50 Chapter 48: Were Done Here 2 (1/2)


”This…isn't good…her vital organs are slowing down…” Loki scanned Ivery's body

”At this rate…she's going to die…again.” Loki told Luther

”No…” Luther felt like he failed her

”Is there anything I can do?!” Luther desperately asked

”H-Hecate will revive her…so maybe we can…let her…die?” Loki hated to say it but he was out of options

Luther furiously looked at Loki and that glare alone sent shiver's across Loki's entire being..

”I don't want to let her die again…” Luther gently laid her down on the floor

”You're going to try to heal her? I don't think it'll work since it's not an injury, illness or disease.” Loki shook his head

”I have to try something!” Luther's hands glowed with a green light and hovered over her body

”I could've given her the God tier healing pill…but.” Loki sighed

”God tier healing pill? Do you have that? Give it to her!” Luther shouted

”We used the only one I had on you…” Loki told him

”…..” Luther looked saddened once he heard that

Luther was conflicted…could he really let her die..?

”Hecate!” Luther looked up

”I know you're busy...but..Ivery's dying..!” Luther shouted


”What happened?” Hecate's glowing figure appeared

”A medicine overdose..” Luther said as he looked down at Ivery who was gasping harsher

”I see....” Hecate looked down at Ivery

”She has suffered so much...sometimes..fate can be so cruel..” She frowned

”Fate..?” Luther looked up at Hecate

”Yes...fate can be a blessing and yet a curse...for you two..it is both.” Hecate floated down and her feet touched the floor

Hecate kneeled down and pressed her finger on Ivery's forehead.

Under her fingertip, a light glow spread and covered Ivery's body.

As the light covering Ivery's body faded away, her eyes opened.

”Ivery...” Luther smiled

”Hecate? Luther?” Ivery sat up, confused about where she was and why the two of them was in front of her

”While you both are fated to be together and greatly rule together....you are both also fated to go through perilous situations....with great power comes a price, impending danger will always follow you....almost as if it's attracted to the both of you and won't stop until both of you are dead or one of you is left miserable for the rest of their life.” Hecate said

”The fact that Eos has appeared to exact revenge...is proof of that.” Hecate sighed

”We're both fated to constantly have bad things happen to us?” Ivery was grasping bits of the conversation

”Alas...” Hecate frowned

”It doesn't matter, we'll get through it..” Luther pulled Ivery close to him

”You will...in time.” Hecate smiled

”What hidden truth?” Ivery asked

”I'm not allowed to tell you yet...” Hecate said

”T-Then...could you at least tell us...if this truth changes our relationship in a good or bad way?” Ivery hoped it wasn't the latter

”I'm sure it'll change your relationship in the greatest way imaginable..” Hecate lightly blushed

”Really..?” Ivery's eyes lightly glowed, responding to her emotions

”Yes..” Hecate nodded


”Ivery...I'm taking you out of here..” Luther said

”Thank you...I'd like to go back to my room anyway..” Ivery took a deep breath

”No..out of the Hollow's Castle.” Luther was serious

”But...Beatrice will be Xia's next target if I leave..” Ivery shook her head

”Do you really think I care about that? All I care about is you...now that we know we're danger magnets...we have to be extra cautious...especially where we're living...and being in this place..you're just asking to die..” Luther said

”If you're that worried about Beatrice...I'll do everything I can to protect her from harm...” Hecate told them

”Wait...really?” Ivery looked up at Hecate

”Yes, it is not too much of a problem...she shouldn't have to die all over again because of someone else...” Hecate said

”Thank you..” Ivery smiled

Hecate nodded with a gentle smile and faded away into nothing..


”It's time to go...we don't have to be in this place anymore...” Luther picked Ivery up

”Okay...” Ivery turned her head and saw Loki

”You're here too..? Why are you in your original form..?” Ivery asked