the skeletons. Just as more monsters came, they were immediately sucked into the powerful tornado.

”Shall we move on?” Ivery smiled

”Follow me, we're almost there.” Erebus walked off

As Ivery's group was already ahead, Harrisen's group ran up to them to catch up.


”Here we are.” Erebus stopped walking

Everyone looked in front of them and saw the dark ominous building.

”Let's go then!” Harrisen walked towards the temple

”Wait! You're going to-!” Erebus was interrupted as a rumbling and ground shaking feeling was felt by everyone

A giant black hand came out from the ground.

Another giant black hand popped out of the ground.

Two giant heads came out of the ground their bodies followed.

Black, slim giant ghoulish monsters emerged and stood 30 feet tall. They were covered in obsidian armor from head to toe.

They carried black large swords.

They both roared as they saw the humans below them, their eyes beamed a ferocious red color.

”Let them try first..since they aggravated them first.” Ivery grinned


”There are our targets! Don't stop until they're dead!” Harrisen yelled


Fenila cast another ice storm spell, but this time larger icicles came falling down.

The dark guardians stood unphased by the attack as the icicles hit them.

”No way...” Fenila was shocked her attack didn't work

”Don't back down Fenila!” Harrisen shouted and thew his summoning spears at both of the guardians

The spears hit them and exploded.

Yet they once again stood unphased.

”Take this then!” Harrisen summoned two larger spears, equivalent to the size of a full-grown tree

”Harrisen! You know the larger spears drain your magic! The more you make the more you strain your prowess core!” Fenila yelled at him as she cast a fireball attack

”It doesn't matter! As long as we can take out these monsters, it'll be worth it!” Harrisen threw the spears at the guardians

The spears lodged themselves in the legs of both of the guardians and instantly exploded. The guardians were forced down to their knees as both of their right legs were blown off.

One of the guardians roared again and swung his sword across the area.

Harrisen, Fenila, and Ernis managed to dodge the attack. But Ternold was hit.

Ternold put all of his magic into forming a shield to block most of the impact.

Ternold slid across the ground and coughed up blood.

”Ternold!” Ernis yelled and ran towards him

”Ernis don't!” Fenila yelled



Instantly the guardian swung down his sword and crushed Ernis.


”Ernis!” Harrisen and Fenila screamed

As the guardian lifted his sword, Ernis's squashed body and organs dangled from it

Fenila and Danya gagged at the sight.

”That was stupid..” Luther lightly laughed

”Certainly.” Ivery agreed

”H-How can you guys look at that with such calm faces..?” Danya asked, ready to throw up

”He's done worst.” Ivery pointed to Luther

”I've done worst.” Luther admitted

”You've killed people?” Danya asked

”Yes.” Luther nodded

”....” Danya didn't know how to respond to that

”You too?” Danya looked at Ivery

”No, I haven't.” Ivery shook her head

”Oh..” Danya felt a bit of relief

”Well, it seems they're having a bit of trouble..” Ivery sighed

”Let's go.” Luther unsheathed his katana

”You're still going to use that after you said it was 'decent'?” Ivery asked with a grin

”It gives me a bit of a challenge.” Luther smiled

”But you're still using that fan when you have Excalibur.” Luther said

”It's pretty fun to use.” Ivery fanned herself with it

”Should you be doing that with it!?” Danya asked Ivery

”What? Fanning myself?” Ivery laughed

”Yes..isn't it a weapon?” Danya asked

”Yeah..but I control it..so I wouldn't hurt myself with it, it's harmless if I don't put any power into it.” Ivery told her

”Oh..” Danya understood

Ivery took Danya's hand and she and Luther jumped up.

”Woah..!” Danya was taken by surprise

They both soared in the air and looked blow them and saw a better view of the battle area.

They descended to the ground and stood in front of the guardians.

”I'll take the left one you take the right one.” Ivery told Luther

”Alright.” Luther nodded

”Are you crazy!? Didn't you see what just happened to Ernis!?” Fenila yelled at Ivery and Luther as she cried

”Us and her are on two different levels, she died because she decided to stupidly run across the battlefield with no second thought about herself and the enemy.” Luther turned his head and looked at Fenila with cold penetrating eyes

”How...dare you insult the deceased!” Fenila shouted

”She's dead...she can't hear me..can she?” Luther sinfully smirked

”Y-You heartless bastard!” Harrisen ground his teeth

”I sure am.” Luther said

The guardian's legs quickly healed and they stood back up.

”They can heal themselves!?” Harrisen's jaw dropped

”If the wound isn't fatal, guardians can heal any part of their bodies.” Luther told him

”That's why you always aim for their vitals when attacking.” Luther informed him

The guardian swung his sword down at Luther.

Fenila and Harrisen closely watched, anxiously waiting for Luther to get crushed.

Danya closed her eyes, not wanting to see another gruesome scene.


”You guardians aren't much, are you?” Luther smirked

Luther easily stopped the sword with the tip of his finger.

Harrisen, Fenila, and Danya opened their eyes wide and saw the unremarkable sight..

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He stopped the sword with his finger!?

Luther jumped up and landed on the guardians' sword.

He ran up the sword and headed for the guardian.

He jumped again and slashed his sword through the air. A spiraling purple light cut straight through the neck of the guardian.

The guardians' head slowly slid off of its neck and dropped on the ground, brown goo spilling out from the neck. The body dropped on the ground.

Ivery flicked her fan open and waved it twice.

A powerful wind blew and hit the guardian, instantly the guardian's body was sliced in half and before its upper body fell on the ground, its head was sliced clean off.

Brown goo oozed from its body and neck. The head rolled on the ground.

”Easy.” Ivery smiled

”Impossible...” Harrisen looked at the dead guardians

”.....” Danya was speechless

”You're amazing when you fight..” Luther walked towards Ivery, having an aching need to touch her

”So are you..” Ivery smiled

Luther pulled her closer to him and leaned down to kiss her.

As their lips touched, Ivery hooked her arms around his neck. He lifted her up off of the ground and kissed her deeper.

”They always do this..” Erebus sighed and covered his eyes

”Um..” Danya walked closer to them

”Do..you think now is the right time to..do this sort of thing?” Danya nervously asked

”Oh, right.” Ivery blushed as she parted lips with Luther and he hesitantly put her down

”Tsk.” Luther sucked his teeth

”Erebus, go get that sword they've been guarding.” Luther shouted

”Alright.” Erebus shrugged and walked to the temple

”So..so to prove you defeated the monsters..you have to bring items back..like carve their carcasses or break pieces of their armor off and collect it.” Danya explained

”Okay..” Ivery nodded

”Hey!” Harrisen yelled

”Hm?” Luther looked at him

”One of our members died! We should get most of the rewards as compensation!” Harrisen shouted

”That wasn't the deal.” Ivery narrowed her eyes

”The deals off then!” Fenila wiped her tears

Ternold limped towards his squad..

”We're not giving you most of the rewards when we killed the guardians with no help from you, just because one of your members died, it doesn't have anything to do with us.” Ivery crossed her arms

”We're taking the rewards, and that's final!” Harrisen yelled

”That's not fair!” Danya yelled back

”How about a new deal then?” Luther stepped forward

”If you can kill us, you get all of the rewards.” Luther smirked

”Sounds good to me.” Harrisen summoned his spears

”So it comes to this...” Ivery flicked her fan open

”Now, who's going to die first?” Luther sadistically grinned

